What are the interesting places worth visiting Mexico City?


If you came to the capital of Mexico, Mexico City is just a few days, but you want to get the most vivid picture of his culture, traditions and exciting history I recommend to include the following most significant objects and attractions in the visiting program.

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1. Squalo Square is one of the symbols of the capital Mexico and one of the largest areas in the world. Its second name sounds like the "Constitution Square". It occupies a fairly large territory - in 240 square meters. You can explore the buildings located here here, the ancient capital of the Aztecs, as well as see the most beautiful buildings and structures of the colonial period. On the one hand, this area is framed by the building of the presidential palace, on the other - the most beautiful Cathedral, with the third-majestic city council. The fourth side of Sokalo occupies a stylized near the hotel and famous since since since since ancient times. "Mount Mercy". Not far from this area there is a famous pyramid, where the top was once stood the monumental temple of the gods of the Sun and Rain.

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2. The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is, perhaps, one of the brightest monuments of the colonial period architecture. Communted several architectural styles in it. You will meet elements and baroque, and neoclassicism, and gothic, and Renaissance. Work on the construction of the cathedral began in the middle of the 16th century. The main goal, which was raised - to declare the world about the superiority and greatness of the Spanish crown. Since its foundation, this cathedral began to play a particularly important role in the political, cultural, and religious life of the country. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was in this cathedral that a solemn ceremony for the coronation of Emperor Maximilian Habsburg and Empress Charlotte Belgian was held. Unfortunately, in 1962, a large fire and the building had happened here very much. In the course of the restoration work carried out later, it was still possible not only to recreate the primordial appearance of the object, but also find a number of new works of art, as well as documents with historical significance. Despite its very solid age, this cathedral is up to this day plays a significant role for the local population. Touch the history of significant attractions today and tourists can today.

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3. The temple of Major Tenochtitlan was one of the most important temples in the capital of the ancient state of Aztecs (modern Mexico City). This is a 60-meter pyramid located in the heart of the city. Here, on her top once stood two temples. One was named Witilopotley in honor of the God of the Sun and War, the second temple - in honor of Tlalok, the Rain and fertility god. The construction was built at the beginning of the 14th century, and by the 16th century temples were already the center of the religious life of the Aztecs, which lived in Mexico. Many small buildings and platforms around the object formed a whole complex. True, it was completely completely destroyed in 1521, thanks to Spanish conquistadors, headed by Hern Cortes. The ruins of the lower part of the object were found during the construction work carried out only at the end of the 20th century. Currently, these ruins of the temple have the status of the museum and are open to visiting tourists.

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4. The National Museum of Anthropology Mexico City is today one of the most important such institutions in Mexico. It contains among its exhibits the largest collection of the artifacts of the Precucumbian period. The museum was opened in 1964, and he occupies the territory of almost eight hectares. There are more than 20 pavilions that surround its courtyard, as well as several open areas. The essential part of the modern area of ​​the museum is devoted to the ancient art of the peoples of Maya and Aztecs, but also there are exhibitions on the art of this region of modern days. The main exhibition of the museum you will visit includes the famous "Sun Stone", more famous for tourists as a Mayan calendar. The tasks of the modern museum include not so much preservation or popularization of the culture of ancient Mexico, but also an increase in interest in the culture of the peoples of other countries. In this regard, the museum regularly conduct exhibitions that are devoted to the culture and traditions of different regions of the world.

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5. Teotihuacan is the oldest city of the entire Western hemisphere, which is located near the northeast of Mexico City. His age is about two thousand years. The name of the city in the literal translation means "the place where the gods are born." The area of ​​this settlement in antiquity was slightly less than 30 square kilometers, and the population is 200 thousand people. The mystery remains why people of the once prosperous civilization left this place and did not leave a single written source about it. It is reliably known that the civilizations of mesoamers were remarkably understood in astronomy. They built stone calendars and were fond of large-scale drawings, which are distinguishable from the sky. The center of this ancient city is located "Citadel". Its inner area is limited to several massive pyramids standing on the platforms. The central part of the complex is Cetzalcoatlia or the pyramid of the Pernomy Snake. Two palaces are connected to it: North and South. One of the iconic buildings of Teotihuakana is the famous pyramids of the moon and the sun. In the first archaeologists found a camera, in the center of which is located a large mosaic, made of jade and surrounded by 18 obsidian knives. There was no such anywhere in Mesoames. If you raise the pyramid of the moon, you can see the central axis of the city. The sun's pyramid is constructed from a cobblestone, clay and land, after which it was lined with a stone. Date of its construction - about 150 BC. e. The structure is a construction of several tiers with a flat vertex. Here once stood a small temple. The height of the pyramid itself is more than 60 meters, the length of each side of the base is more than 200 meters. At the top of the pyramid, a sign of the yellow metal is indicated by the center of the force intensified in the stones. Try to establish a connection with space.

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