Shopping in Dadunhae: What is worth buying?


Resting in Dadunhai, do not forget that this is China. So here you can buy a lot of interesting things. Yes, and little tourist will give up the souvenir for memory for himself and as a present to loved ones and friends.

What is interesting to bring from Dadonghai.

1. Chinese tea - The leader among the fact that tourists are carrying home. Especially here it is high quality and very tasty. Sellers will gladly give to try interesting varieties, tell you how to brew, and most importantly drink tea. After such master classes, you realize that before that day, all that you did with tea was wrong. Brewing wrong, I didn't drink right! Varieties for sale a huge amount, you can get confused in the choice, so be ready for this that the time will have to spend a lot to find your special taste. Wireless varieties will be such a variety of teas as: "Winner of the Emperor"; "Milk Ulong"; "Alecetic East."

My advice to you, do not take tea for the weight, who knows what the seller who has accounted for there.

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2. Chinese pearls . In Dadunhai you can buy, both river and sea pearls. The difference is of course colossal, both in the price and in the appearance of the product. On the collapse they sell a cheap river pearl, but externally, it still looks pretty. But the marine round, perfect shape, a bead to the bead. From it most often make jewelry. The most expensive is black pearls. Keep in mind that it is with a pearl with a lot of all kinds of fakes. Do not risk, buy ordinary decoration: Pearl thread.

Tip: To make sure the pearls, spend their friend about a friend if the surface remains smooth - it means an artificial pearl. The present, high-quality surface will be rough in this place!

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3. Chinese silk . This product China is famous for more than a dozen years. In Dadunhai you can buy silk bathrobes, bed linen, night shirts, dresses, pillows, blankets and a lot more. Often on similar products, there are all sorts of embroidery: dragons, hieroglyphs, landscapes or flowers. But the most important thing is quality. This silk does not burn and does not mind! And also, this fabric has a beneficial effect on the human body. So they say all sellers and guides. I do not know if it is true or not, but I bought a silk chamber. My mood is exactly raising.

Tip: The lighter the thing from silk, the more cheaper it is!

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4. Exotic fruits . What is just not selling here: Mango, Guava, Rambutan, Papaya, Lichi, Maracuy, Coconuts. The only moment is the transportation of fruits in the plane, do not give them to the luggage, and carry them in hand baggles, otherwise they will ruin. Separately, I want to pay attention to such a fruit as Durian. Many are probably familiar with him, but I repeat. Be careful with it, it has an extremely specific smell. From which it is difficult to get rid of.

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Fruit Durian

5. Chinese umbrellas . This beauty is China's heritage. Bright, beautiful. As a souvenir for women and children a win-win version. By the way, they are made and paint them into manual. We can say that these umbrellas are handmade artwork.

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6. Chinese alcohol . Very thermonuclear thing, both in degrees and externally. This is a transparent bottle with vodka in which the snake is placed (not alive). Typically, all sorts of herbs and ginseng root are added for taste and sharpness. Of course, this drink is ominous.

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7. Clothes . In shopping centers Dadonghai many clothing stores, both adults and children. Many copies of famous brands. That's what noticed. The quality of Chinese clothing in Russia is often very low. But here, on the contrary, things are high-quality, interesting and prices for them are low.

During the purchase, everywhere you need to bargain. Call the lowest price for the goods, the seller will resist for a long time, but as soon as you want to go to the next store, immediately give way. This applies to all stores other than government with a fixed price. There is a price reduction there only during sales.

As for the sale, then they occur here for the next days.

1. Chinese New Year

2. First May

3. Education Day PRC

Also, there are seasonal discounts. Prices may decline very seriously, up to 80%. Some stores introduce a limit on the number of purchased goods by one buyer.

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