Useful information about the holiday in Burma.


Several tips for going to Myanmar:


Currency in Myanmar - Chiant (Kyat). Over the past few years, the dollar exchange rate in Burma has changed a little bit, but in general 1 dollar is always equal to about 1000 kyatam. Exchangers are not uncommon at large centers of Burma. International ATMs are available in major tourist areas - Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan and Inle. Credit cards are gradually gaining popularity, but still used only in hotels better and restaurants more expensive.

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Burma is a fairly safe country. Yes, it happens small theft, but violent crimes against foreigners are a big rarity. Most clashes occur due to the lack of proper respect for cultural standards, for example, when tourists do not remove shoes or do not cover the bare parts of the body in the temples. Always remember these elementary rules in order not to bring trouble. In some parts of Burma and to this day, conflicts occur between the central government and ethnic groups, so you can go there either on special permissions or areas are completely closed. But it is worth knowing that the main tourist destinations are always safe, and to tourists here are very good!


Most policemen in Myanmar do not speak English - sorry. Tourist police should, in theory, speak a little English - look for this help in the revive parts of the cities. To cause the police, you need to call the number 199.

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When the World Health Organization last estimated the health care system in Burma, the country took 190th place from 190 countries. Bad! If you have the opportunity, in serious cases it is better to go beyond the borders of Burma, for example, in Thailand, where there are very good clinics. It is strongly recommended to accommodate tourist insurance, which can cover the cost of evacuation. If you are going to make excursions or bike in the mountains, then insurance is a necessity.

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The Mianma transport system may seem a bit dyed, but you will surely always take it where it is necessary. Good buses are already quietly appearing - but only in large bus companies. Such buses run for the most part between the main tourist sites. The remaining buses are impressive much less - sometimes this ride can be called inadequate.

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The trains are very popular among the locals, today they are also upgraded, but old trains still drive, and this also has its own charm.

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There are in Myanmar and a few airports. But domestic flights can be canceled or transferred to such a simple reason as an insufficient number of passengers. Contact local travel agencies - they will select the best flight options.


National language in Myanmar - Burmese. The main phrases can be easily learned and used, but the grammatical structure and Scripture learns with difficulty. Yes, and you can do the full pair of the main proposals. By the way, you can learn to recognize the structures according to the main words at the end of the sentence. If the offer ends on 'deh' or 'Meh' is a statement. If it ends on 'bu' is denial. If it ends on 'La' or 'Leh' is a question.

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Many young people in Burma speak English, but no longer shake at all. In some states of the country live people who speak their own language, and sometimes they do not even understand Burmese. In general, the locals are very friendly, smiling, pleasant, even if they do not fully understand you. Smile in response, ready to help, do not mind trying a picture. Contact can be installed very easily, and it is always nice.


According to the World Health Organization for Burma walks cholera. However, unfortunately, the vaccination and medicines cannot fully protect us from infection with this terrible disease. Cholera is transmitted with food, water or household method. Most often through raw or poorly cooked products (in particular, seafood and fruit). Wash the fruit, gentlemen! And at the first signs of the disease, contact the hospital! Be sure to make vaccinations from the yellow fever. A terrible dangerous viral disease, accompanied by chills, pain in muscles and hemorrhages. You can get infected by this bjaka anywhere, because this mosquito is transferred to fever! Fever can lead to death, so it is not necessary to relate to vaccinations. You need to get in a month, well, at least 10 days before departure (and at the same time start taking antimalarial means). It is also recommended to hurt from hepatitis A (2 weeks before departure, and then six months), abdominal typhoid (1-2 weeks before vacation), diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B (course must be completed in half a year before departure or already in place ) And meningitis A + C (2 weeks before departure - protection will be 3-5 years old). In general, these vaccinations clearly do not interfere. If you are going to Burma from May to October, it is worth getting a Japanese encephalitis. You can make vaccination right in Burma. The carriers of this disease, again, mosquitoes - they are actively manned in rice fields, so if they gathered on a tour of the fields, it is better to progress. Already the first two doses of vaccine with a probability of 80% will protect you from the disease. The last injection needs to be done at least 10 days before departure from Burma. If you are afraid to infect rabies, then the vaccine rate is best spent a month before the tour. There are statistics that 3-4 dogs from one hundred in these areas are sick with rabies. Scary, yes? Immunity from vaccination is enough for three years.

And a bit more

Myanmar - in general, one of the least developed countries in Southwestern.

Useful information about the holiday in Burma. 16821_7

Due to political problems and sanctions for almost 50 years, foreign tourists began to be in Burma only in recent years, and even still relate to Myanmar wary. Yangon is the most developed city in the country, but even there is restless, although very interesting. In general, Burma is not a place for those who crave luxury, beach recreation and comfort. First of all, Burma is a place for those who are interested in local culture and who wish to gain adventures.

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