What time is it better to go to rest in Tanzun Benoa?


In Tanzun Benoa all year hot - 26 ° C- 29 ° C, and the sea is almost always warm. But there are two clearly pronounced seasons -Shoy and wet. Rain season It happens here from October to March - at this time the rains go almost daily, but not around the clock, as many people imagine. The rainy months of the year - December, January and February.

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All summer in this area, as well as Bali, a little bit more cool (but not cold, of course) - just blowing refreshing breeches, and breathes easier. That's what it is Dry season (To be more accurate, it lasts from April to October) and at the same time, the best year of the year for the visit of Tanzong Benoa. The dry season on Bali in the world of tourism is considered a high season - after all, people are so afraid to swell, and therefore travel agencies without a revelation of conscience raise prices for vouchers (whereas in the "wet" season you can safely save on a travel).

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Also, prices for tours are high in Christmas and for the new year, when prices for trips are higher, as the people collect suitcases, in order to spend holidays in a more exotic setting, despite the real opportunity to get under sudden and short thunderstorms in the second half. By the way, the rainy season on Bali is not so terrible. Simply, if you gathered for a walk in the afternoon, grab the umbrella with you - in order to at least go to the nearest restaurant and pass there these two hours. Of course, you can follow the weather forecasts, but local meteorologists are sometimes difficult to ensure precipitation. For example, it often happens so that the most terrible rainy rain season may not be, but in July or August you who tuned to the dry season will meet short daily rains.

Read more about Seasons:

Low: January 9 - the end of June; mid-September - December 20

High: July; beginning of September - mid-September; Chinese New Year and Easter Week.

Peak season: August; December 20 - January 9. By the way, in August, the air temperature is slightly lower than the remaining months, but this is a very dry month (the most dry per year). In the peak season, the island is filled with tourists from various countries, but it is not necessary to especially worry if you are going to the young resort of Tanzun Benoa - it may well be located guests who did not find a place in Kuta or Nusa Dua, different hotels (however, expensive ).


It is no secret that the majority of tourists go to Tanzong Benoa for water sports. In particular, surfing (in order to ride a "bun" or "banana" of special conditions, in contrast to the surfing, when the wind and waves are needed). In general, I would like to note that the surfing on Bali fantastic during the year, and in general Bali is Mecca for Surfer. But something is too calm, and once too dangerous. From April to October, the surfing is better to do on the west coast, and from November to March - on the east coast, where our Tanjun Benoa is located. It is not surprising that it is in the dry season at a resort there is so many Surfers - yes so that sometimes it becomes closely.

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Do not worry once again about this. Yes, sometimes underground boils happen to Bali, but they are not so strong and scary to spoil the trip or become a disaster. Over the past year, only two small earthquakes happened to Bali (compared with other Indonesian Islands that shook 10-20 times a year). The last time a little taped Kutu by 4 points (this means that tourists could feel the concussion inside the buildings). Actually, the South Bali shakes more than other parts of the island - but always on 4-5 points, which is not scary and threatens the maximum of a small fright (and not even broken plates and drooping the ceiling) .. The only one and three years ago Kuta rose with force in 6.1 Score (this is when the furniture is moving and staggers, chairs are falling, cooks rattles, and people are not frightened). In short, do not worry - unlike the prediction of rains, the specialists will definitely predict that an earthquake is expected to such and such an hour of the day is expected - however, some time of the year, when earthquakes occur more often, no.


Three volcanoes on Bali: Bathan, Battur and Agung. Bathan is a caldera (a hollow with steep walls and an even bottom of volcanic origin), which surrounds the valley with geothermal sources and dense forests. Volcanic activity in the Brother's area, maybe once was, but when exactly - no one can say, probably several thousand years ago. Battur is also caldera. The activities of the volcano are moderate in nature, several times the volcano poured lava lava and nearby villages (as, for example, in 1963-1964). Yes, and today there are underground shocks and sometimes - the release of ash (last time in 1999). But this is also not as scary and dangerous, so curious tourists are constantly shouted today.

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Agung - StratovOLKO (conical shape), the highest point of the island and the sacred mountain among local. The last time the Agung was erupted in 1963, and it was rather epic, with lava and lahars (this is when the dirt and stones are streams with the slopes of the volcano, and then it is ugly freezing at the foot). And then a lot of people died - and from the ejection of rocks, and from Lahar. The activity of the volcano was visible even in Europe and North America (the sunset was bright). 15 years ago at the foot of Agunga had several fires, but since then, he does not give special trouble to residents.

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However, between Tanjun Benoa and volcanoes, which are about one place, the hour is two rides, so, even if there is something to explode or crawl out, it will not really affect you (unlike residents of villages at the foot of volcanoes) . The main thing is not to climb to Agungu, it seems to me, but to Baturi and Brother - for God's sake!


The underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean, which happened in December 2004, caused Tsunami - it was recognized as the most deadly natural disaster in the famous person of history. Earth shook with force 9.1 - 9.3 points (and the maximum value -10). The epicenter of the earthquake was in the Indian Ocean, that is, Indonesia covered specifically. But Bali Tsunami was not strongly touched - Java and Sumatra took the whole blow to herself. However, it is not necessary to hope that, once he joined, swept now. Of course, the system of warning about tsunami - such is everywhere in the countries washed by the Indian and the Pacific Ocean. But such a warning is likely to be suitable for other countries, and Bali will demolish immediately - the wave can reach the coast 15 minutes after the jokes. The problem is that if the earthquakes are not particularly worried about Bali, then it will be difficult to get away from a huge wave - after all, all tourist areas are in lowland, on the coast. The wave can be 60 meters in height, but ironically, due to certain rules on the Bali buildings, there may not be higher coconut palms (that is, 30 meters). Tsunami can be seen on the shore of the minutes for fifteen- the water very much retreats, the noise of the surf is not heard, however, the bulk-like sounds from the ocean side.

They ate you are very much afraid of the tsunami, to reduce the chances of being affected by the tsunami, you can stay at the hotel more and away from the beach, and if the wave is coming - when you first warning, try to remove from the shore away from the car. I hope I did not scare anyone?

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