Rest in the bar: Useful information


I will say a few words about how we turned out to be in Montenegro in the city of Bar. We managed to visit this amazing country in September 2014. Because the abroad leave for several times a year, and this pleasure is not cheap, they decided that we will take a breakdown in Montenegro.

We waited when the plane tickets will already be completed, then the price of the ticket went down. At that moment, the travel agency booked a trip to us, but it turned out that the hotel we liked for armor was not available. Let's call the tour operator, found out that all budget hotels are busy, except for the hotel Faros (Pharos) in the city of Bar. As a result, a ticket with a flight of Moscow - Podgorica for 7 nights cost us a little less than 20 thousand rubles. The ticket book was booked at the tour operator Biblogobus.

1. Accommodation.

It should be noted that in the city of Bar, among our hotel, there is another hotel Princess, which is located on the beach. Our Pharos Hotel is located away from the beach, go 7-10 walking, past a big new church. I have not seen other hotels, you may be away from the sea. I am sure that there are many private hotels in the bar that do not work with the main Russian tour operators and are suitable more independent rest.

Hotel Pharos is a mini-hotel, just 30 rooms. In Montenegro, such hotels are built very interestingly: first put a time with all the amenities, which they also pass, simultaneously plant oranges in the courtyard. As a result, when the trees are already growing and the hotel has already been built, in the yard it turns out a pretty gazebo with ripening fruits.

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2. Nutrition.

The hotel provided the HB system, i.e. Breakfast and dinner included. We dined basically in the fact that they bought in the store, or snacks on the beach, or fed in restaurants provided by excursions. The hotel has two large supermarkets, which are designed for the local population. Prices coincide with Russian, something more expensive, something cheaper. On the beach there are cafes and all sorts of trays offering pizza, kebabs and so on.

3. Beach.

In the city, the beaches are not equipped with properly. On the beach cobblestones and large pebbles. Almost no one bathes there. Once we went to the red beach along Trasa, as we go to the sea - right past the park. Go far enough. The guideline is to the right of your Mountain Mountain from the Red Stone. Back we decided to go by bus. However, the bar is a very big problem with transport, buses, of course, are found, but extremely rare. As a result, they got back by a private car, paid something around 1.5 euros per person. The bus costs 50 cents.

Another good place for swimming is the town of Sutumor. There is a sandy beach and petty pebbles. This is a favorite place for locals, and in September at the end of the tourist season there were especially many of them. The beach is fallen from the winds by the wall, from this there was very warm even in September. Honestly, I liked SUUUMOR, on top of the beach there is a long embankment, where tourists roam around there. Souvenirs, beach accessories are sold, cafes with pizza and ice cream. By the way, it will be quite inexpensive to eat here: a large piece of pizza will cost 1 - 1.5 euros, 2 euro drink. Agree, this is quite inexpensive for Russians. You can get to Sutumor on a flight bus for 50 cents or taxi.

Lovers of pure sand are best headed from the bar to Ultsin. The sea go very far away, which is a positive point for recreation with children.

4. Attractions.

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Really interesting for visiting is the old bar. This part of the bar is located in a far from the city, on the mountain. There were familiar who reached the old bar on foot. Taxis from the temple costs 5 euros. Back as much. We were three, so the price is quite acceptable. The entrance to the city-museum is about 2 euros. The museum part of the city has a toilet.

The old town of the bar visited themselves that we were fully arranged. The city has survived well, another 200 years ago, people lived here. In this place are just extraordinary photos! As houses are located high on the mountain, you can capture a great view of the city bar from above. On the other side of the city flows waterfall. There is also an old aqueduct. Found several lattices, the room filled with water is very poorly visible. The guide on another excursion told the bike that tourists rushed into one of these wells a stone and could not wait for the sound of his fall. In general, a very mysterious place worthy of your attention!

Coming from the museum you can buy various souvenirs: magnets, painted plates, antiques. All at reasonable prices, for example, a magnet costs 1 - 1.5 euros.

5. Excursions.

I will say a few words about the excursion program. Taking advantage of previous experience, tours of the tour operator did not take. In the bar you can buy excursions on the waterfront. Girls selling tours appear there only in the evening, and work somewhere up to eight or nine in the evening. Prices for vouchers somewhere and a half more cheaper than the tour operator with whom you arrived. Two excursions took: "Canyons" and Kotor Cetini Bay ". Excursions bought a woman on the embankment near the Princess hotel. Each of them cost 40-45 euros per person. Lunch in the program is not included.

In the first excursion you will be transported almost all over Montenegro, from the south to the north to the town of Zhamber. And you will visit the black lake in the reserve. By the way, the entrance of the Durmador Reserve is paid, costs 3 euros, the fee is not included in the excursion. On the way, see the two deepest canyon, as well as a unique bridge over the canyon of Juryvich engineer, 172 meters high, which was built in the years of World War II.

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Peer in a short time to Morach's monastery, where the guide will show you the church with the painting, which is considered to be in Montenegro canonical. To be honest, the excursion a little disappointed me. I would like more hiking along the canyon, and not 15-minute stops for photographing. Some pictures were made directly from the bus, as it is not possible to exit on the track.

The second excursion liked more and it is less tedious. You will visit the ancient city. In the city is interesting churches 11-12 centuries, one Orthodox, other Catholic. The city has a house without balconies, a silent witness of the earthquake. After visiting the city with picturesque streets, you will go on a serpentine upside down. Somewhere on 26 turns, and they are numbered, a gorgeous view of the entire Boko-Kotor Valley opens, where all tourist buses seek. Visit the monastery in Cetini is more suitable for believers. Rules of the monastery are strict: power open strictly on schedule.

6. Transport.

Let's just say, with transport in the bar just trouble. We traveled to Sutumor on a bus that go extremely sometimes. The schedule of such a bus is not written anywhere. When the second time decided to go to the same side, the bus did not wait, waited about half an hour. For example, in Budva, you can also go on a bus, you also need to reach the station in the bar. We did not take risks: I think that we would have managed to leave, but it was still necessary to return, and the buses rarely go.

In general, I recommend renting a car. This is the first European country I visited, and I wanted to have a personal car at hand.

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