Rest in Surabay: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer.


How to get to Surabai?


Surabaya Juanda International Airport, Sub) - the second under workability in the country after Jachart Sukarno Hatta.

Rest in Surabay: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer. 16686_1

Jakarta and other major Indonesian cities are very often landed here, as well as there are frequent direct international flights from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Bandar Series-Begawana. In February 2014, Terminal 2 was opened, and all international flights and some domestic flights moved here from the old terminal. From Moscow, there are no direct flights to Surabay, minimum with 1 transfer, and on the way will have to reach at least 15 hours.

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To get from the airport to the city, you must buy a taxi coupon with a fixed fee in "Prima Taxi". The Suraba Airport is not so far from the city, but the road to it runs such a cunning way that a taxi ride takes good half an hour and will cost you $ 8-10 depending on the location of your hotel. If you decide to save time and go on a paid road from the airport (which is shorter), you will still pay extra. You can take the bus from Damri (the same company as in Jakarta), which goes to Bungurasih bus station. Buses stop in front of the terminal, they, as a rule, with air conditioning and comfortable enough, and the ticket is worth RP 15,000. The bus station, however, the place is very restless and it is only a little closer to the city center than the airport - and there it makes sense to go there, only if you are going to go further by bus to another city (for example, in Malang or Titing), well, or if we agree with The bus station continue to go on local buses.

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The airport charges a fee in the amount of RP 200,000 with passengers departing international flights and RP 75000 - internal flights. This tax must be paid by cash in the reception, only if you do not fly by the internal flights of Garuda Indonesia & Citilink, where this tax is already included in the ticket price.

By train

In Surabai there are two main railway stations - Surabaya Pasar Turi and Surabaya Gubeng. Places on the train to Eksekutif (first class) or "Bisnis" (second class) can be reserved up to 30 days before a trip to any major railway station on Java.

Stasiun Pasar Turi.

Trains from Jakarta, next to the northern line, are going at least ten hours, while trains following the southern main line, ride at least 15 hours. Argo Bromo Anggrek, Sembrani and Gumarang trains are most often over the northern line, and the train companies Bima- in South. All trains have air conditioning, at least in first-class cars (Eksekutif).

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Stasiun Gubeng.

Trains from Bandung and Jokyakarta, as a rule, arrive at this station. Slow and always completely clogged with passengers local economy-class trains from Malanga, following the cat's station (also known as Semut) also pass through the Gubang station.

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On the boat

Pt Angkutan Sungai Danau Dan PeñeberanGan (ASDP) - Daily Ferry Message from the port of Kamala on Madura Island to Port Tanjung Perak to Surabai.

Pt Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) - Passenger ships from many large port cities throughout Indonesia arrive in Tanjung Perak.

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By bus

Surabaya has a bus service with all the ages of Eastern Java and major cities in other parts of Java and beyond. The main bus station is located in Bunguursih, about 10 km south of the city.

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There are frequent buses from Malanga (RP 20,000 for air-conditioned buses, cheaper for economy option) and tascloving. Rally bus trips to book better in advance. At the stations you will come across people who will try to drag you off the buses of private companies. It is not dangerous, just more expensive. Compare prices with the official price list at the platform. Although even at the ticket offices, train stations can sell private buses at overpriced prices. Perhaps it makes sense to bargain if the price is of course too high. Prices may be slightly higher on weekends and holidays.

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On the route taxi

In Indonesia, the minibuses call "Travel". On Java, there are a lot of companies offering travel on such a minibus, including there is a whole bunch of Malanga and Jokyakarta. Minibasses are more comfortable and more expensive than public buses. Tickets can be ordered in advance in the offices of companies, as well as many hotels and travel agencies.

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How to move on Suraba?

By taxi

Taxis are numerous on the streets of the city. It is better to use a taxi-taught Blue Bird Group (+ 62 31 3721234), Orenz Taxi (+62 31 8799999), Silver and Express. Always insist on the use of the counter, although in proven companies it is always used. A trip through the entire city is worth the order of RP 20,000 and RP 70,000 to the airport.

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The starting rate is almost all firms - RP 5000 and RP 325 for each subsequent 100 m or minute in traffic. In the taxi "From the street" there is no accurate payment rules. But everywhere the amount is always rounded, and small tips are valued (although they are not mandatory). If the counter shows a non-circular sum, it is considered polite rounding the passage for the passage - that's tips.

By train

Suburban trains are extremely limited, and they follow only some of the parts of Surabai and Sidorjo. Railway stations in Surabay: Vonocromo, Gubang, Pasar Tour and Semit.

By bus

Buses are usually very crowded. There are two types: standard buses that are more popular, and buses Patas (it is assumed that this is a first-class transport, but in fact it is still ... a regular bus).

On the bus

Minibilities - Bemo in Eastern Java, is sometimes called Angcot (Angkot) or a microlet (Mikrolet). There are a lot of them in Surabai. Basically, they are without air conditioning, without a counter or fixed passage of the passage (sometimes you can bargain). Minibuses are cheaper than a taxi, but they are often in a very deplorable state.

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On the net

This is traditional transport in Surabae, but the pencils are rarely used by tourists, since they are not allowed to ride on the main streets, where there are tourists.

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By car

In Suraba, many car rental companies, however, the range of cars in firms is not so big. You can look at TRINITAR (JL JEMUR ANDAYANI 21.38) or "CIPAGANTI" (JL S. PARMAN III NO 12 RAYA WARU).

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