Rest in Annapurna: Useful Tips for tourists


Track around Annapurna or "Annapurna Ring is probably one of the most famous and popular tracks among tourists who love to relax in Nepal. Usually beginners choose this track, because it is short enough (only 3-4 days), the route is interesting and the height is comfortable for the body about 3000-3500 meters.

This story will be useful to those who first want to go to this track, but it is concerned about their physical abilities due to the lack of experience in mountain campaigns, i.e. for newbies.

This story happened in May 2013. Two brave girls from Kharkov decided to discover Nepal and Himalayas for themselves, as well as go to their first track.

Of course, they were theoretically prepared with the help of various forums on the Internet, bought equipment and skipping to the mountains (PermT) and went hiking.

It is worth noting that the conductor they flatly refused to take, because It was believed that the conductor would be to prevent them from enjoying the campaign and be confused under their feet, they went together.

The track they passed in 3 days, while not having any physical fitness (office workers), having a lot of smoking experience and appearing in the mountains for the first time.

Impressions, of course, they were not very joyful from the campaign and they swore are very not literary expressions, because They understood in practice that several annoying miscalculations allowed.

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First, they did not take with them tourist canes that allow to significantly unload the musculoskeletal system during lines and descents. Therefore, that they would have to "survive" them had to make canes from the girlfriend - these were curves and heavy squigs.

Second times, they almost got lost.

Thirdly, without a conductor, it was difficult for them to find a good accommodation for overnight stay in the mountains.

Therefore, for those who wanted to go to Himalaya, the conductor is simply necessary for a particularly first time on an unfamiliar route, the cost of its services is insignificant, only 10 cu. per day, and it does not matter that he does not know a word in Russian, the main thing - he knows the terrain and route.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that mountainous tourism in Nepal is a rather dangerous occupation, and it is necessary to approach the campaign with maximum seriousness.

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According to statistics, about 10 tourists die annually in the Himalayas, and the same amount disappears forever. At the airport and on the streets of Kathmandu, you can often see photos of the tourists missing in the Himalayas.

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