What is worth viewing in Sinai?


The history of the resort town of Sinai begins at the end of the 18th century, when the construction of the Orthodox Monastery (Rum. Mănăstirea Sinaia) began on these lands of Knnyaze Miham Kantakzino.

The foundation of the monastery is considered to be 1690-1695. Cantakuzino decided to build a monastery in this place after his pilgrimage on holy places on the Sinai Peninsula, to the monastery of St. Catherine. Accordingly, in honor of this event, a built monastery and got his unusual name for Romania. Since its founding, this monastery is male.

Now Sinai monastery - It is both active monastery and an architectural historical monument. Here in the museum are stored ancient icons and rare church books, products from ceramics and china, other household items and church utensils of the XVI-XIX centuries. Also among exhibits can be viewed on the first Bible, which was translated into Romanian.

Initially, at the base of the monastery, only the fraternal corps and one church was built (now it is called the old church).

In the fraternal building, the walls are painted with beautiful frescoes on the plots from the gospel. Also inside the small (now invalid) church is preserved.

The frescoes adorning the old church were fully preserved after the fire, they were renovated in 1795. They can be seen not only inside the church, but also on the head of the porch, where Emmanuel Savior depicted.

According to the intention, Michase Cantakuzino, the number of inhabitants in the Sinai monastery should be equal to 12 people (according to the number of apostles).

During the Russian-Turkish War (1735-1739) during the siege, the Turks of the monastery walls were severely damaged. The monastery itself was abandoned, and all his values ​​were looted. Later everything was restored.

In the middle of the XIX century, a new church (Kafolikon) of the monastery was erected on the territory of the monastery. Its interior decoration is made in the neologantine style.

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The pride of the Church and the entire Sinai Monastery are two icons: Sergius of Radonezh and Nicholas Wonderworker. They were granted by the Russian emperor Nikolai II in 1903. Also in the sequence of the Church there is an image of the founder of the monastery - Micah Cantakuzino.

By the way, despite the founder's plan, now there are 13 monks in the monastery.

Another interesting point. At one time, the church became the first in Romania, where electric lighting was conducted.

A bell tower was built next to the gate of the monastery at the end of the 19th century, in which only one bell was installed (1700 kilograms).

In one of the chapels of the Sinai Monastery, Romanian politician such a landmark was buried.

I almost forgot, entrance to the territory of the monastery is free.

Royal Palace Pelsh.

Everything began with the fact that Romanian king Kalol I visited these places in 1866. They strongly reminded him of native Germany. A few years later, these lands were bought by the king, and originally used as his hunting grounds and a summer residence. But this was not enough. Monarch ordered to build a palace in Sinai, who received his name from the nearby mountain river - Peles. After building the palace, the town of Sinah became one of the frequent stays of the royal family.

For a long time, the Royal Polesh Palace along with Sinah was a residence of the Romanian kings, more than a summer. Here they loved to spend days and rest King Karol I and Queen Elizabeth (his wife).

Now the Polesh Palace consider one of the most beautiful castles in Europe. And for Sinai - this is one of the most important attractions. In essence and architecture, Pelesh is a palace, but nevertheless, it is most often called a castle.

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At the heart of the architecture of the palace building lies the style of "German Renaissance", but also present elements of Gothic, Baroque, Italian Renaissance. Inside the castle there are a lot of different sculptures, the palace interior is richly and elegantly decorated with marble and tree. In the halls of the Pele, one of the best collection of paintings in Europe is stored (a total of 2 thousand canvases). In addition, in the palace, you can see the rich collections of other works of art - furniture, weapons and military armor, gold and silver ornaments, carpets and tapestries, leather, porcelain and ivory products. The collection of weapons and armor of the castle of the Pelesh is generally almost the largest in Europe and has more than 4,000 items. Very impressive hand-painted stained glass windows from Switzerland.

The Peles Castle Square is 3200 square meters, and this is more than 160 rooms and 30 bathrooms.

Before the main entrance to the palace installed the statue of Karol I. On the territory of the palace, a stunning park is broken. Gardens and numerous park terraces are decorated with statues, flower beds, fountains, stairs and other decor details. For the winter months, the bulk of sculptures is covered with a film.

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The park also has a monument to the spouse of Carol I, Queen Elizabeth, where it is captured behind embroidery.

The Museum is open on the territory of the castle "Peles". His time of operation: from 9:00 to 17:00 from Wednesday to Sunday. It is important to remember that in November, it is closed for visitors.

The entrance to the museum is possible only as part of the groups accompanied by a guide, the groups are formed in languages ​​(there are excursions and in Russian). But in principle, by purchasing entrance tickets, you can "win" in any language group.

The cost of the entrance ticket directly depends on the volume of the excursion:

• visits to the halls of only the first floor (45-minute excursion) - 20 lei;

• an in-depth inspection of the first and second floors (approximately 1.5 hours) - 50 lei;

• A full-fledged excursion, during which tourists attend three floors (lasts 2.5 hours) - 70 lei.

Additionally, the photo- (32 lei) and video (50 lei) are paid.

This palace complex also includes Castle Pelisor Located next to Pelley.

Pelisor was built at the junction of the XIHX century also by order of King Carol I, and was built in modern style. This palace was assumed as a summer residence for the King's nephew family, the heir to the Romanian throne of Ferdinand.

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Palace Pelishor is small compared to the main palace, but his interior decoration is very rich. And the main hall and the main dining room are simply affected by the grace. It really is impossible to describe these words. The main hall, by the way, has a height of three floors (!), Huge windows and a stunning stained glass ceiling.

Tourists are now able to explore the interior and the exposition of the museum organized in Pelishor Palace. Tickets can be purchased at the Palace Casse, but it closes a little earlier.

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