What should you expect from rest in Sinai?


Sinai (Rum. Sinaia) is a city in Romania, located in the valley of the Prakhoy River in the area of ​​the so-called South Carpathians. The distance from the Romanian capital, Bucharest, is approximately 125 kilometers (I do not know, there is a lot or a little - we drove our car from the side of Galats and Buza).

The city received its name from the ancient Orthodox monastery, strong, around which was gradually formed.

The population of the city is small, a little less than 15 thousand people, most of the adult population of which in one way or another is busy in the tourist business.

After all, Sinai is a very popular currently and "fashionable" Romanian ski resort, which has enough diverse ski tracks. It is located at an altitude of 900 meters, at the foot of the mountain range a buchgia.

But it is also a balneoclimatic resort, completely surrounded by alpine forests. And the breath of forest and at the same time mountain air is extremely useful for health, especially for respiratory organs. Add to this the beauty of the surrounding landscapes, the contemplation of which has a soothing effect. The healing effect of the resort is impossible. However, due to the fact that now the main emphasis is on its development as one of the popular ski resorts in Europe, the historical tradition of treatment on natural waters, unfortunately, is almost lost. Although many hotels have wellness centers: with gym, pools, saunas, SPA-procedures and massage rooms.

The main indications for passing the course of treatment in blue are diseases of the respiratory organs, chronic fatigue and disorders of the nervous system.

Sinah is located in the natural amphitheater, if we consider the resort as a scene. And around - the mountains whose height reaches 2000 meters, coniferous forests, beautiful alpine glades and purest air saturated with ozone (ionized). Location Blue is also convenient than the fact that strong winds usually do not happen here.

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The climate in this area is moderately continental. This is due to the fact that winter here is usually "soft" and snow (on the mountain slopes snow cover lies from October to March), and the summer is relatively warm.

Sina resort in Romania is often called " Pearl Carpathian ". He is in demand at any time of the year. In winter, as I have already noted, numerous amateur ski lovers come here. And in the summer months, the resort hotels are filled with fans of other active recreation. First, campaigns on mountain forests of the picturesque array of buchgia. For Amenities in the mountains are organized by tourist routes, on the entire length of which there are designations. Lovers of extreme sensations can be pretty dangerous mountain paths or take themselves with climbing on the rocks on specially equipped mountain "walls".

And, which is important, the resort of Sinah can offer its guests a sufficiently rich historical excursion program!

There is something to visit and there is something to see. Only the Royal Palace "Peles" worth a lot ...

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As the ski resort is one of their most fashionable resorts of Romania. Previously, this area was a summer residence of the Romanian royal family. Specifically in Sinai in 1870, a summer royal residence was built (actually, Pelesh's castle) for relaxing King Carol I de Gaenzollerne. From that moment on, Sinah became the most prestigious resort and tries to keep this reputation until today's days.

In truth, the largest ski resort in Romania is still the Zyan-Brasov, but Sinah makes him very serious competition. Not the last role is played by experience, if you can say so. The fact is that on the site of the spa Ryan-Brasov still at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries there was a desert mountain valley, which was gradually started to master. While Sinah has a much richest history, including in the ability to organize a decent ski rest.

Almost immediately after the construction of the royal residence, tourists reached on the mountain slopes of Sinai. There were even the first ski competitions. Only 1880 walked.

And in 1935, Bobslej's competition took place in the framework of the Winter Olympic Games.

The resort can "boast" magnificent ski slopes. All of them are located on the Western and Eastern Mountains of the Mountain, Dor Dor. A total of 14 trails were laid, the longest of which has a length of 6 kilometers, and its height difference is 1030 meters. For the convenience of riding along the trails there are two cableways, as well as bugly and cable lifts.

In Sinai there are tracks of any level of complexity. First, the tracks for beginner skiers and possessing the "middle" level of skill. No matter how cool, namely, this category of athletes is the most numerous in the resort. For them there is a ski school. As for beginners, so wishing to increase their professionalism. In addition to adults, children can take advantage of the instructor.

There are mid-level highways here, where it is better to move, having already certain skills of skiing.

Serious skiers can try themselves on the so-called "black" tracks. There are two of them here (if I do not confuse anything). I myself am just not these tracks.

In addition to ski slopes, bobslene routes are equipped here (they are also suitable for skating on special sleigh). And there are a few slides where the bastard can ride ordinary sleds.

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If you have not brought with you, then the ski equipment (including sports suits) can be rented.

The risk of gathering avavin in the area is minimal.

All of the above allows you to regularly organize important mountain skiing, sleigh and bobsley. Moreover, both domestic and serious international levels.

Situating, I will say that Sinah should not disappoint anyone - neither professional skiers or beginners and inexperienced.

The infrastructure is very well developed here, which also allows us to consider this resort one of the best ski resorts of Romania.

In the city center there are numerous restaurants where Romanian and European dishes will be offered vacationers. The resort has a large number of hotels in different levels - from 1 * to 4 *, some hotels are at an altitude of 1.5-2.0 kilometers. But most modern hotels decorate the city center of Sinai.

In general, everything is for people. Come and rest.

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