Rest season in Dubai. When is it better to go to Dubai to rest?


A trip to any country can turn into real disappointment if it is incorrect to choose the season. The United Arab Emirates are no exception.

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To enjoy visiting this country, it is necessary to understand why you are going on vacation: lying on the beach or spending time in motion, getting like sightseeing or visiting various festivals and shows?


In December, motorists of all countries go to the largest (the other in the Emirates and does not happen) the automotive exhibition called "Dubai Motor Show" . Here are the innovations of all world autocontracens. Someone buys something, well, someone simply satisfies his curiosity, because some cars presented at the exhibition will never affect massive sale and even more so in Russia. January is the best month for shopping. Every year in the winter in the largest Emirate of the UAE - Dubai passes the festival, which is dreaming of all shopaholics of the world - the shopping festival.

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Traditionally, it is held from January to the first days of February, but the whole of February you can buy things of excellent quality with a good discount. In February, there are two steep events in sports, and specifically in big tennis - "Dubai Open" where you can see the game of the greatest tennis players and the most expensive jumps with a fabulous prize foundation. But the weather at this time of the year is extremely unstable. No, up to minus the temperature does not omit (frosts - a rarity), but the night is cool enough, and the daily temperature does not exceed 20-23 degrees with a plus sign. The winds that are constantly with a variable force are sometimes able to turn into a real sandy storm. A couple of years ago I personally had a pleasure to lie on the beach in January. The wind blew without ceasing. After the sunscreen caused, it was instantly rushed with sand. You understand - the pleasure of something else! The water in the bay is uncomfortable. It turns out to plunge a couple of times, but there is no speech to soak. In addition, prices in the winter months rise at times. Crowds of tourists go to Dubai, so you need to book the number in advance.


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This time is more pleasant in terms of a beach holiday. Wind pokes, turning into a pleasant breeze. The temperature of the water and air rises, but to pleasant marks. During the day the air warms up to 28-30 degrees. Not so hot and you can easily move around the city, visiting various interesting places. In March, Dubai swallows its doors for all participants of the Rock Festival "Dubai Rock Fest" . Not only well-known and promoted rock bands come here, but also beginner musicians. The optimal travel time in the spring: March-April, because May can already surprise the heat, which in the summer becomes a real test for the locals, and even more so for tourists.


Without exaggeration in summer, Dubai turns into a split frying pan. On the street is impossible on the day. Asphalt literally mowed under his feet. In the summer, it is simply contraindicated here with children, because even in the water parks there is no possibility to escape from the frame heat. The thermometer column in the most peak reaches a mark of 48 degrees. August month Record holder for temperature regime. The streets in the literality die away, all tourists and local are in air-conditioned facilities.

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Shed and sandy storms. The burning wind with sand particles can even paralyze the city for several days. But in June and in July, Dubai takes the next shopaholics, which come to the annual Summer Surprises - "Dubai Summer surprises".


In September, the heat only retreats and then only in the evening. During the day, the sun fry mercilessly. But October is already brings long-awaited relief. The tourist season begins. November is one of the most popular in Dubai. At this time, you can get on a superbly organized international anelon. And the exhibition of jewelry is capable of impressing any visitor.


This is a special time in any Muslim country. And visit the Dubai a month Ramadan can significantly spoil the rest. The fact is that most of the major shopping centers, not to mention the small shops and shops, can change the work schedule, and even, in general, be closed. Public transport also changes the schedule. So a normal full-fledged life without any noticeable changes is possible only at the hotel or tourist places, but not in the city itself.

The second half of spring and autumn is the optimal time to visit this constantly growing miracle city - Dubai.

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But some festivals are able to make break in the UAE even in the summer. In this case, take care of the maximum protection from the Sun, drink a lot of fluids and try to stay on the street.

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