Thessaloniki: rest on the seashore and a lot of bright impressions


Rest in Greece is an excellent choice for those who like to lie down in the sun and swim in the sea, as well as explore the sights. Greece is full of historical places, and its beautiful beaches are popular among different tourists - and those who can afford a fashionable stay and budget holidaymakers. For example, the city of Thessaloniki, the second city after the Athens largest and by meaning.

Getting to the city of Thessaloniki is easy - it has an international airport and a large seaport. Choose a hotel for recreation better in the suburb of thessalonik, there the beaches are clean and the service is good. In the city of the beaches worse, you can easily reach them in city transport. There are also many hotels in different degrees of comfort.

Wherever resting holidaymakers, in any case, without inspection of the sights in this historic city, as thessaloniki can not do. First of all, you can feel the atmosphere of the city, just walking along the embankment. Theses of thessalonika is fully adapted for a leisurely walk along the sea. Here are a lot of cafes and one of the symbols of the city - a white tower.

The White Tower was built by Turks when they captured the city and built defensive structures. Now there is a museum in it, and on the observation platform - a cafe.

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Next to the White Tower is the monument to Philip Macedonsky, the father of Alexander the Great, and a little bit alone the monument to Alexander himself, because the current territory of thessalonik in ancient times was treated in Macedonia.

Above in the city (one can say on the second line) there are ruins of a triumphal arch with engraved bas-reliefs. On the same street walking along the sea, many shops for those who want to make shopping.

Even above the hill there is a well-preserved Castra fortress. From the viewing sites of the fortress, an amazing view of the sea and the entire panorama of the city opens.

In the city, despite the Turkish conquest, there are many Orthodox churches, one of them - the Church of St. Dimitria. Cyrillic Cyril and Methodius worked in Thessaloniki.

In general, thessaloniki is both a comfortable modern city, and the city, from whose land and does a story.

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