Food in Krakow: Prices where to eat?


As in any tourist city, there is no shortage of restaurants, bars and cafes in Krakow. There are institutions for every taste and wallet: from very expensive restaurants with century-old history, to small and inexpensive cafes. But necessarily with excellent cuisine.

Krakow is generally famous for its kitchen. But at the same time prices in urban restaurants are considered one of the lowest in Poland.

In the old town Like a cafe or mini-restaurant almost in every home. The prices in them are slightly higher than in other areas of the city, but cannot be said to be strong. And the bar is local residents try to organize almost every basement. What can you do, demand gives birth to a sentence. It happens that the cafe on the main tourist streets is in the depths of the yard and do not have display cases. In these cases, a signboard will be helped in the corridors leading to the street - but to see them, you need to open the doors and go inside. Unusual, of course.

Well, such a remark. If you want a really delicious meal, then in restaurants and cafes, look for the "Our Specialization" section in the menu. It is there that will be a list of those dishes, on the preparation of which the institution specializes.

And for a start, perhaps, it is still worth lifying several cafes known in Krakow. They are considered the most expensive in the old town. But each of them has its own individual history. Here they are:

"Jama Michalika" (located on the street. Florian, 45);

"U Noworolskiego" (near the rows of Sukennice, by the monument to Mitskevich);

"Redolfi" (Rynek Glowny, House 38);

"Panorama" (located on the Terrace of the Hotel "Forum", offers a great view of Wawel).

Krakow restaurants are generally pleasantly surprised by prices..

Unlike restaurants of other major European tourist cities, prices for food in Krakow restaurants are really relatively low. For example, "Sit down" in the evening in the Krakow mid-level restaurant, and even with a small number of alcoholic beverages, it means that your approximate account will be 20 euros per person. In expensive restaurants, this amount can grow a maximum of 2 times. But again, it depends on ordering (if a person prefers only Langustov, then you yourself understand).

It is believed that Everyone who comes to Krakow is simply obliged to sit on a market square with a cup of coffee or with a glass of beer.

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Almost all over the perimeter of the area, the tables of summer cafes are scattered. Those that under umbrellas. By inscriptions on umbrellas, you can easily navigate which beer grade is offered in this cafe. What a variety of coffee will be offered to you, you can and not know. Coffee can be taken some kind of dessert.

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I will repeat that in the last paragraph we are not talking about food as such, but the "right" pastime in Krakow. Not the last role plays a romantic situation on a market square, which is especially noticeable in the evening.

By the way, About Beer. ! The most famous stamps in Krakow are "żywiec" and "okocim". They are considered the best. It should also be noted the beer "EB", "LECH", "TYSKIE", "WARKA". Although, each major city produces its own beer varieties. They are so much that there is no point in listing. Just take and try.

There is one bar who is beneficial from others. It is located right on the territory of the Wawel Castle. The bar is open almost until 19:00, although museums are closed much earlier. It reigns medieval romance ... Assortment is not big (beer, coffee / tea, cookies, ice cream). And prices, they say no higher than on the market square. And it sounds very worthy: saw beer (coffee) in the present Royal Castle!

In Polish restaurants and cafes, it is customary to leave tips about 10% of the order value. Krakow in some way is an exception - here you can give less. Usually, they simply "round" the score to the nearest number, multiple 5 (for example, the account 61.5 zł is rounded to 65 zł). But in any case, tips are your personal matter. If you don't like something, you can generally pay everything strictly to a penny.

There is such an interesting concept in Krakow as " milk bar "(Bar Mleczny). But today is already more tribute to tradition, in these institutions, dairy products are not at all the basis of the menu. On but there you can easily eat. Complex dinner, consisting of salad, soup, second dish and drink, will cost Approximately 8-15 zł (2-4 euros).

Naturally, in Krakow there is Pizzeria . They appeared in Poland quite recently, but managed to gain popularity. One of the first on the territory of Poland a network of Pizza Hut pizzeria appeared. One of them is located at UL.Grodzka, 57.

The list of suggested pizza varieties is very large. When choosing a portion, you need to navigate the diameter: the smallest pizza is calculated for 1 person, the average - by 2-3, and large - already for 3-4 people. On average, pizza costs 12-15 zł per one. If you can't eat everything, then normal practice is asked to pack with you.

Pizzeria is now very popular with the residents of Krakow. Now, in addition to Pizza Hut, there are so many in the city that it is impossible to list everything. Only a few pizzerias, which I heard myself: "Quattro" (UL. BRACKA - two quarters from the market), "Cyklop" (UL. Mikolajska, 16), "TRATORIA" (UL. Brzozowa is the area of ​​Kazimage), "NA dziedzyncu "(UL. Stradom, which is near Wawel)," Grace "(UL. SIENNA, 15)," CASA DELLA PIZZA "(Maly Rynek, House 2)," Pod Aniolkami "(UL. SZEWSKA 14).

Many in Krakow have fast power points ( Fastfud. ). Not that I recommend them, but there are different cases. The most popular, naturally, McDonalds. It is believed that in the old town on Florian street (next to the tower) is the most beautiful in Poland McDonalds. Also common worldwide known (but we have unknown) fast food centers - called "KFC". Especially KFC are rejoiced by children, because only abroad they can try their products, and then boast friends.

The unconditional advantage is the relatively tolerance of the staff of these institutions of the English language. In addition, there is a free toilet, even if you are not a visitor.

Well, and quite a quick way to eat - eat "on the go." There are many points in the city in which you can buy some casseroles, portion pieces of pizza, kebabs, different pastries and drinks.

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