Should I go to Krakow?


Why exactly Krakow?

Yes, if only because Krakow is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe . This is an indisputable fact!

In addition, if you want to visit and explore the city with a centuries-old history, when the history of the city itself is inseparable with the history of the state, a city in which many residents of the country dream of having housing is just what you need.

Interestingly, in Polish Krakow (Kraków) pronounced "Krakuf" - not exactly how we used to say this name!

Sometime Krakow was the capital of the state. At the beginning of the XVII century, the capital of the Polish state was transferred to Warsaw (more precisely - the residence of the kings). However, Polish kings continued to be crowned in Krakow.

Today, this city on the shores of the Vistula is considered the cultural capital of Poland and is rightfully the most popular Polish city in the tourist plan.

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Magic power of Krakow embraces hundreds of thousands each year (and possibly millions) of tourists from all over the planet. More precisely, exactly millions. There are statistics according to which in 2010 the city visited more than 8 million tourists, of which more than 2 million are foreigners! This is probably also talking about something.

Krakow is good in that it combines historical past and modernity. After all, many attractions of the city have been more than several centuries (and even more than 10 centuries), but there are also those built relatively recently. Harmony, however.

Of course, most of Krakow's attractions have been preserved from the "metropolitan" times. In general, there are about 5 thousand (!) Medieval buildings and structures, more than 100 thousand works of art. But Krakow, in fact, not a very big city. You can even say that the whole city is one big attraction. It is rightly said that in many cities of Poland there are various attractions, and In Krakow, the landmark is only one - it is Krakow himself.

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If you wish, all the main interesting places and beauty can be destroyed in just a few hours. But if you are lucky enough to stay in Krakow for several days and more thoroughly examine the city, then you will open a completely different krakow, more colorful and rich, more detailed something, filled with elements of different eras and directions of architecture.

Krakow has always been considered free and independent. He retained his autonomy even during the parties of Poland. And at all times he was a kind of "standard of Polish culture." No exception for socialist times. But, probably, tourists are not always interesting to know the entire history of the city, especially since his political component. It is important for them to know why it is in Krakow today it is worth coming.

And you need to come, first of all, in order to feel the unique atmosphere of the city, which is impossible to absorb, simply rereading articles and revising films about Krakow.

This city does not tolerate the fuss, here it is necessary to inspect everything. Therefore, if you came to Krakow only on an excursion, then you have only a few hours on all attractions. And the likelihood is greater that in this case you risk not to evaluate the beauty of Krakow - you just will be "on the run". Here it is impossible. You need at least a couple of days.

So that you can slowly walk the narrow streets of the old city, bypassing the entire market area (and it is rather big), go to the Mariacksky Catholic church, visit other vintage churches, be sure to get somewhere on a concert of organ music ... you need to pay at least half a day to inspect only one royal Wawel Castle, climb Sigmund Bell, see the royal rooms. Raise clean air over the hanging and look at the fiery breath of the dragon, relax on the planters. It will not be superfluous to take a walk along the Jewish district of Kazimierzh, as well as take a look at the city from the height of his Kurganov. And you can also go to an interesting river walk on the Vistula.

And only after leisurely acquaintance with the city you love Krakow, imbued with its atmosphere.

But who are we deceiving? Everyone perfectly understood that to acquire a full-fledged tour in Krakow for several days someone is unlikely to become. Everyone wants to see for the minimum number of days the maximum possible number of cities. In this regard, travel agencies usually consider Krakow as a "transit" city in which it is convenient to organize a sightseeing tour (or a tour of the royal road) so that tourists "quickly" have looked after all. Often, the city does not even plan to sleep in the proposed tours.

So we will be honest, only those who independently organize their rest will be able to see and really want to get acquainted more closely with this magnificent city. But the city is worth it.

Krakow is truly rich in attractions. The most important of them is the Royal Wawel Castle, urban walls and barbican, market square and Sukennice, Mariat Church, Plates, University of Yagellon. These are only those that everyone has a hearing. But in Krakow there are many vintage (and not very) churches, each of which deserves separate attention. Many and other objects worthy of attention.

By the way about the churches. In Krakow, in general, the influence of Catholicism on ordinary life is very bright and practically in almost everything, starting from the churches and ending with various old buildings, on the walls of which you can see the mention of the saints (including sculptures) and great campaigns to the glory of the Lord. By the way, in Krakow in the 60s and 1970s of the last century, being still Cardinal lived and worked by Karol Putyla, who was destined to become a Pope Roman.

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However, all attractions can be listed for a very long time, it will get an impressive list.

Speaking about Krakow, it is impossible not to mention such a world-famous attraction as a salt copy in Village. They are considered the largest salt specks in Europe, which opened the museum. By the way, this object is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. I told about great, because attending salt mines most conveniently from Krakow (just 30 minutes from the city center, but this is a car), excursions are also organized from the Central Station.

I personally Krakow recommended for a mandatory visit At least once in life. Even if you spend half a day in it. And on the basis of personal experience, it is better two times - then the second time it will be easier to navigate. Then you can already highlight more time on sightseeing, as in the old town, so remote from it. And sometimes it is simply nice to take pictures of familiar places and realize that you have already ever been here.

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