Excursions in Larnaca: What to see?


Nicosia - Lefkara - Larnaca.

After the "fall" of the Berlin Wall, the capital of Cyprus - Nicosia (Levkosia) remained the only divided capital in the world. It remains so until today. This is the result of the Turkish Cypriot War of 1974. By the way, in Turkey herself, the invasion of the war in relation to Cyprus is called "Peacekeeping Operation in Cyprus" (Turkish. Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı).

Now the demarcation line passes right through the entire city, the fence from barbed wire is established, the military costs. You yourself can see it all with your own eyes, driving along this line. And the tracks of that war are still noticeable on the walls of the buildings.

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Then you will go to the Palace of Archbishop Makarios III (First President of Cyprus), visit the Cathedral of St. John. An interesting visit to the Byzantine Museum will be interesting, in the halls of the museum is kept invaluable collection of ancient icons. In the Venetian fortress wall of the XVI century, you will see an unusual gate of ammochost. From there, your path lies in the old city district called "Hytonia's Likes", the walk through the ancient narrow streets will not leave your indifferent. There will also be time for lunch (not included in the cost of the excursion).

After lunch on the bus, we are leaving Nicosia and go to Lefkar, the seeing village of Cypriot masters that make stunning lace and silver products. There will be time for shopping.

After lefkara, you will head to Larnaca, where to visit the beautiful Church of the Saint Lazarus. Here in a special cancer, the miraculous relics of the Saint Lazarus are kept. The church is made in the traditional style for Cyprus.

Cost: 40 euros (children - 20 euros).

Mountains Troodos and Kickkos Monastery.

The path of this excursion lies deep into the island, to the Mountain Array of Troodos. In one of the villages, through which you will drive, called Llan, is supposed to stop so that tourists can look at the products of folk crafts and evaluate local wine (tradition for Cyprus). The whole road passes through the picturesque places. You will go to the highest point of Cyprus - Mount Olympus (1952 meters above sea level). There is almost always blowing a strong wind and cold.

The next stage of the tour will rise to the top of the Tronic Mountain, there is a grave of the first president of Cyprus (Archbishop Makarios III).

The most important part of the excursion will be visited by the famous male monastery Kikkos. This is the richest monastery in Cyprus (you immediately notice this), and everything is very rich there.

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And the famous Kickkos is primarily the fact that in this monastery for many centuries the icon of the Virgin, written by the Holy Luke even with her life. There is a souvenir shop in Kickkos, where you can buy an exact copy of the icon of the Mother of God. At the end of the inspection, close to the monastery you can have lunch in one of the village Taverns. On the way back, a short stop for its external inspection and photographs will be made near the Toroditss Monastery. Also consider that the road in the mountains is very winding, with a large number of height drops - a real mountain "serpentine".

Cost: 40 euros (children - 20 euros).

Unknown Cyprus.

This amazing journey passes in the forests of the Troodos mountain range. You will see stunning beautiful landscapes with your own eyes and visit the untouched corners of Cyprus, rarely visited by tourists, get acquainted with the nature of the island. You will walk through shady mountain forests and, if you wish to swim in cool mountain rivers. More precisely, not cool, but really cold sources! You will also have the opportunity (as usual) to try this local cuisine and Cyprus wine.

At first, you will visit Pano's small village, famous for the fact that the first president of Cyprus was born here. After that, a visit to the male monastery Kickkos, even though it is a very looked place, but it cannot be accessed by attention. In Kickkos, you will have enough time to inspect the rich decoration of the monastery.

Further, your path lies in the deeper of the pine forest, where there are constantly noisy river mountain streams. And the water in these rivers is crystal clear and so clean that it can even drink it! Here in ancient times, a stone bridge Rudias was built through one of the rivers.

After the bridge Rudic follows a small half-day walk to the village of Peravas. You will follow the protected shady pine grove. And, if you are lucky, then in this reserve, you can sometimes meet mouflons. Over the Diarizos River, you will pass on the Kelfos Bridge - this is another old stone bridge of the Venetian period. Do not hurry: in the clean waters of this river you can see the silver troutups.

At the end of the excursion, you get into the walled village of omodos, which is famous for its old narrow streets and stone buildings. An important attraction of the village is the monastery of the Holy Cross.

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You will be given free time to stroll a picturesque streets of Omodos and taste local wines.

The cost of the excursion includes lunch.

Cost: 60 euros (children - 38 euros).

Note: We have to walk a lot, so convenient shoes are recommended.

Watermania Water Park.

When it is very hot on the street, you often want not any excursions, but merry water entertainment. And water entertainment is primarily a water park. You have the opportunity to arrange yourself (and your children) a real water holiday in Watermania water park. This water park was designed and built in the picturesque surroundings of citrus plantations.

In addition to the traditional slides, you can swim in the pool with artificial waves, which are already six varieties. Be sure to ride on the hills of "Kamikadze" with a free drop. There simply intercepts the Spirit, and these slides, by the way, the highest in Europe. The most bold must try an attraction called "Black Hole". And in general, all kinds of attractions are not reading!

You can also just hurry to ride on a calm "lazy" river flowing through the waterfalls and caves, admire the beauty of the surrounding park.

For the smallest in the water park there is a special kids club and a shallow pointer.

You simply must link here all 8 new attractions that allow Watermania waterpark to be as attractive to leisure people of all ages.

Cost: 30 euros (children - 20 euros).

Note: It is categorically forbidden to bring drinks and food to the water park.

All listed excursions are available not only for tourists, holidaymakers in Larnaca, but also from Ayia Napa, Limassol, Protaras.

Excursion to Water Park is organized only for holidaymakers in the cities of Larnaca and Limassol.

Supplement: If you are late for an excursion or abandoned it less than a day before it started, the money is not returned.

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