What time is it better to go to your holiday in Glyfad?


It's hard to say when the recreation season comes in Glyfade, probably even more correctly believing that he simply does not end there, but only the number of tourists can be different. I think, to a considerable degree, this is the fact that this resort is in close proximity to the Greek capital, to which only one and a half dozen kilometers and many in order to save, even when visiting Athens, stop in Glyfade, the prices in the hotels of which are much lower than the capital. Especially if we are not talking about the summer season, the prices of living are minimal. But if you are going to combine all the pleasures of the trip together, such as shopping and inspection of Athens, visiting the sights of Greece which you yourself understand, a lot and swim in the sea with a beach holiday, then one period that is best suited for this should be considered. It is on this topic that I wanted to talk more precisely to help you understand what to expect from the weather in the so-called summer season.

What time is it better to go to your holiday in Glyfad? 16543_1

If we talk about the possibility of sunbathing, you can come to the glyfad already at the end of April, when the air temperature allows you to take sunbathing. True, the sea temperature is far to perfection and will be able to please far from everyone, because it will not exceed degrees eighteen. But for many, especially those who came from more northern countries, this indicator is quite satisfied. Yes, and the benefits of this period too much. The main thing, probably, can be called a low cost at the end of April, it is this reason that is the main stimulus for arrival. But there are still such advantages as a small number of tourists, in the hotels themselves and on the beach as well as the perfect time to visit historical and natural attractions in the open sky, since there are no such high temperatures that sometimes are strongly straining, turning a pleasant excursion, in the desire of its early ending And dreams of cool room with air conditioning.

What time is it better to go to your holiday in Glyfad? 16543_2

I think that many have come across their lives with such a situation.

But of course there are some disadvantages, such as weathering, when cloudy, not allowing to spend time on the beach and even small rains. Of course, no one is insured from this, and it happens. And of course not for all suitable sea water temperature.

What time is it better to go to your holiday in Glyfad? 16543_3

Many tourists from among our compatriots come to glyfad for the time of May holidays. This is a good alternative to vacation, which can be transferred to a later date. Yes, and the temperatures in May are already higher, although cloudy days are also there. Until the end of this month, the sea in the resort area may warm up to twenty-two degrees of heat and air comes up to thirty. But if you are going to rest with children, it is perhaps better to come not earlier than the middle of the next month, that is, when the water is already located in the area of ​​degrees twenty-four, which is the ideal indicator for swimming children. The benefits of this period are also quite a lot. First of all, there are no such high daily temperatures as it happens in the following months, I will not say that a little, but there is no peak activity too.

What time is it better to go to your holiday in Glyfad? 16543_4

The most and most, in all respects are the next two months. This applies not only to temperatures, but also attendance, which comes to its maximum. And therefore, such a position has an impact on the prices, and not only accommodation, but also to provide some kind of services. If we talk about temperatures, the air often can reach forty, especially in August. Please, probably many and warm sea, with their twenty-eight degrees. How you yourself understand if you decide to make your choice in the interval of these months, it is better to take care and start searching for a suitable hotel in advance, because at the height of the season to find good and suitable options, it will be quite difficult, and expensive. With an early booking, you will be guaranteed to be provided with the selected and favorite option, and the price itself will be significantly lower, and the earlier you do it, the cheaper and more the choice will be.

What time is it better to go to your holiday in Glyfad? 16543_5

I think that talking about the measures for protection from the Sun, in such a hot time, it will be unnecessarily, since almost everything knows about it. This is especially true of parents with children who most often suffer in this situation, since it is children most of all spend on the outdoor sun, playing and bathing. Going on excursions in historical places, or any other, which for the most part go under the open sky, do not forget to take a small supply of drinking water with you, because it may not be able to purchase it everywhere, but the lack of moisture in the body, with such a hot weather No good things will lead.

What time is it better to go to your holiday in Glyfad? 16543_6

Many will probably support me if I chase September, the best month for rest. This is your explanations and reasons. For example, not too high daily temperatures and quite warm evenings, in the area of ​​twenty-five degrees. You can spend quite a lot of time in evening walks or resting in one of the many taverns, not only by the seaside, but also in the Athens themselves, to whom to go no more than ten minutes. Walk around the evening of the capital of Greece, also gives a lot of pleasure and beautiful photos to your collection. Another attracts this month, so that it is much calmer and quieter, since there is no time for the number of school children who have started study. Yes, and the number of vacationers becomes slightly smaller. As for the temperature itself, the air is within the limits of thirty-thirty-five degrees, while the sea is not cooled below twenty-six below the end of the month. Very good rates for beach holidays. For family pairs, with young children, this is the perfect month for all the damage.

What time is it better to go to your holiday in Glyfad? 16543_7

In Glyfad, you can safely relax until the end of October, as there are all suitable temperature conditions for this. Evenings, however, not so warm, but in general, and nothing hurts and sunbathe, except that it may be a little overcast in the second half of the month. The sea below twenty-three will definitely not be, and the air itself is quite comfortable. Vacationers becomes even smaller and the resort is slightly silent. Few coming over summer. Although many hotels continue to work further and do not close for the winter. Plus, October, you can call a lower cost of recreation or accommodation, in the case of self-journey.

What time is it better to go to your holiday in Glyfad? 16543_8

I think that November is not worth viewing, because it is no longer a good option for rest. No, of course there are quite good days with suitable weather and temperatures, especially since you can even swim in the sea, but it's not worth counting on stable weather and it is enough to restrict ourselves to the interval from May to October. I think it is so quite a long time so that you can choose a rest period.

I hope that I helped you understand the specifics of the weather in this resort, and the selection of the time to rest itself will have to make you.

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