What time is it better to go to rest in Serbia?


Despite the fact that in Serbia there is no sea, rest in this country is diverse and diverse. There are balneological and ski resorts, architectural monuments and amazing nature. Accordingly, the country is attractive for tourism at any time of the year - it all depends on the purpose of the visit.

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Thanks to mountain ranges in the south of the country and there are ski slopes there, winter time in Serbia is attractive for lovers of skiing. Winter here is issued warm, but snowy. Temperatures are very comfortable for sports, but sometimes heavy snowfalls. If you are planning a trip to other regions, then strong, cold winds, constant rains, blizzards, winter are still not the best time for European countries, and Serbia is not an exception. However, there is in winter and advantages: prices in the Balneological resorts of Serbia, and so sufficiently low, compared to other countries, are still declining, and the number of vacationers decreases. And during the winter holidays, large cities, such as Belgrade, Novi-Garden, are simply transformed. In February, a film festival is held in Belgrade.


The first half of the spring in Serbia is still cold enough, windy, rainy. In March, the ski season ends in the mountains, the snow becomes sticky, the tracks are uncomfortable for skating. But next comes the real European spring - a long and leopard. This time, in my opinion, is the best for travel around the country, dating cities, history, architecture, trips to holy places. There will be no problems with accommodation even in the most popular resorts, prices are also still held at the average level.

What time is it better to go to rest in Serbia? 16533_2

In summer

In summer, Serbia is quite hot and dry. Tourists are also added, although, of course, not in such quantities as in neighboring Hungary and Montenegro. Moreover, from such cities like Belgrade, the locals themselves leave for the sea, so large cities are quite deserted. But at such resorts, like Zlatibor, Nishka-Banya and other vacationers is enough: both the sulfur and foreign tourists themselves, respectively, prices for housing and services are growing.

In autumn

Autumn is one of the best periods for visiting Serbia, if the main goal is balneological resorts. Prices are declining who want to health also becomes smaller, in comparison with the summer months. The most pleasant month for recreation is September. Temperatures at this time are still very comfortable, and crop holidays are held everywhere. October and November are completely uncomfortable for traveling around the country - the day of the day is reduced, rains and cold wind come to change the weather.

What time is it better to go to rest in Serbia? 16533_3

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