Car rental in the UAE: What do you need to know?


Rent a car in the Arab Emirates will not be a lot of work, but is it worth it? The fact is that the UAE is a sufficiently young state and if you came to the week-other for the purpose of rest or shopping, you will hardly need a car. In this case, it is better to use a taxi service. But if you want to see as much as possible, visit several emirates or you just do not imagine a vacation without freedom of movement, then rent a car is necessary.

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Arab Emirates are gaining popularity as a tourist destination and many of my friends - acquaintances have already managed to go to this fast-growing resort.

Immediately I want to warn that the right of international sample is needed for rent, but I personally know several people who have completely successfully received a car, having only Russian rights. But maybe they are just lucky. I do not think that if you are firmly tuned to the autocouplement on the Emirates, it is worth risking and take our rights.

Mandatory condition for the provision of a car is the age of the driver who must be more than 21 years. If you are younger, then you will need to look for a rolled office, where for the payment of additional insurance you will be given a four-wheeled vehicle.


Modern technologies seemingly need to facilitate the life of travelers, but the other way around. For example, in the Arab Emirates in some rental offices, for some reason debit cards are not very complaining. And it does not matter that it is with all degrees of protection (convex number, surname and name, CVV). Do not accept, and that's it. But with a credit card, there were never once.

If you rent a car directly on the spot, then you can pay and cash, but through the Internet - in no way. Especially since the most tempting promotional offers and low prices can be "caught" through the network strongly before the trip. Yes, and the choice will be treated.

But the card has a significant minus - blocking of funds. If the staff of the rental company is unclean to hand, they will be able to block money for any damage to the car even if you are not the reason.

Inspection of the vehicle

- This is a very important point when booking. Perhaps the most important and responsible. All chips, scratches, dents, stains - all this should be fixed on your phone and on a sheet of contract. The remaining emptiness on the sheet neatly cross it up so that later the cunning manager could not enter something from myself. I do not call for paranas, but to be very attentive to save money and nerves.

Roads, Rules, Fine

Roads in the Emirates are cool! They are perfectly smooth and so I want to accelerate and ride with the breeze, but keep in mind that the various cameras that control the speed mode are literally around. In settlements, it is not possible to drive 60 km / h, on high-speed roads you can accelerate to 100 km / h.

Car rental in the UAE: What do you need to know? 16531_2

Penalties for traffic violations are simply huge, so it is better not to violate. Children under 6 years old are forbidden to transport without a children's chair, but in practice, no one checks. In the UAE, do not stop the car as it is customary with us - to verify the documents. It makes no sense - everything is recorded on numerous cameras. But the health of your babies is your care, so it is better to rent a children's chair. In addition, the local population has a sufficiently sharp driving manner, so that marginal care and concentration are mandatory.

Pointers on the roads bilingual (English and Arabic).

Car rental in the UAE: What do you need to know? 16531_3

Navigators are provided for a fee. Many of my friends are carrying their navigators to which they are accustomed to travel with comfort. Anti-radars are carrying along with them, but the problem is that too many cameras in cities and this device are constantly being fried and the whole point of use is lost.

Parking periodically arise problems. In large shopping centers, they are usually free, but it is difficult to park on the streets.

Car rental in the UAE: What do you need to know? 16531_4

Parking machines take 1 dirham.


Carefully read the lease agreement before sign. Carefully inspect the car before signing the contract and fix all damage. Drive carefully and carefully, without disturbing the speed mode. Better to get a card in advance and put the route of your trip. Good trip to you!

Car rental in the UAE: What do you need to know? 16531_5

P.S. Consciously did not write about the use of alcohol driving. It is always very dangerous, and there is still a lot in the UAE. Penalty for drunk riding ranges from 800 to 1000 US dollars.

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