The best excursions in Krakow.


Krakow is very convenient if you can put it, the city for tourists. All major attractions of the city are concentrated on the so-called Royal Road . Tour of the royal road and is the most popular among tourists.

It begins in the northern part of the Old Town (Stare Miasto), from the Matteyka Square (a little further than the Florian Tower), passes through the entire Old Town and Market Square (Rynek Glowny) and leads to the Royal Wawel Castle.

It should be noted that a significant part of the old city (its old part) is a pedestrian zone. There were times when the kings were driving on it, so the most beautiful and significant buildings were erected along the path of their following.

In this regard, tourist groups arriving in Krakow can only explore most of the city-described in the city guidebooks, which are just written for tourists who do not have much time to inspect. I myself was in Krakow three times, but somehow I never managed to spend more than six o'clock in it ...

I won't pay a lot of attention.

Let's start your "Royal Way" from Barbakana.

This defensive bastion is a round brick building, the walls of which surrounds deep ditch. In the Middle Ages, the Old Town was completely surrounded by a deep moat with water, and it was possible to get to the city only through the barbican. The thickness of its walls reaches 3 meters. Solid structure.

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Nowadays, everyone can go inside, a museum is open there. The entrance is paid: 6 zł for adults and 4 zł for children.

Next, passing through the arch Florian Tower , we go to the old town. It is impossible to confuse this tower, since its distinctive feature is the coat of arms with a white eagle at the top. There you can consider a small preserved fragment of the urban wall. It so happened that at the beginning of the XIX century, ancient city walls were demolished (and their construction began in 1285).

Moving right in Florian street, we get to the main square of Krakow.

it Market Square . Here each building has its own, special story.

But the first thing that rushes into the eyes is a majestic Mariatsky Catholic church . Without exaggeration, beautiful construction! Each hour from the windows of a higher tower is a gilded tube, which begins to play trumpets, does not reach the melody every time.

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The first church was wooden, in his place at the beginning of the XIII century a new one was built, according to its size close to modern. However, he was repeatedly destroyed, restored and rebuilt. I purchased my current species in the XVIII century.

Now the church is divided into two parts: one for tourists, the other - for praying. Accordingly, it has two entrances. The entrance that is intended for tourists is on the right and take a fee here, but it is possible to watch a huge chic three-tier altar. This is an old altar of a lime tree, polychromine.

I will also add that many legends are associated with the Mariatsky Church, which will be happy to have any guide.

In the center of the square is a long, 100-meter structure - Sukonny rows (Polish, Sukennice, Sukiennice). The first shopping row building was built in 1300, when two clouds were connected under one roof. The modern appearance acquired in 1358, later attached an attic of a beautiful stucco. Today, souvenir shops, cafes and restaurants are located on the first floor of the subnitz, and on the second floor - the National Museum (from February 2007 is closed for reconstruction).

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Before Sukennitsy, a monument to the Grand Polish poet of Adam Mitskevich, established at the hundredth anniversary of his birth.

Another prominent building of the Market Square is the 70-meter tower. It's all that remained from the medieval town hall, when at the beginning of the XVII century, Lightning and Town Hall burned down at the beginning of the XVII century. Yes, and the tower after that was dangerous and had to strengthen it.

Krakow market square is one of the largest medieval areas in Europe, and its frames have retained their historical appearance (notice, different eras of the construction). In addition to the above-mentioned areas of the square, you can call the Town Hall Tower, the Palace of Zbaraski, the Catholic church of St. Wojca.

Today, residents of Krakow, if they offer to go to the market, then only to stroll or sit in a cafe, appoint a date or a business meeting, but do not imply a hike behind vegetables or fruits. Unusually sounds for us ...

We continue our way along the urban street (Grodzka), as if smoothly moving from Florian. Return before Square of all saints (here where the street is crossed by the tram paths). Previously, there was a church of all saints, from which Square was named. Today there is a Square.

On the right in the course of the movement can be seen Church of Franciscantsev (In the same place, a little left of the monument, there is Palace Potocksky, where the city's office is now located). The church besides architectural significance notable in that the Krakow Prince Boleslav is buried in it, and the baptism of the future king of Poland Yagello, the Grand Duke Lithuanian, was held here.

No less noteworthy Dominican Catholic church Located opposite.

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He is also called the church of the Holy Trinity, was built in the XV century and is one of the largest gothic cathedrals of Krakow. Belongs the Order of Dominicans.

Immediately close, on Franciscan Street (Francyszkanska, 3) is one of the city attractions - Palace of bishops.

In principle, an externally building is not very catchy. The Palace of Bishops is famous for the fact that here in the 60s and 1970s of the last century, Karol Vojtyla (the future Pope John Paul II), and subsequently came here. In the courtyard there is a monument to John Paul II. His people in Poland are very honored and respect.

Continuing the path to the wawel on the street of Grodsky, you will definitely see Church of Saints Peter and Paul (SW. PIOTRA I PAWLA). This is the first in the whole Poland church in the Baroque style. Now the entrance is paid (but we somehow went for free). Inside there is something to see, very beautiful architecture. Special attention deserves a beautiful organ and musical choirs.

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Well, we came to the Wawel Royal Castle. And Wawel, I think you need to give a separate chapter.

About Krakow can be told infinitely long, but, in general, it is useless. Anyway, you will not tell about everything, I will definitely forget something, and most importantly - Krakow is best to see at least once, than read about him a hundred times.

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