What interesting can be viewed in Tallinn?


Tallinn, taking into account the age of this city (more than 800 years) and the exciting history of its development, can offer a lot of inquisitive traveler today. Here you will find a huge number of all kinds of sights, museums and exhibitions, and most importantly - a lot of amazing stories that will make your stay here in saturated interesting impressions.

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First of all, go to the Old Town. This part of Tallinn, which leads its history from the 13th century, attracts thousands of travelers from around the world annually. Winding medieval cobbled streets of the Estonian capital will spend you through the lost courtyards, alleys, as well as past churches and former merchant houses. Many centuries of their history, the old town of Tallinn was divided into two: Tompea - the hill, which was the house of the nobles and rulers of this area, and the lower city, which has long existed, as the autonomous part of Tallinn with municipal rights.

So, what awaits you on Tompea Hill? When you raise the street Picc Yalg (in the long leg), you fall directly on Lossie Plates (or Castle Square). According to the legend, Tallinn originated in this place, between the House of the Government of Tompea Castle and the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky, who was a symbol of the royal rule in Estonia in the 19th century.

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The first thing that wish, not without reason, visit the tourists entering the Old Town is the viewing platforms of Kohtotts and Patkuli. You are waiting for the exciting views of the red tiled roofs, spiers of churches, towers, as well as on city walls. All this magnificence manites fabulous beauty.

Next, be sure to delay for the inspection of the Tompea Castle. It was built on the site of an ancient wooden fortress, which stood here until the invasion of Danes at the beginning of the 13th century. This castle for seven centuries was a place where foreign rulers were meeting. Today in this building is a parliament of independent Estonia. On the highest castle tower, called a long german, fluttering a blue-black and white tricolor of the country's state flag. In the eyes you will definitely throw the pink part of the building. It was performed in the style of Baroque and was attached to an ancient building in the 18th century. Note that you can inspect the castle outside and individually, but you can go inside the premises of Tompea only with an organized excursion. There are options for inspection of the castle with a guide and in Russian from Monday to Friday from 10 to 16 hours.

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The Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky is considered to be the dominant attraction of Tompea. He was named after the duke, who attacked at the beginning of the 13th century to the south-eastern part of Estonia and Pskov. The cathedral was designed by Mikhail Preobrazhensky at the end of the 19th century by order of Alexander III. He was built six years old and opened his doors to visitors in 1900. Today you can press the service here, which is held in Russian from Monday to Saturday at 8.30 and 17 hours, on Sunday - only at 9.30. The entrance is free.

The next sight is one of the business cards of Tallinn - the Dome Cathedral. It was laid in 1219 by the Danish conquerors. The cathedral can rightly be considered the oldest church of Estonia. The outer part of the structure, made in the style of gothic, dates from the 14th century. The interior you can observe today was rebuilt after the great fire of 1684. Special attention of the tourist here deserves a baroque altar (1686) and a body (1780). Attending the cathedral is better after Sunday service, which is held on Estonian at 11 o'clock. On Saturday, at 12 o'clock, you can also listen to a concert of organ music. In general, the cathedral is open to visit from 9 am to 16 hours on any day of the week, except Monday. The observation deck with which beautiful views of the city opens, is open to visit from 9.30 to 15.30. The entrance is paid - 5 euros.

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One of the most secluded and picturesque places in the old town of Tallinn is the garden of the Danish king. Its luxurious trees, cozy corners with benches and views of the high spire of the Nigulist Church - will produce an indelible impression. The best time visits to the garden is, it's not surprising, the night. On the one hand, you will protect the fortress wall, and on the other hand, you will open the roof lit by hundreds of night lights of the entire lower city. The feature of the garden, worthy of your attention - two towers of the city wall: neutsitorne and tallito.

After seeing the main objects and sights of the Upper City, boldly go to the bottom. The precious stone in the crown of which is undoubtedly the Town Hall. The initial building was built in 1322. The structure you admire now belongs to 1404. As for, perhaps, the most famous Flyugger Tallinn "Old Thomas", he carries his watch here and at all from 1530. If you arrived in Tallinn in the summer, you can get to the town hall at any time as desired, except Sunday, from 10 to 16 hours. During the rest of the year, you will have to book visits in advance. Entrance fee - 3 euros.

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Coming out of the Town Hall, inspect the area adjacent to it. Previously, it was a medieval market, and today the modern place of the meeting - the Town Hall Square of Eight centuries remains the heart of the capital of Estonia. Leaving the building of the Town Hall behind his back, you will see the amazing beauty of the masterpiece of the Gothic architecture of Tallinn. Be sure to find here a round stone on which there is a compass drawing that in the heart of the square. From this place you will see at once all five towers of the city.

Another attraction of Tallinn, which is simply impossible to pass - this is the Nigulist Church Museum. It was built in the 13th century and today is an artistic museum. Here, a unique collection of masterpieces of medieval religious art is presented - these are the Altari of the 15th and 16th centuries, the collection of lamps in Baroque and Renaissance styles, as well as the famous "Silver Chamber". Known church and their amazing acoustics. Every Saturday and Sunday at 16 o'clock there are concerts of organ music. Entrance fee - 3.5 euros.

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