What are the interesting places worth visiting Warsaw?


Remembering the most famous residents of Warsaw, it is simply impossible not to call Frederick Chopin, one of the greatest Poles in history. Although he was born in the village of Childish Will, which is 50 km away. From the Polish capital, Warsaw became the city of his childhood. In the Polish capital, Chopin conducted more than half of his life later. Therefore, your acquaintance with the city will necessarily be associated with some historical objects and attractions that have, anyway, attitude to the life of the composer.

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The first object according to the program of your route in Warsaw is perhaps the most recognizable monument to Chopin, who attracts tourists from all over the world. The monument is located in the heart of one of the most picturesque areas of Warsaw - the Royal Lazenki Park. Since the end of the 50s of the last century, every Sunday in the summer months there are concerts in the open-air concerts with the execution of Chopin's music.

Just a couple of steps from here there is a luxurious summer royal residence - a palace on the water. The Lazenki Park was at different times the Weldings of the US Ex-President Bill Clinton, during one of his arrival in Warsaw. Nevertheless, no one known person, regardless of his status and position, failed to eclipse the most charming inhabitants of this park - numerous proteins and peacocks, freely walking along his alleys.

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In Warsaw, it is not easy to find a place that is just as bright reflects the rapid history of not only the city, but also the whole country, like the Saxon Palace and its surroundings. Palace, where Chopin and his family lived more than seven years, was almost completely destroyed by the Germans during the Second World War. The only part of the palace, which has survived, has become a place for the grave of an unknown soldier. The square next to the palace is also a silent witness of history. Modern Pilsudsky Square throughout its existence was different names. For example, she was called the Victory Square (in the times of the Communist regime) or even the Adolf Hitler's Square (during the Nazi occupation). During the reign of the Russian Empire, the Orthodox Church was built here, which was demolished in the XX century. Pope John Paul II served Mass on the square, which gathered more than half a million people who were literally all the free space, including roofs of buildings and even lamppost poles.

In addition to architectural beauty, the important importance of the next interesting object - the Church of the Holy Cross is that it keeps the heart of Chopin, which is considered to be immersed in Brandy, has been preserved in amazingly good condition until today.

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Those who are looking for strong emotions in Warsaw will definitely not be disappointed. The empty, wounded city frightens skeletons of destroyed houses. Universal suspicion, inhibiting ruins. This can all be experienced in Warsaw 50s at the exhibition "Evil Streets". Cooking blood project based on the criminal novel Leopold tyrmannda "evil" reflects the reality of the post-war Polish capital in the first years of the board of the communist regime. The main character is a bold man who fights against a cruel underground world to protect those who are not able to cope with life in a new, so much different from past reality. The deaf corners of the destroyed city are horrified, and crowded trams and cafes prove that the city still managed to get out of his knees. Visitors to this museum are able to face a dangerous and mysterious Warsaw, which no longer exists. The exhibition "Evil Street" works in the Literary Museum (the market of the Old Town, 20).

The sun and palm trees are all you need to relax on vacation? Then your ideal place of his transmission has never been so close. The center of Warsaw can be proud of its artificial tropical tree of a 15-meter height. The project entitled "Hello from Jerusalem Alley" dates back to 2002. In fact, at the very beginning, this project became a strong nutrition for designer Palma Joanna Ryakovskaya. She had to convince the municipal authorities for a long time that Warsaw is a suitable place for this plant, more typical for tropical Africa. Although the initial idea was to install a whole group of such palm trees, as a result, permission was obtained only on the installation of one tree. Moreover, at first, some of the inhabitants of the city criticized the idea, calling her too controversial and expensive. However, as a result of a survey conducted, the overwhelming majority of Warsaw residents performed in support of the undertaking. Today you can admire this object on the Charles de Gaulle area of ​​the Polish capital.

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The next interesting thing to visit the object is a poster museum (st. Stanislav Pototsky bone, 10/16). Posters are literally coming to life in the noble interiors of the Royal Palace in Vilantwa. The manor that once served as a summer residence for the Polish kings, today is a house for a huge collection of all sorts of posters. Today, there are more than 35 thousand Polish and 25 thousand foreign works, which turned today to Warsaw in one of the world capitals of the poster. The number of collected samples continues to grow rapidly, adding a thousand new works per year. In the era of the ubiquitous technology, the museum staff make constant efforts to make most of their collection available on the Internet, but everything will be more pleasant to see with their own eyes. The museum created in 1968 became an innovative project and set new standards for artists. Over the years, the museum has organized 300 exhibitions and cooperates with numerous well-known foreign partners, such as, Ny-York Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of Decorative Art in Paris and Ginz Graphic Design Gallery in the Japanese capital. After completing the "FIRT OF ART" in the museum of the poster, do not forget to look into the beautiful garden surrounding the palace. It is here that the Polish monarchs regularly relaxed and restored the forces. Today and you can stroll along the paths and enjoy the views of the local landscape.

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