Where to go to Lumbini and what to see?


For Europeans, Lumbini as a landmark is a park complex in which several religious structures are located. Some of these structures are monuments of architecture and history, others simply monuments of architecture. For the first time, we learned about this place in the first trip to Nepal, but I could not have managed. Time on the road by car or bus is needed 10-12 hours, depends on the car and from the driver's skill. You can not be spent on renting a taxi and go on a bus (a ticket cost 50 Nepalese rupees in 2012, but we never got together then).

You managed to visit Lumbini for the first time we were 2013, the second in 2014. The first trip left a dual impression - the place is interesting, feeling emotionally - you walk and fill with a feeling of joy. I am not confessing Buddhism, I do not treat the number of enthusiastic fanatics, I do not use substances that change the consciousness and distorting the perception of reality, but I state the fact: both visits to this place for me are painted in bright and joyful tones, here "good" soul.

Now from high matters, let's talk about specific. What is Lumbini? In essence, a large village. According to Russian standards, even a small village is rather. Hotels a bit, they are far from luxury class, there are not a lot of tourists. With a tangible influx of pilgrims, we saw in the second visit, in May 2014. It was just the birthday of Buddha Gautama. I couldn't even imagine such a number of people here. It was very beautiful, the place in itself is beautiful, and for the holiday everything somehow came to life and enthusiastically.

Park complex itself is not just a park with trees and landscape. Here is a photo map, perhaps someone will be useful.

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Here are the temples and, as I understood, the land for rent to Buddhist organizations of different countries, Russia, too, is rented by the land, but no one built the temple. On the leased land, each state is building its Buddhist temple, some are quite ready and operate. I'll write more about them later. The object is under the protection of UNESCO.

The central place of worship became The temple dedicated to Mahamaye - Mother Buddha Gautama . The building itself is a similarity of a protective cap, erected over the ruins, in order to preserve a valuable archaeological, historical and cult seat. According to legend, it was here that Gautama Buddha was born. There are no united opinions on the time of the scholars, an approximate date about V BC, from the point of view of archeology, this is several layers, everything began with a wooden temple on the basis of which brick was prescribed, now only ruins have been preserved, but they are of great interest. both for researchers and for ordinary citizens. You can see after buying a ticket for 50 Nepalese rupees.

This looks like a temple outside.

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And so inside. Simple wooden pavements around the perimeter allow you to get around and inspect everything without damage to the construction.

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But it looks like Fingerprint of the leg of a newborn Buddha.

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Well, and family portrait: Mahamaya's mother and little Gautama Buddha.

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But the sacred tree, according to the legend, for the branch of such a tree held the mother of the Buddha, when he made him on the light.

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Another religious place, probably not less important than the temple of Maya Devi - Column Ashoka (Ashoka Pillar)

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She ordered to install the king of Ashok, in a memorial place for Buddhists.

The reservoir, located near, one of the versions is a place in which the Buddha's mother has performed in front of childbirth. The second version is a place in which Mahamayan fought a newborn.

In the first visit, we did not have time to see nothing, the territory of the park is very large and there are already quite a lot of places. Many states whose citizens confess Buddhism, have already built temples.

The most beautiful on my memories - Thai Temple, Tai Royal Wat . Built like many Thai temples on donations, on bricks, names of donors. The temple is acting, very beautiful territory, probably this is the most comfortable place of all.

Inside the temple there is an emerald Buddha, I don't know if it is possible to take pictures there, I was ashamed. It is one thing to take pictures in the museum temple, and the other in the current. In some, of course, if there is no praying, sometimes I can take a picture, and the sacrament of prayer is not rising. So the photo is only outside.

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The second, no less impressive temple complex in my ranking is Temple of Burmese Buddhists.

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Burmese also concerned and a guesthouse for pilgrims, and they also have a golden stupa!

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The third temple is a reason for the surprise of the world community. Who would have thought that the Buddhist temple would build the followers of this religion from Germany? However, this is what happened, look at yourself. As for me, he is almost no different from the authentic temples seen in Nepal and Tibet ... That's how it looks like German Buddhist Temple:

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This is a little of its decoration inside:

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there is Cambodian Buddhist Temple , It is easily recognizable for obvious reasons. Here the territory is not yet completely "mastered," but it looks already impressive.

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Deserves attention undoubtedly and Japanese Buddhist Temple.

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In Communist China, there are also those who have prepared to participate in the Great Construction. Here we saw Chinese Buddhist temple In Lumbini:

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And there is also Vietnamese, Sri Lankan, French (!) And many, many others. And there are many beautiful legends and traditions related to this place. But everything is not entitled to tell everything. This note is for those who doubt whether the village of Lumbini is on their route. Look, it seems to me that it is worth it!

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