What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lumbini?


Personally stopped only in two hotels, Lumbini is not the most popular and resort place, as it seemed to me. In addition, when we were there, both times it was very cold, the place was enchanted to the place, we were not lucky, I just don't know.

Hotels a bit, those that we viewed can be booked without payment, without a credit card and with free cancellation. We have no place to learn information about where to stay, so they trusted descriptions on the hotel's website. That's what came out of it.

Hotel first, Lumbini Buddha Garden Resort It is considered rather not bad, the number is expensive, to re-stop there. The price / quality ratio is absolutely not adequate.

Let's look in more detail than we stayed are not satisfied.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lumbini? 16464_1

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lumbini? 16464_2

Externally quite a pleasant place, nothing bit foreshadowed. We left and went to walk. In the room, by the way, too, without excesses, right the same "holy simplicity".

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lumbini? 16464_3

Bathroom in pretty good condition, there is water and light. Even air conditioning in stock. I had special plans for him, I wanted to use it in a pioneer youth in the Crimea to use it for heating the room.

In the evening when they returned, it turned out that: a) in the house is terribly cold; b) take the shower in such a cold, too, the problem; c) air conditioning is the subject of decorative and trite not turning on ...

Restaurant The hotel has, feed Nepalese, Indian cuisine, prices are high, edible food.

But if all this is compared with the price of almost 100 euros per room, then it seems to me that the hotel does not "reach" to the plank set. We did conclusions for ourselves and stopped in it anymore.

Second hotel - Siddhartha Guest House. , I do not want to grip very much so that they do not spoil.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lumbini? 16464_4

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lumbini? 16464_5

The price is more than a democratic - economy suite for two $ 20, breakfast to choose from Nepalese or American - 3 dollars, lunch as well, to choose from, 5 dollars. Preparing delicious, both options liked us.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lumbini? 16464_6

Traditional set - rice, vegetables, sauces, meat. Meat is not the most characteristic ingredient, as I understood them more fish and vegetables, but we ordered precisely with meat. It is customary here to eat hands (with his right hand, if more precisely, the left is unclean), we have already encountered in India with this, but for some reason I don't even want to master this technique.

In addition, local dumplings were trying to fulfill the cook of this hotel, it is also very tasty, but did not have time to do the photo. In size, the larger Russian dumplings, like more similar to Ukrainian dumplings.

The room is large and clean, the hotel is warm (!), Wi-Fi works, the speed is excellent, there is a light (maybe it's just lucky, but in two days it never turned off).

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lumbini? 16464_7

The hotel is located in the center, the settlement later, but it does not take things to leave and walk, we did both times.

With the child up to 9 years for free, they will give a cot, older if, then consider the price, but less than an adult.

When choosing the hotel, specify the availability of light, the generator at the hotel, Wai-fi and heating in the rooms.

Power type Choose any, here, as it seemed, prepare "from the soul" even if the hotel is not very. Despite the negative impression of the first hotel, the memories from the kitchen of his chefs we had the most pleasant.

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