Do we need a Turkish coast in June?


I want to share your impressions of the rest at one of the resorts of the Alania region in Turkey at the end of May and early June.

Do we need a Turkish coast in June? 16446_1

Do we need a Turkish coast in June? 16446_2

I went by chance - urval a burning ticket at a bargain price. Chose the village of Mahmutlar, which is located kilometers in 20 from the city of Alanya.

I worried that the water will be cool, and no one will swim.

But the experiences were in vain. Water warmed the degrees to 22-23. I bathe already in 20 degrees, so it was quite comfortable.

Do we need a Turkish coast in June? 16446_3

There is a nuance: the shore in Mahmutlar is rocky, so you need special shoes. You can easily damage the legs about the stones at the bottom. Although the beaches of the hotel, therefore well-groomed, but often the descent to the water is narrow between the stones.

A couple of days was a strong wind and waves. In this weather, despite the warm water and air, it is impossible to swim - I can hit the stones, hitting the strong waves.

On the shore there were a lot of stone plates with natural deepening. We called their "Cleopartra Baths" and cluttered in them with pleasure in them, that is, there is noble weather.

Do we need a Turkish coast in June? 16446_4

Every day it became hotter. You can only sunbathing under the chaise longue. Once ran along the shore without a headdress and got a heat shot. I do not even know how people relax in Turkey in July, when early in June the heat and active sun.

After lunch, you can swim in the pool. We just included water slides in our hotels, and we had fun.

After 16-00, they went to the beach again and bathed until the evening.

I would love to go at this time again - the price tag is low, the people are small, the weather and the water are excellent.

Do we need a Turkish coast in June? 16446_5

Do we need a Turkish coast in June? 16446_6

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