Rest season in Bali. When is it better to go to Bali on vacation?


Surely, many have heard of the Greek resort of Bali, which is located on the northern coast of Crete Island, and not less than tourists would like to visit it and spend their vacation there. I ask only not to be confused by the Indonesian island of Bali, with the town of the same name in Crete, as it is not only completely different places, but not similar to its climate and temperature indicators. I told it to that by mistake not to take the winter performance in Indonesia and go to sunbathe to Crete, where it would not be completely hot.

Rest season in Bali. When is it better to go to Bali on vacation? 16424_1

Although even in such a situation, I assure that you will not be alone there, because at this resort the tourists are all year round, the truth in winter is not in such a large number, because the average temperature at this time of the year is located in the area of ​​fifteen degrees of heat, and the sea is a little more . As you know, such indicators like not everyone likes, but there are adherents of such a rest. But I would like, for the most part, talk about the time when the weather here allows you to normally swim in the sea and sunbathing, more precisely about a full-fledged beach holiday.

Rest season in Bali. When is it better to go to Bali on vacation? 16424_2

Not enough of our compatriots tries to rest during a long weekend, in early May. Probably you realized that we are talking about the May holidays, which make it possible to relax from the first to the tenth. I agree that this time is quite enough for a normal rest, but as for Bali and even in general is the island of Crete, then in my opinion this is not the most suitable place for a beach holiday at this time. First of all, the temperature of the sea is still quite cool for a normal bathing and at the best case will be not higher than twenty degrees, and the air itself warms up to about twenty-five. But if you do not have children with you, in principle, you can certainly rest. The advantage of this time will be not only in the weekend, and not the use of vacation days, but also at the very cost of the tickets or living, which will be lower than in the height of the season. Again, a small number of holidaymakers in the hotel and on the beach, too much more pleasant than saturation in the summer months. Well, perhaps you can name and completely unclear weather, for trips and sightseeing of Crete, who are a kind of open-air museums. So if you do not embarrass some low temperature indicators, then you can of course rest in early May.

Rest season in Bali. When is it better to go to Bali on vacation? 16424_3

As for family recreation with children, it is best to come not earlier than mid-June, since the air at its twenty-eight degrees and the sea, which by this time will already be at least twenty-three, can be called an excellent indicator. Yes, and the rest in June is not so much, as in the next months. Next, temperatures are gradually rising and after a month the sea can walk to twenty-six degrees of heat. The peculiarity of the local climate is such that the sea breeze does not give air to rise to high indicators and for July, the normal air temperature will be in the Thirty degrees area. Even in the hottest month, which is August, this indicator just a couple of degrees may be higher. And the water this month warms up to the maximum indicator of twenty-seven heat. Probably, therefore attendance in these two year old months is, as they say, at the peak level. So making the choice in the interval of these two months, it is better to bother about booking good places in the hotel or a complex of apartments, which recently also have become a rather popular option for staying at rest, in advance. I think it is not necessary to remind you that going on excursions or just long walks, in such a hot time, you can not forget about the heads and other means of protection against the sun, and of course about the reserve of drinking water that should always be with you.

Rest season in Bali. When is it better to go to Bali on vacation? 16424_4

If we talk about September in Crete, on the temperature data, it is very similar to July, but only more softer, in terms of that, one hundred evening performance is slightly higher. It turns out a small difference and a small difference between day and night temperature. And the sea is so warm, like the evening air. Swimming after sunset or even at night, you can call the peak of bliss. Yes, and the evening walks themselves deliver no less pleasure. A romantic dinner for candles, in one of the restaurants on the coast and the view of the night sea landscape, the description is simply not subject to and will be remembered for a long time. Personally, I think September is the most beautiful month for a rest, and I think that many who rested at this time at the resorts not only Crete, but also the Turkish or Cypriot coast of the Mediterranean Sea, will now agree with me and support. Almost until the end of the month, the sea does not cool below twenty-five degrees, and the air will be at least twenty eight. What else is needed for an excellent beach holiday, especially since the number of holidaymakers, especially in the second half of September, is noticeably less than in August. This is a wonderful resting time with young children, which sometimes need peace.

Rest season in Bali. When is it better to go to Bali on vacation? 16424_5

Those who wish to save a little at the cost of the tour, can come to Bali even in October, as this month has the opportunity to relax normally. Temperatures for this are still quite suitable, because even at the end of the month, the sea will not be below twenty-two degrees. True, in the second half of October, it can sometimes be cloudy, even happen small rains, but in general, the air will also be at least twenty-five degrees, which allows you to spend time on the beach. I would even say that choosing between May and October, it is best to give preference to October, because the weather will not be worse and the sea will definitely be warmer. People on the beach and the hotel will be even smaller, and life at the resort quietly calms down and felt the end of the summer season.

Rest season in Bali. When is it better to go to Bali on vacation? 16424_6

On this, I think that it is possible to put a point, because November is very unpredictable and a complete rest may not work. Therefore, it is simply not worth considering it.

Here is an approximate picture of TOG that you can expect from the weather throughout the summer season, resting at the Cretan resort of Bali, and the choice is already to be done to you. I can only wish you a pure sky and a warm sea.

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