Best time to stay in Alghero


If you decide to spend your holiday in Sardinia, namely in Alghero, then first you need to understand what you expect from your holiday. I am telling this that every person has its own preferences and tastes. One likes to relax in the mountains in the summer, while others prefer winter ski resorts. So roughly about things and rest on the sea coast. Someone does not greatly secks high air temperature and beach holidays, and they like to spend time in walks and breathe a cool sea breeze in the winter season. But the bulk of tourists still prefers exactly the summer vacation option, when you can not only enjoy the gentle rays of the sun, but also to combine it with a swimming sea and without it, they do not believe that rest can bring the greatest satisfaction. Therefore, it will be about this, the beach season, and what time and why, it is better to rest in Alghero.

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Whoever has not been to Sardinia before, can imagine that this is a rather hot and exotic island, since most gear shows exactly summer periods of rest and life of the Sardinians themselves. But I can disappoint you a little that in winter it is also pretty cool here. Of course, there are practically no minus indicators here, but nevertheless in the winter months is pretty cool and raw. Yes, and the sea itself cools the degrees to thirteen. And if so, it will warm up the water, it will also be needed. So it turns out that if we talk about a truly full-fledged beach vacation, when not only can be sunbathing, but also to swim in the sea, and I mean the water temperature not less than twenty degrees of heat, then come to Alghero worth noting earlier than June. If, of course, you are stronger thanks to the lower cost of a ticket or accommodation in May, you can choose this month in this case and this month, since you can also light up, that's just not everyone can swim in the sea, and this will not be considered.

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So if you are decided by the May trip, focusing on prices, or spend the May long holidays, then at least look a hotel in which there will be either an indoor pool or at least heated water. It is worthwhile to know that the weather itself in May has not yet fully established and may not be cloudy, but also rainy days. In this case, it is better than just sitting in the hotel and be offended by the weather, you can ride on Sardinia and admire its attractions and beauty, and look at this island, I assure it. So and the time for nothing will disappear and get pleasure in full. But let's return to normal time to relax.

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So, as regards a real comfortable beach holiday, I think that earlier than from mid-June in Alghero is better not to come, especially if you are going to make the whole family, including children. Firstly, at this time and with the weather, there are practically no surprises, because it is already as they say, it has been established, and the water temperature near the coast of the resort will be in the area of ​​twenty-two degrees, and this is a good figure for swimming. Yes, and the air itself in the middle of this month reaches degrees to thirty. In short, for a real beach holiday, just what is needed. Such indicators are given probably until the middle of the next month, the only thing, so this sea warms up even more and the middle of the summer comes to twenty-five heat. There are no relatively relatively relatives in June and you can call it a good month for rest.

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As for the next two months, this is the most visited period not only for Alghero, but also all of Sardinia. Probably high temperatures and the warm sea is still the most. Here and with places in good hotels there may be a problem, so if you decided to go in advance at this time, then it is better about the tickets or places, take care in advance.

The hottest month at this resort is August. Air it comes to thirty-five degrees, but also the sea may warm up to twenty-seven. So lovers of the warm sea, better and come up with.

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But, as probably, at all resorts of the Mediterranean basin, the best time for relaxation can be called September. First of all, the air temperature becomes softer. In the afternoon about twenty eight, and in the evening all the degrees are five below. Moreover, with the same water temperature as evening air. You can walk for a long time and breathe with full breasts with a sea breeze, and the evening bathing brings indescribable pleasure. It must be added that the number of vacationers becomes noticeably less, since there is no such number of children, the resort calms down a little, turning into a more measured rhythm of life. It's nice to spend evenings on terraces of small and no noisy restaurants Alghero, listening to living Italian music with a glass of beautiful Sardinian wine. In a word, romance and only. You can relax throughout the month, as the weather in September is quite stable. For relaxation with young children, it is also better to choose September, and in temperature indicators and on a calmer atmosphere. Newlyweds and in love with couples, this time can like most of all, although there are those who are more attracted by a stormy nightlife and in September they may seem a little boring.

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In October, tourists remain even smaller and it becomes clear that the season comes to an end. But until the middle of the month, you can still relax, because and temperatures and weather it allows you to do. But it's not worth a very tightening with rest, since in the second half of the month the weather can gradually begin to deteriorate. Therefore, I think that mid-October, the summer season in Alghero can be closed. Prices for tickets this month can be rather tempting, especially in his second half, but I think it's better not to risk and limit ourselves to the first two weeks of October. And then, it can be said to replace the summer, the winter season comes, we will not talk about.

Here is an approximate layout layout and temperatures throughout the summer beach season, and you yourself can choose the optimal period and indicators for you. So define with time, book hotels or other properties for accommodation and go to the new and unknown lands, Sardinia will like it.

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