What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery?


Nepal is a kind of country, at least one thing that is, as far as I know, the only Hindu kingdom in the world has already deserved attention. Copan Monastery is no exception, there is something to be surprised. I don't accidentally use so many photo materials in my note.

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_1

Monastery - as it is customary to say "Novodel", however, this impressions does not produce this. But this is not the main thing. It should rather note the fact that the Copan Monastery combines itself in itself a religious center, the center of spiritual practices and the women's monastery.

Let's try to figure it out now that it is an unfortunate cult institution and how can my note be useful? These are my personal impressions and a detailed description of one day in the Copan Monastery, if possible, I will write in detail where I remember - I will give prices.

I turned out to be there by chance, it happened that the first trip to Nepal (in which the acquaintance with the monastery was held) was rather a whim. I did not plan anything and previously no information was collected. Upon arrival, we lazily "gave" themselves to the hands of a guide, the Russian guy who lives in Kathmandu and workers in this way. Thanks to him, we were imbued with the country and it led to the fact that we were treated to return here twice twice.

So, the monastery of Copan is one of the outstanding attractions, this is the current temple. In order to visit it, you can use both the GIDE services, and you can arrange a trip on your own. Time on the way from the airport to space for about 20 minutes, the cost of about 200 rupees. The Internet is shot by tours offers, their value ranges from $ 800 to infinity. For this money you will be offered transfer, accommodation, meals and courses yourself. We did not use these suggestions, but tried to spend the day in the monastery. One day of "courses" cost us 10 dollars per person. What happens on this day? Upon arrival, the question of our location there was our guide. If there is normal English, you can agree on everything yourself. In the monastery there are their rules and laws. If you intend to visit there, then their observance is necessary: ​​do not smoke, not to drink, do not lie, do not kill (even Muhu, mosquito, etc. Living), no sexual relationships, not steal. From myself I will add to these rules a couple more: the clothes must match the place and should not be noise. There quietly and benevolent, break silence with a loud conversation or laughter is not the best idea.

During this day, we managed to communicate with monks, to learn what musical instruments are used in the monastery and how they are actually musicized, they obsessed as a sand miracle is born - "Mandala", having got born with other guests, walked around the territory, made a whole series of pictures.

So the monks create a mandala, a picture for meditation from multicolored sand. The last time something remotely resembling I saw perhaps only in childhood, in Kaleidoscope. Beauty is not the word, it's just a magic some ...

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_2

See yourself!

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_3

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_4

We are beautiful, and they (monk) is painstaking work. As I understood this kind of "obedience" if you hold parallels with Christian cult rites.

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_5

The game on musical instruments is also part of the ritual services. Musical instruments with whom we introduced us - Honho's bell and drum Damaru. About the drum Our guide told us a terrible story - once a tool was made from human remains (skull), and the female and male were used. Those who come to courses can try to learn the game on these musical instruments.

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What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_7

The monks of special attention to tourists do not pay, live their lives, but always smiling with strangers, meeting with glances.

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_8

The place is very beautiful, it really allows you to "catch the wave", rolling the state of some kind of abundance, but not apathy, but on the contrary, an active dignity, joy, overwhelms the desire to do something good.

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_9

Perhaps the fact that everything is beautiful? Perhaps this is the power of prayers for the monastery of Copan. I do not know the right answer to this question. But the main thing that I can say, having been there, - it must be visited. He really is worth picking on the edge of the world to come here.

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_10

We did not make sure to learn from the courses of the full-fledged meditation (9-11 days we were offered), there is no such need in our particular case, and maybe we are not spiritually developed for this)

In order to become a "student" little just come here and pay training. The trip must be planned in advance. There is a clear schedule with two-month breaks. Not knowing the dates of breaks can be accessed.

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_11

The schedule itself is available on the site of the monastery, the site is English, convenient navigation, there are contacts.

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_12

Try to make this mini travel from Kathmandu in Copan and you will understand yourself - you need it random courses or enough one day to get acquainted as we.

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_13

I hope that someone will be useful for information, I still want to do good!))) Good luck to you!

What do you need to know going to rest in the Copan Monastery? 16367_14

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