Best time to relax in Paleokastric


I can not say that Paleokastric is a well-known and popular resort, especially for our compatriots, since more promoted and visited are located on the opposite side of the island, closer to continental Greece, and Corfu International Airport. Although, by and large, and from Paleokastric to the airport, also a little more than twenty kilometers. But be that as it may, the main contingent of tourists here are the Greeks themselves, or citizens of European countries. At least in winter the air temperature is practically not lowered below the zero mark and the average at that time is about twelve-fifteen degrees of heat, there are not many tourists here. The majority of holidaymakers fall on the summer season, when lovers of a beach holiday come, so it will be about this period.

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It is clear that it is difficult to determine the framework of the beginning and end of the season, since the weather itself is the main factor. One can only focus on previous years in order to know what to expect at a time or another. I do not want to say that you can come to rest at the end of April or early May, as some tourists who rest people resting at this time, not exactly on this, and possibly neighboring resorts. Like the fact that the rest was super and all that. Of course, you can relax well at any time with a good positive company and set up, but it does not mean that the sea from this will be warmer or the air is hotter. Of course, it is possible to come in early May and light up well, but not everyone will be able to swim in the sea, since the water will not be warmer nineteen degrees of heat. Yes, and not all hotels that are not so much in Paleokastric, equipped with indoor pools or heated water, so that the normal swimming can not even provide you.

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And therefore, come for a beach holiday to this resort, I used to do not advise the second half of May, and even that if you decide to come to rest without children, because the sea temperature will be far to ideal, and how you yourself understand, Children for the most part, it is the sea and attracts. Of course, if we talk about the cost of the tickets or prices for accommodation in May month, you can save quite well in this regard. Yes, and visits to the sights of the island itself, which there is a lot, at such a year will be more comfortable, as it is mainly historical places with antique ruins or natural beauties in the open air. And how you yourself understand when the air is warmed up to plus thirty-five degrees of heat, and sometimes above, there is no big joy from such excursions. And May, with its twenty-five degrees, will be pretty comfortable in this regard.

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Now, as for family recreation with children, I can say that it is best to come first before the middle of June, firstly from the fact that the air by this time will already be in the area of ​​thirty degrees, and the sea will warm up not lower than twenty-three warmth. This is already quite decent indicators for recreation children. Yes, and for excursions time is still quite suitable. Moreover, the rest at this time is not so much, therefore a special accommodation with places in the hotel or problems with the search for apartments, which are the main type of real estate for living during the rest, for this resort should not be. Such a relatively non-good period lasts about the middle of the summer, and in the second half of July, temperatures become higher. Air in the area of ​​thirty-five degrees, but the water is just super and comes to twenty-seven.

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Probably this attracts the bulk of tourists at this time, since it is for these two months that the most maximum number of holidaymakers accounts for. But this time requires more increased attention, since it is quite easy to burn or get a heat blow. After all, resting on the beach itself, the temperature is not particularly felt, because it is mitigated by the sea cool. Therefore, it is for the most part to be in the shade and use the protection against the sun, then-there creams, hats and other accessories. This is especially true of parents who came to rest with children. Going at this time for walking or excursions, do not forget about the reserve of drinking water. And since these months are the most popular, then about the places for living, whether it is guests, apartments or hotels, it is worth taking care in advance, since with good places it may not be quite easy.

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September, as well as on all Mediterranean resorts, not only Greece, but also other countries, can be called the best month for rest. These are not very hot days with alternating warm evenings, which are simply the top of bliss. In combination with the warm sea, which almost until the end of the month does not fall below twenty-four degrees. If you add to this a decrease in the number of holidaymakers, especially with the children who started learning at school, which makes a lot of Paleokastric calmer and quieter, then it is clear why this time can be the best for rest, of course if you arrived without adult children. Although some are not very worried about the missed classes and take schoolchildren with them. September, too, can be called a suitable month for trips to excursions. The wonderful time ripening of many fruits.

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You can fully rest about the middle of October, because the air and the sea are quite suitable for a beach holiday. And probably, this time can be called the end of the summer season, as further and temperatures can significantly go down, and the weather itself is rather unstable. Therefore, on the second half of October, it is not worth much to count on and better not to risk with arrival at this time. I believe that the best option for the lowest cost of rest is not a visit at the beginning or end of the season, while there are also discounts, but an early booking, in which you are guaranteed to be provided with a good accommodation option, and the price will be quite attractive and Neval.

That's about what I wanted to tell you, well, and the choice itself certainly depends on your decision.

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