Tips for those who are going to Poland


I will try to give a useful advice to know how to behave in an unforeseen situation in Poland.

Car accident . We won't wish anyone in such a situation. And yet, anything happens. I myself never thought it was possible. But it happened, on the way to Auschwitz not far from the city of Wadovice we fell into an accident. And we drove at a speed of 50 km / h, and the Pole did not fit into the turn and at high speed drove into the left side. The car was separated into the trash. But lower the details ...

Immediately caused police and ambulance. The daughter and wife came to the local hospital at the emergency. Immediately, you need to notify your insurance company about the emergence of the insured event. They reported that the money in the hospital needs to pay their own, and then at home to apply for the refund of the tools spent. Looking forward to say that it is paid in zloty and immediately. And in Ukraine they return in the month, in the hryvnia and besides, at all in the incomprehensible course, since neither the National Bank, nor for the commercial rate does not converge!

But back to the car. Police arrived and immediately started with breathing into the tube. As the policeman said, Ziro-Ziro. And otherwise it is difficult to imagine what it would be.

Polish driver immediately recognized his guilt, although it was so obvious. But we would definitely have to argue ...

Then the most interesting starts: polling the police and drawing up the inspection protocol. And the interesting thing is that in Poland, even the police do not speak English. All communication is only on Polish! How do you like?

It is important in this situation to keep yourself in your hands, to behave restrained and confidently, do not panic and understand the main thing: you are not to blame for the accident (unless of course not guilty).

After half an hour of painful communication, the police officer "found" some familiar, who owns the Russian language. Through it, in fact, there was further communication with police officers, travel services, and so on.

From her I learned a few details that did not know.

one. All car repair expenses takes on the insurance company of the culprit of an accident.

The only thing they raise the amount of repair for a long time. If the amount of repairs exceeds the market value of a damaged car, then the issue of replacing the vehicle may be raised. Our repair was previously estimated at 10,000 euros and wanted to change the car.

But he reversed the fact that our car was not exclusive and analogues in Poland. In addition, the insurance company perfectly own customs policies in Ukraine and know that the customs clearance of the car is worth a lot of money (which should also be paid by the insurance company). In general, it was decided to repair the car, and Zap. Party buy in Germany and Canada.

2. For the tow truck that the damaged car will be delivered to the car service, originally must pay the owner of the car (that is, I). Money for evacuator They are translated by the insurance company at the expense of car service and then returned cash to hands at the end of repair . This is absolute truth, they returned everything in full, and the towing services there are no one - I paid almost 150 euros.

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3. Bonus . It turns out that At the time of finding your car in repair, you have the right to free rent another car . Not quite free - the rent also pays for the insurance company (but for you for free). This is what tourists from the post-Soviet space are unlikely to know about. And this is a very pleasant plus. To do this, you need to sign an appropriate statement on the car service.

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I will add even more. Due to the fact that the repair of our car held a long time (more than a month), the insurance company allowed us to go on a car with Polish registration to Ukraine. And in theory will be returned with money spent on fuel on the road home and back for his car (it seems to have promised). True, finding in Ukraine on the Polish machine is not entirely competent, but these were our problems.

Honestly, I was afraid that I was afraid that I would require money for car rental. But everything went honestly. And by the way, for renting a car, the insurance company paid about $ 1700. Not squeezed rental?

Let's go back to the traffic accident.

The police performed all the necessary formalities (inspection of the site of an accident, photographing, measurements, etc.) in the photo - the car of the culprit of the accident.

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Next, the car was immersed on the tow truck, and we went to the police station, where the protocol of the incident on the coat of arms was compiled ( Zaświadczenie. ). I was presented to me and then one copy was issued. Only after that, when it is known who will pay for repairs (and this is also indicated in the police protocol), they will take the car to a hundred. There you sign the appropriate paper, take the car for rent and go to your hotel. It is also desirable that someone Russian-speaking translated the text of what you subscribe.

Although, to be honest, for a week of communication with representatives of the insurance, auto repair shop and other organizations, we are already starting to understand Polish gradually. To speak - no, but read and perceive the hearing is definitely!

As for its insurance companies, they are about what happened must be notified during the day, and better immediately. It is not necessary to call, it is enough to send a detailed letter to the email address indicated in the insurance policy. You either will unsubscribe or call themselves.

It is very important to immediately contact the nearest Consulate of Ukraine in Poland. In our case, it was a consulate in Krakow. Addresses and phone numbers can be found on the official website. In the same way, it is necessary to write a statement with a request to ensure that the consulate has taken into account the implementation of the insurance company of its obligations to avoid any deception on their part. From myself I will note that our consulate has worked at a fairly high level.

Once again, I note that it is important not to panic, to be attentive, to do everything clearly and measured.

Depending on the complexity of the repair you may need to extend the Schengen visa. In Krakow, the corresponding visa center is very close to the Consulate of Ukraine. Center address: Przyr Rondzie, 6. Only there is a surprise again: to fill in a visa application form again only in Polish. But there is a lot of "our" people: Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians, mostly students. Each of them can be asked to help. In addition, in the windows where you feed documents, the Center employees are sufficiently friendly and will also help you make the necessary data if you have not specified something.

The principle of work is about the same as in our visa centers. Get numbers in the appropriate machine and wait for your turn. And at this time, you can take pictures and remove copies from all documents - everything is in the same building. In there, make payment (approximately 30 euros from the passport), but only in cash. If necessary, on the reverse side of this building there is a branch of the bank and an ATM. In general, to prolong the visa, as it turned out, much easier and trouble-free than to open a new Schengen visa.

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