Visa to Poland. How much is it and how to get?


Indeed, from October 15, Poland complicates the opening of the Schengen visas for citizens of Ukraine. That is, it may not complicate, but unequivocally increases the necessary package of documents for this.

The previous author wrote about it very superficially and not quite right. In fact, the situation is so.

In the case when you intend to travel to Poland using accredited travel agencies, there will also be told about the necessary documents. The agencies also provide the so-called "visa support".

I will tell you what package of documents is necessary For individual (independent) travel . Including on its car.

one. Visa Profile filled with Latin letters (English, Polish or Ukrainian language in transliteration) and personally signed by the applicant. The profile for a minor child (including children included in the parents' passport) is filled and signed by one of the parents. The form of the questionnaire can be taken directly in the visa center (free) or download on the official website.

2. Two color photos . Requirements are also specific (for example, 80% of the photos should occupy face, etc.), but in the photo seals these features already know. Just need to say that the photo is visa.

3. International passport . The passport cannot be extended, damaged and should be valid for at least 3 months from the date of the end of the exit planned from the territory of the EU countries. The passport must have two net pages (for visas) and issued no earlier than 10 years ago. When submitting documents for a visa for a minor child, inscribed in the passport, two more additional clean pages are needed.

If there are other overseas passports, they must also be provided.

We also need a copy of the first page of the passport, copies of the Schengen visas over the past 3 years, national visas over the past 5 years, as well as copies of all stamps about entry / trips on these visas. It is important - I'll write at the end why.

four. Internal (civilian) passport - Original and copy of all pages with marks. The passport will be immediately returned to you, simply take the data in copies with original.

five. Medical Insurance Policy . It must comply with a number of requirements. But personally, I do not advise you very much to bother. In visa centers there are always representatives of insurance companies that are 100% knowing the entire list of requirements. They can be trusted. In addition, these insurance companies are insured from "non-treatment of a visa" as a supplement. That is, if you receive a refusal to open a visa, then the insurance returns you all costs (35 euros for visa and services of the visa center).

Visa to Poland. How much is it and how to get? 16311_1

Insurance policy must be provided with a copy, as well as with the original payment receipt.

6. Documents confirming the type of activity and availability of funds in Ukraine.

a) for employees of enterprises: certificate from the place of work, which includes the following information: date of receipt of work, position, payroll over the past six months, salary, data that the applicant is given leave and after his return to Ukraine It is preserved its workplace. The certificate should be on the company's branded form, with printing and signature. And also with the specified name, surname, the position of the person who issued it and the contact details of the organization (full address and stationary phone number). Help from the place of work is valid for one month from the date of her issuing.

b) for private entrepreneurs: license or certificate (original and copy). A copy of the certificate / license must be certified by the seal of the Ukrainian state body (no later than a month ago). Or the last tax return, which is issued no later than three months ago.

c) for persons who do not work: a certificate from the bank about the availability of funds with a list of operations (transactions) over the past 3 months. Help is valid one month from the date of issue. Or traveler checks (you need to provide the original and a copy from two sides and the receipt about their purchase).

d) for pensioners: the original and a copy of the pension certificate, as well as an extract from the pension fund about the accrual of pension over the past six months.

e) for students and students: certificate from an educational institution, in which the period is indicated when the student / student is free from classes. Or information that the educational institution does not object to the lack of a student / student for the period of his journey.

e) In some cases, a document may be required, which confirms the ownership of ownership (for land, house, car, other property) or the last tax declaration (for persons who travel for the first time).

7. A document confirming the availability of funds to cover the costs associated with the countries of the Schengen zone:

To confirm the availability of own financial resources, it is necessary to provide one of the following documents:

a) certificate from the bank about the availability of funds with a list of operations over the past 3 months (valid one month from the date of its issuance);

b) traveler checks (it is necessary to provide the original and a copy from two sides, as well as a receipt about their purchase);

Sponsoring - a notarized list-sponsoring sheet (original), as well as a certificate from the bank about the state of funds on the account and extract about the movement of funds over the past three months of the sponsor. The sponsor can only be a relative of the first line.

eight. Documents that confirm the main goal of the trip.

a) Confirmation of the hotel's booking confirming the following requirements:

- original, fax copy with specified sender details (Polish phone number and fax shipment date) or electronic notice from the hotel (print screen of an email + scanned confirmation);

- All documents confirming the reservation of hotels can be provided by the English, Polish, Ukrainian or Russian;

- There must be information about the terms of reservation, surnames and names, passport data of all traveling persons, address and phone number, information about the amount of payment made (which should be at least 50% in the event of a reservation in Poland, in other Schengen countries - 100%).

Visa to Poland. How much is it and how to get? 16311_2

Important information: The hotel's reservation letter must be sent directly from the hotel / hostel / camping site. Confirmation from third parties or intermediaries will not be taken to consideration.

b) Printed Detailed daily tourist trip (also on any of the above languages).

c) Booking tickets for transport. In the event of a trip by own vehicles, it is necessary to provide a technical passport for a car, the driver's license of the international sample and the signed written declaration (Honestly, I did not understand what - I did not fill anything like this). In some cases, it may be necessary to provide the original of the actual international insurance policy ("green card").

Visa to Poland. How much is it and how to get? 16311_3

nine. Additionally for minors (up to 18 years) must be provided:

a) the original and a copy of the birth certificate;

b) in the booking of the hotel there must be data about all traveling persons (including children);

c) a visa for juvenile applicants by age up to 16 years can incur into the passport of one of the parents. For those who were 16 years old, it is necessary to have its own travel document or passport.

Attention should be paid That all funds paid for visa and service fees are not returned.

If necessary, you may be asked to come to the consulate of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine to pass the interview before the decision is made regarding the visa.

Also, diplomatic missions retain the right to request additional documents.

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