Best time to relax in Pissouri


According to its geographical position, Pissouri is the most southern resort in Cyprus. Average temperature indicator Even in the coldest winter months, if so it can be called, is within plus fifteen degrees, so many hotels continue to work in the winter. And if you consider that the temperature of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Cyprus does not fall below the seventeen-eighteen degrees of heat, which may even see for a warm man, then tourists here can be seen almost all year round. But I said this not to the fact that you were now thinking about the fact that the beach season lasts all year round.

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Just this information may be interested in those who do not greatly dress the warm sea and the hot sun, and who likes a cooler period for various reasons. Someone does this for health, and someone just likes rest at this time of year. In general, everyone has their own tastes and we will not argue about this. But I would like to tell you about the summer season, then-there is about when it is better to rest at this resort, so that it is a beach holiday for you not only comfortable, but also delivered the maximum pleasure.

If you focus on the temperature indicators and the opening time of the hotel that do not work in winter, it turns out that the beginning of the summer season in Pissouri falls at the end of April. In principle, sunbathing at this time can already be bolder, but I think that not everyone will be able to swim in the sea, because we can expect at this time the sea temperature is more nineteen degrees, it is definitely not worth it. But this time may be interested in holiday price or accommodation, which will be much cheaper than in the height of the season. If the cost of a ticket or a trip is of great importance, then you have a desire to relax in Cyprus, but in the middle of the season it is possible to seem too high and not acceptable, then you can decide on this step. As a last resort, swimming in the sea can be compensated for by the hotel pool.

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Our compatriots, in recent years, often use the May holidays to relax on the sea. Pissouri in this regard is no exception and in the first numbers of this month, the number of tourists from Russia is significantly increasing. Long weekends, this is a pretty good option for a trip, and vacation days can be used for more suitable time. In principle, in early May it is possible to relax quite well, because the air temperature is quite suitable, and the sea, if you're lucky, may have degrees twenty-twenty-one. And if you consider that marching holidays, for a Russian person, as a rule, does not cost without the relevant tradition and many hotels work on the "All Inclusive" system, then those who want to swim, in not quite a warm sea, quite not enough, because everyone knows To whom the sea is knee. But this period can be called more like an alternative to vacation, and good time to travel sightseeing Cyprus, who are not small on the island, because it is much more pleasant to do at a time when there is no exhausting heat that turns an interesting walk into torment.

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As for truly full-fledged beach holidays, in the literal sense of the word, when you can not only not fall in the sun, but also to spend a lot of time in the beautiful water of the Mediterranean Sea, it comes with the beginning of summer. 3a first summer month, the water temperature gradually rises from twenty-three, to twenty six degrees of heat. You can already boldly come even with children, as this temperature it allows children on debt not to get out of the sea. Yes, and the day is still relatively not hot. June for Pissouri does not often present temperature indicators higher than plus thirty degrees, so this is quite a comfortable time to relax, especially for those who do not tolerate high temperatures.

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The second summer month for this resort becomes more hot. In this, even at night, the air temperature does not fall below twenty-five, and in the afternoon this indicator is higher than ten degrees. I want to spend more time in the sea, whose water is also not lower than twenty-seven degrees. It will not be superfluous to always have at hand tools for protection from the Sun and the supply of drinking water, especially going for a walk or a tour. Glasses and headdress are an integral attribute for such hot months. And especially when it comes to August, which in Cyprus is considered the fierce. Nevertheless, the number of tourists does not decrease from this to this, but on the contrary, it reaches a maximum, as by the way, and the temperature of sea water, which reaches almost thirty degrees in August. If you are a lover of such high temperatures, then in order to relax this month, it is worth up to fuss and purchase a ticket in advance because it may not be so simple with good places. The same can be said and traveling yourself.

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Very good month for rest in Pissouri, you can call September, if only you do not have school children. This temperature is approximately as in June, only the sea is much warmer. By and large, if you take, it's probably September and is the best month for relaxing at this resort. And it's not only in temperature indicators. There can be many advantages of this period, for example, a decrease in the number of tourists, especially children who bring Pissouri to life, some additional revival and bustle, I don't speak about the noise, so in September it becomes more calm and quiet. Secondly, it is a month of ripening of many fruits and vegetables, although in Cyprus with them a special lack is not tested, despite the time of year, it is not for sure that it is not a greenhouse option. To the same, September, like August, in Cyprus is considered the sweetest month, so the precipitates you definitely do not darken the rest. In short, it is just a paradise month for rest.

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If for some reason, you failed to relax to the called period, do not be upset. You can easily come to Pissouri and in October. The big heat I do not promise, but twenty-five to twenty-eight degrees of heat will be accurate, and the sea until the end of October is unlikely to cool down below twenty-four degrees, which is very good for this month. There are also our advantages from October. Tourists are becoming less and less, and therefore there is a place in the hotel or on the beach will be more and calmer. Moreover, there will be a slight price of prices for accommodation for accommodation and on the ticket, although some tour operators use the fact that in Cyprus this month the weather is quite good, and try to sell tours at summer prices. It is truth to say the main profit of the tour operators and falls for September and October months, because with the normal situation, about the next tenth of September, at all resorts prices begin to decline a bit, thus the cost of the tour decreases. So this nuance can also be taken into account by purchasing a tour or going on alone.

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You can relax in Pissuri to about mid-November, then-there until the air fell below twenty-five, and water in the sea still allows you to swim. By the middle of the month, the Mediterranean Sea in this area is heated to twenty-two, which is quite normal, but later, can go small rains and the temperature will decline, so the closing of the summer season at this resort falls in about mid-November. As you can see, the period is quite large, almost seven months, during which you can enjoy the beautiful sea and the amazing nature of Cyprus. But as I said at the beginning, some hotels continue to work, so life in Pissouri does not stop.

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This is the overall picture of the weather for this resort, decide for yourself for what time it is better to go.

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