What excursions should I go to Serbia?


Serbia - the country is compact enough according to our standards, and to inspect its main cities and attractions in two weeks of the measured rest. I would share an excursion in Serbia to three types: familiarity with the cities of the country, religious or pilgrimage tours and trips to the Serbian outback.

What excursions should I go to Serbia? 16201_1

Excursion to Belgrade.

Starting, traditionally, stands with a sightseeing tour of Belgrade, during which you can get acquainted with the main attractions of the Serbian capital. This is the Belgrade fortress Calembal, offering beautiful panoramic views of the city and Danube, the Temple of Saint Sava, Parliament, the Cathedral Church and the Republic Square.

Very interesting, with spectacular photos it turns out a tour of the evening city. Firstly, the panoramas of the evening Belgrade from Cableleughn and from the fortress of the old town of Zemun miracle as good. Secondly, attend bohemian areas of the scandarly type and the central pedestrian street Belgrade of the best just at this time: life here begins in the evening hours, everything is very fun, noisy and festive, elegant people, closed from a cafe and local artists give these places a special atmosphere .

In general, despite the relatively small number of tourists, tours of Belgrade a lot, there are completely unusual, thematic, dedicated, for example, Nikola Tesh or Persdisan football clubs and "Czrven Star".

Excursion to Smederevo, Silver Lake and Jerdap National Park

Smederevo is a small village near Belgrade. Architecture is very pretty here, I liked more than Belgrade. Everything is very compact in Smederevo, and the attractions are interesting: Smederev Fortress, City Hall, city squares and a pedestrian zone, St. George's Cathedral. Silver lake - a very beautiful lake, with developed infrastructure, beaches, restaurants and promenade for walking. In the National Park, Jerdap is the same gorge, one of the largest and most beautiful in Europe. At the entrance to the gorge is the Golubatskaya Fortress, which is considered the most well-preserved city of Serbian Middle Ages.

What excursions should I go to Serbia? 16201_2

Excursion to Subotica and Lake Palich

A trip to the very north of the country, almost on the border with Hungary. And nature, and architecture here are very different from typical Serbian nature and architecture. Very beautiful architectural symbiosis in the city of Subotica, who once belonged to Austria-Hungary. The most interesting places here are the town hall, the urban museum, the bishopath, Reichly Palace and the Gothic Cathedral of St. George. Palich is a lake and spread the resort city on his shores. Previously, Palich stood on the same level with famous Czech fears in popularity among the highest sections of society. The most interesting thing in Palich is local thermomineral sources and wine, which is certainly worth trying here.

City Tour Novi Garden

Novi Garden - the capital of the autonomous edge of Voivodina, the city is very bright with wide streets and elegant houses. The main attractions of the Novi Garden are the Church of St. Mary, theater Square with the Serbian National Theater, the Cathedral and the Danube Park. Separate attention is worth the fortress Petrovradin - views of the new Garden and Danube with it are awesome.

A evening excursion is also possible for Novi Garden, which seems to me more interesting than the day. The city looks more effectively thanks to the illumination, musicians, artisans and artists are located on pedestrian streets. And the view from the Petrovaradinsk fortress, and the day is very spectacular, in the evening it just fascinates.

Zlatibor-Dwwegrad-Mokra mountain

This excursion can be called "visiting Emir Kusturica." In the southwest of the country there are places related to the work of the famous director. First of all, this ethno-settlement Dwwegerad, located in a very picturesque place - on the slopes of the wet mountain. Here are the vintage village houses, the church, restaurants, souvenir shops, even prison (!) - Almost all of the tree. The place is very pretty and colorful, in my opinion. But more Dwwegerada, I liked nearby nearly a centenary narrow-salt railway, known as the Shargan Oskow. The railway passes in almost the sheer cliffs, the trip on it is very interesting and unusual, but it is possible to ride on the train only in the summer - at another time of the year it does not function. By the way, the passage by rail costs from 300 Serbian dinar for children and from 600 - for adults. Zlatibor is a famous Serbian resort, built among picturesque mountains and forests. In Zlatibor, a very interesting market: I have never seen such a variety of products of local masters, things are all very beautiful and unusual, and they are very cheap. In Zlatibor it is worth going at least behind it! And here I advise you to buy homemade cheese, local honey and alcoholic beverages. It seems to me that in Zlatibor are treated for the sake of this market - there is nothing to look there and nothing.

Devilo Warosh and Niche

A trip to the city of Nish and the Natural Reserve of Dvolo Vaoros is a trip to the South of Serbia. Niche is a gloomy city, with specific buildings. What is only the Chela Coula - the tower with the turtles, which the Turks from the heads of the Serbs resisted them were built. But there are more pleasant sights here, for example, again, Turkish heritage is a niche fortress, or a very beautiful royal fountain, or a peerron with a locomotive, who received the beautiful name "Baba Mila". Devil Varos, or the city of the devil, that under the mountain Radan - a unique place. Here are two groups of giant multicolored figures from the ground, crowned with stone caps - in each of the hundred such figures. The land around them also has a whitish-greenish-redhead, and all together creates a spectacle truly crazy and fascinating.

What excursions should I go to Serbia? 16201_3

Excursion for monasteries Frusk Mountain

Frusk-Mountain is a local holy mountain. Here are sixteen partially preserved monasteries. Most monasteries are built in the XVI-XVII centuries. The most famous monasteries here are crash, old and new Hopovo, Gregteg, Beochein and Vurnnik. They are built in the style of Moravian and Rasi schools with elements of Baroque.

For traveling around the country, it is most convenient to dwell in Belgrade: excursions here are offered the most, and the central location allows you to go to the north and south of the country. A good option is also the city of Novi Garden: It's convenient to get to the submarine, Lake Palich and Monasteries on Froshka-Mount.

In fact, it is only a small part of the excursions in Serbia: the natural sights, and monasteries, and the vintage castles remained lack of and natural attractions. And from here you can go to Montenegro, and in Bosnia and Herzegovina - a huge variant, and the hospitable Serbia is always glad to tourists.

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