Public transport in Rome


Rome has a metropolitan, trams, buses and trolley buses. True, the metro is not so developed as in other European cities, and trolleybuses serve only one-only route ... The entire transportation system in the city is controlled by the firm Atas Therefore, on all types of transport there is a single type of tickets, including even train of regional lines.

So, about all types of public transport of Rome in order.


Metro lines map in Rome is extremely simple, it is the letter X, which is formed by two lines - "A" and "B". They intersect at Termini Station. The first line (red) extended in the direction of the southeast - North-West, the second (blue), comes from the south to the northeast. The construction of a full-fledged subway system is hampered by archaeological finds, then the work falling on the way of workers.

City authorities are planning to complete the line "C" with stations that simultaneously perform the role of museums. The transplant station on the line "B" will be the one that is located near the Colosseum. There also want to organize an underground museum - with access to the forum.

Nowadays, the metro is on schedule 05: 30-23: 30; On Saturday, it closes an hour later. Interval of movement of compositions - from five to ten minutes. Some stations have only one platform, others - two, so that they can be equipped with or one entrance, or two separate. At the Roman subway, we will not particularly run away: they can be used to except for the train station to the hotel, or to get to the Eur exhibitions district.

Urban electric trains also refer to the metro system. They are called Treni Metropolitani. Such transport goes from Tiburina Station. On these trainings, you can go to the airport, on the beaches of Lido Di-Ostia, to the suburb of Castel Romani, or the collapse of the antique oath. At Treni Metropolitani there is a common urban travel. More information about the Roman Metropolitan - here on the official website:

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Trams ride around the city from 05:30 to 24:00. There are different compositions - old type and new. Old painted in red color, they mainly run next to the station, passing passengers in the direction of San Giovanni-In-Lateranian and further, before Pristestin. New painted in green, they can be seen, for example, between argentine and trastover. Trams, not as an example of local buses, stop at all stops, but still advise you to use the alarm button to the driver, so that you know exactly what you need where you need.

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It is most convenient to move along the streets of Rome on buses. Pluses a lot: Routes - a whole busy, the movement interval is small (about ten minutes). There are three types of buses: ordinary, express and night. The usual is painted in yellow or red; The route number of such bass at the stop is marked with red, blue or black flowers. Express bus painted in green. This transport stops not everywhere. The route, the most interesting for guests of the city - in the expression N40; It is sent from the station square in San Pietro, stopping the points of Rome important to the tourist. At the bus stop, the number of the buses express is written in green square.

Both ordinary buses and expressions appear on routes at 05:30 or at 06:00, and work until 24:00. Then comes the nightlings - Autobus Notturni. . Stop on the route of such a bus indicates a dark blue number with a yellow-owned side; The room also necessarily has a letter n. Night lines are not so much as daytime, but at night bass you will always get to any area of ​​the city. All these lines have two dozen. Notturni buses are mostly driven from Termini (Piazza del Cinekwortho) and Piazza Venice. Direct can be bought directly in transport, it costs a half euro.

In the central part of the city, sometimes you can even see the minibuses - Bussini Ecologici. . They go to ten o'clock in the evening. Not a very fast type of transport, as for me, however, it is still more odor than buses.

If you want to sit on the bus you need, you should vote at the bus stop, so that the driver notice you. Before leaving the transport, also report to the stop using the signal button - there are several in the cabin.

At the bus stops and trams there are information shields with specified routes: blue color is indicated by those that run on working days, red - transport, working on weekends, black - daily. In the case when on the route you see the "Sciopero" mark, this means a strike of drivers serving this line. For Italy, this is not a wonder.

Maps of bus routes are sold in Informbüro Atas. It is located on the pl. Cinkovento. It is not necessary to buy a map there, you can just ask how to get to the desired street - and English-speaking office staff will help you understand.

Atas, which controls public transport in Rome, there is an official website:

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Taxi cars in Rome are painted in white or yellow color. Models of cars are very different, but the board when landing and tariffs for the kilometer everywhere are the same. In order for your faster to explain to the driver, where you need to go, write the name of the item you need in advance (or address) in advance. And have a hotel business card with you.

Taxi's trip to Rome is quite annexted pleasure. When landing with you will take 3 euros (in the bright time of the day), on weekends they take 4.5, and from 22:00 to 06:00 - 6.5. Each kilometer for T1 - 1.1 euro, T2-1.3, T3 - 1.6 euros. The taxi driver should always warn about the change of the tariff along the route. The surcharge for one additional luggage place is one euro.

If you order a car by phone, then in the overall account will add more extra charge for the feeding of the machine. You can call the car from the hotel or from the restaurant - in this question you will always help you. Or take it on one of the numerous parking lots in the capital of Italy in Navalal. On the street to stop the car you may not work out: there is a ban to pick up passengers on the street.

River trams

This type of transport runs along the Tiber River from 07:30 to 19:00. A small boat despair from Tiberin's island every thirty minutes. River tram route lies north to the auditorium and the Olympic stadium. It stops next to the bridges - almost near any of them. You can order a sightseeing walk for 16 euros. If the program will be included in the boat dinner, then the water journey will cost you 58 euros.

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