Rest in Samarkand: the cost of the flight, travel time, transfer.


Speaking frankly - to get to Samarkand is much easier than to make a decision about the trip to Uzbekistan. Some tourists scare off a bureaucratic registration system, which is mandatory upon arrival to the country for all. Moreover, registration documents must be kept up to departure from Uzbekistan. And all due to the fact that passport control workers may ask for registration even leaving the country of tourists. But all these inconveniences are fascinated compared to the impressions that tourists will reward one of the oldest cities in the world - Samarkand.

Rest in Samarkand: the cost of the flight, travel time, transfer. 16180_1

Fast but not cheap airfare

Faster to get to Samarkand from Russia, tourists will be able to use the airfare. Direct flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg to the city and East Colorite are performed almost daily. By time, a comfortable flight from St. Petersburg will take about five hours, and a few less than 4 hours from Moscow. Immediately clarify that the cost of the flight will depend on the airline, which travelers will take advantage. But in any case, the airfare - the pleasure is not cheap. A ticket to Samarkand for flights made by the Uzbek airline will cost tourists at least 240 dollars. The services of Aeroflot and Transaero on the delivery of travelers in Samarkand will increase in 270-450 dollars.

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There will be no problems with the airfare in the beautiful Samarkand and tourists from Ukraine and Belarus. You can find a direct flight from Kiev direct flight from one transplant in Tashkent to the Tashkent will be able to accurately. Such a flight will cost travelers an average of $ 350 and will take from nine to seventeen hours.

Getting from the airport to the hotel or to the center of Samarkand you can take a taxi. Prices for travel are quite affordable. You can even save a little, walking down a couple of hundred meters from the airport towards the road. True, travelers with children or great luggage will be easier to call a taxi directly to the airport. Such a service will cost only 2.5-3 dollars. And this is the price without a substitute for other passengers. Otherwise, a taxi will cost even cheaper.

Speed ​​express or memorable electrician Registan

If a visit to Samarkand is one of the items of travel in Uzbekistan as a whole, then you can get to this mysterious city from Tashkent on a high-speed electricity Afrosiab. It is sent from the platform of the main railway station of Tashkent and in just two hours, it delivers inquisitive tourists to Samarkand. There is such a trip from 21 to 40 dollars one way. The most acceptable for most tourists is a ticket to the wagon economy class. But this does not mean that the passage will be uncomfortable. Even for a relatively small fee, the passengers will pass in comfortable chairs and, if desired, will take advantage of video or audio engineering, which are equipped with all wagons.

Rest in Samarkand: the cost of the flight, travel time, transfer. 16180_3

In addition, there is a cafe-car in Afrosyab, which is convenient for tourists with children. However, absolutely, all travelers can take advantage of the services of a cafe-car and remove the sample of famous Samarkand pellets on the way to Samarkand.

The inconvenience of the speed train is that he makes flights to Samarkand only twice a day. However, it is possible to get to the city of famous shadows not only on Afrosia. In the direction of Samarkand, a friend of the Soviet sample by many travelers is running. Many mistakenly believe that the passage on the train is incompatible. In reality, the unspoken wagons inside are well equipped. If you are lucky, then in the summer, air conditioning in the coupe can cope even with an exhausting day heat. By the way, the ticket for the train costs all the same 21 dollar, but in both directions. True, and expensive to Samarkand on the registan will take almost 4.5 hours.

Whatever the train you have decided to take advantage of, in any case it will be a convenient and acceptable travel option to Samarkand. The main thing is to consider and remember the features of the Uzbek railway. Rules on the local railway stations are very similar to the rules at many airports in the world. You should not be afraid when, when entering the station, you will look at and enlighten your luggage. Exit to the platform to the train or electrician is possible only after the passport and ticket. So the documents are better not to hide. And yet, no matter how funny it sounds, but it is strictly forbidden to photograph at the station. About this tourists throughout the station resemble special signs.

Rest in Samarkand: the cost of the flight, travel time, transfer. 16180_4

And yet, I plan to get to Samarkand with the help of the railway, consider mandatory registration for the train, which ends in half an hour before it is sent. The main thing is to get to the train, and further the mysterious and hospitable Samarkand will surprise and impress.

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