Should I go to Thailand?


Thailand is quite popular among Russian holidaymakers a country in which a significant part of tourists have already visited. However, not everyone was in generally flying to Asia or specifically in Thailand, so do not everyone know about the advantages and cons relatives in this country. The article below across the same turns to those who consider Thailand as a possible place for their rest.

Thailand is located in Southeast Asia and basically, he is choosing a beach holiday lovers.

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For a start, let's talk about how to get to Thailand.


Tourists can get to Thailand exclusively by plane, different airlines fly to this country - among them are Russian, and foreign. The cost and duration of the flight is very different - it depends on which part of our country you live and what time is going to fly to Thailand. The longest and most expensive will cost a flight from the European part of the country - St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities that are close to Europe. The non-final flight will last about 9- 12 hours, with transfers will be the same, but divided between different flights. Siberia and the Far East are closest to Thailand - from some cities you can fly only for 5-6 hours, the price of a ticket will naturally be significantly lower. Thus, if you calmly treat long flights, you can fly to rest in Thailand from the European part of Russia, if the long flight is not for you - you can fly to rest from the eastern part of Russia or just choose another resort.

Beach season

Thailand is located near the equator, so there are two fairly pronounced seasons - dry with a calm sea and almost without precipitation and rainy season, when despite the steadily high temperature of the air and water, swimming is hardly possible because of the storms raging in the sea, Frequent high waves and almost permanent pouring rains.

Dry or high season in Thailand begins from November and lasts in March - at this time you can safely fly on vacation, rain will be or not enough or will not be at all - the sea will be calm or the little waves will be waiting for you.

Those who choose to relax a low season or rainy season - that is, time from April to October, can count on quite low prices for rest - after all, hotels are not completely filled at that time, and some remain half empty, but no one can guarantee You have good weather - will definitely fall out and good days when the sun looks like and you can buy, but permanent rains can go for two to three weeks.


Thailand will probably like those who are not ready too expensive to pay for rest - the country refers to inexpensive areas, although, of course, for those who want there are luxury hotels offering a high-class service. One of the cheapest places for recreation in Thailand is traditionally considered to be Pattia - the tickets are sold, the price of which can be from 20-30 thousand rubles per person (of course, such vouchers are far from always). In Thailand itself, if you ask such a goal and search for cheap restaurants - it is quite possible to dine by 10-15 dollars for two. More Thailand will probably have to taste lovers of inexpensive massage - prices for Thai massage and traditional foot massages start from 250 baht, which is quite inexpensive, especially if you recall the prices for massage in Russia.


I would recommend visit Thailand to all those who love exotic fruits - mango, papaya, dragon eyes (or dragon fruit), pineapples and many other fruits - they are sold everywhere at all at all low prices.

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In addition, in cafes you can enjoy fresh seafood and fish - in general, it is also prepared in this country quite tasty. You can also try Thai cuisine - it is quite acute, so many dishes are called an amateur, but among them there are enough curious combinations, and in addition, you can always ask for a dish to be cooked unotica - for this you need to say no spicy. There are also institutions offering European, American, Italian, Indian and Russian cuisine - in general, whatever you wish, the hungry will definitely be left. Italian, Indian and American establishments (Burgers, Pizza and TD) prevail among restaurants from foreign cuisine.

Local residents

The advantages of Thailand can also be attributed to the goodwill of local residents - almost all of them are smiling and trying to keep the guest to be satisfied - in general, the level of service can be described as high - they are trying and it can be seen.

The minuses include obsession - many Thais learned a couple of words / expressions in Russian, so they will pester in you everywhere - on the street, on the beach, in the store so that you come from them. The sellers of all nonsense are constantly walking around the beach - from dresses and fake glasses to ice cream and water. They are overpriced (relative to prices in stores), and in addition, they love to stop right in front of you to show their goods.


One of the main minuses of Thailand is the lack of purity. Those who are accustomed to Europe can be slightly shocked - on the streets can be dirty, maybe and disgusting with sewage, on the beaches there are sometimes mountains of garbage - sometimes they are closed, and sometimes not. In general, the concepts of cleanliness in us and the Asians are clearly very different, so the trips to Thailand are contraindicated to the squeamish people.

Attractions and entertainment

Entertainment in Thailand, of course, there is, but they do not care about the entertainment that you can find in Europe - there are practically no large museums (if, of course, we are not talking about the country's capital), and most of the entertainment is associated with nature - this is a skating On elephants, trips to national parks, rafting alloy, bathing in waterfalls, walks on the boat on the tropical islands.

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Various shows are also popular - both national, with songs and dances, talking about the history of Thailand and the show of transvestites - the entertainment is very popular in Thailand - artists dance and sing, and many of them do not distinguish between women!

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