Rest in Zelden: How to get?


A few ways to get into beladen. Each of them has its pros and cons, but the end result will be the same - an unforgettable vacation in the most beautiful and fun mountain valley of Austria. Already the road itself until Zelden on Tyrol lands will be the beginning of a fascinating trip. And all thanks to the location of the ski resort in the etcal valley and the only possible distance of the path on a relatively picturesque automotive track.

Airfare and further road

Get directly in Zelden on the plane will not work. The nearest airport is Innsbruck. It is there from Moscow that can be reached by direct flight. However, such pleasure will cost at least 250 euros. A cheaper option will be flight with transfers. This method is a little exhaust, but will allow a little to save at the cost of the flight. True, tourists will have to come to terms with loss of time. Since the airline with transfers can take from 5 to 21 hours.

For those who do not want to be fused with an indirect airfare, the Munich Airport can be an alternative option. There, direct flights from Russia are made much more often (up to 10 flights a day). As for me, this option will be perfect for tourists with children. The flight takes up only 3-3.5 hours and young travelers do not have time to bother. In addition, get tickets for direct flights to Munich is simple to Innsbruck. Plus the cost of the flight will be on average in 190 euros.

Next, from Innsbruck or Munich Airport to the Selden ski resort will have to get by train or train Railway station Ötztal Bahnhof, located at the beginning of the valley.

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From Innsbruck to Zelten just over 80 kilometers, and from Munich to the resort 287 kilometers. But regardless of the length, the train or train will be comfortable and fast. Innsbruck's trip will take from 25 to 50 minutes - depending on the number of stops and the electric train to the Austrian or German company, and will cost 10.20 euros. As convenient, but more relaxing will travel by train from Munich. It will take about two and a half hours. The cost of the adult ticket to the train from Munich to the valley will fall out in 49-50 euros. I note the fact that the Austrian trains are often late for 10-15 minutes. However, waiting for passengers with a mass of apologies politely noticed about this unpleasant casus.

Final jerk from the station to the resort tourists can commit on a taxi or local bus which will deliver right to the lift or booked apartments. The cost of travel by bus to Zeland will be approximately 8 euros. The trip from the railway station to the resort by taxi will cost more and relieves the wallet of tourists for 70-75 euros per car. A pleasant surprise for tourists will be the information that the local bus driver is always waiting for tourists with a false trail.


The most unemployed and convenient way to get from Innsbruck Airport to Zelden is to use the transfer. It is provided by many resort hotels and the transport company Etztal Valley. On average, transfer from the airport is 45 euros per person. You can order it directly when booking a room at the hotel or online on the website of the company Shattle Etzal.

As for the journey to Zelten by car, this method is suitable except that bold and experienced tourists. Not everyone will decide on the trip at the unfamiliar mining and placed track.

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Autobahn and federal route, of course, are not scary, but some steep congresses and Passage Arlberg can be a little embarrassing. However, each traveler chooses its own way to get into a popular ski resort. It is the one that is most convenient, an economoman and practical.

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