What are the interesting places worth a visit to Panormo?


In essence, Panamo himself is a small fishing village, with narrow streets and a quiet, measured life of local residents. It is quite calm and not at all like those resorts, where the whole of the first line is occupied by chic hotels and entertainment facilities, with a constant bustle and crowds of tourists. There are no special attractions in the most close attractions, but in close proximity, and in the whole, in the territory of the entire island Crete, there are quite a few of these attractions. I will not tell about everyone, but about closest places closest to the Panormo, a few words should be said.

One of these can be called Arkadi Monastery, which is located kilometers twenty from Panormo, at an altitude of five hundred meters above sea level, in the southwestern part of the Mounta Ida.

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Panormo? 16024_1

No one can call the exact date of His again, some claim that it was still in the fifth century, others call a later period. And the French traveler Pitton de Tournefor, argued that the monastery itself was built on the site of an ancient city, which was called Arkadia. Which of these versions is closer to the truth, it is difficult to say, one knows exactly that the church, which is located on the territory of the monastery, was built in the sixteenth century. You can go about his story if you are too lazy to rise on foot or you call for a long time, because it is quite interesting and even in some moments tragic.

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This concerns the invasion times and reign of the Ottoman Empire on the island, when the monastery was plundered several times. But in general, about the period of the existence of Arkadi, you will be more interesting to listen to the guide, during an excursion to this monastery. At the moment, there is a museum where quite interesting exhibits are collected.

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Visit Arkadi Monastery Powerfully from ten in the morning, up to eight o'clock in the evening, in the summer months. In winter, it works from nine in the morning, up to four. The cost of the entrance ticket is two and a half euros. Almost all the money go to repair and restoration.

A little further, on the southern slope of Mount Ida, there is a cave 3evs. According to legend, 3EV itself was born in this cave. It is located on more than a kilometer height, above sea level. The inner beauty of stalactites and stalagmites will definitely not leave you indifferent. At the bottom of the cave is the lake. Archaeologists found different decorations, weapons, coins and other items related to different time periods. In the Minoan Epoch, the cave is a cave used as a cult place.

If you decide to visit this cave, then be sure to get comfortable shoes, because the walk will not be easily. From the bus, up the mountain will have to go minutes forty. And grab the supply of drinking water, which you will probably need it. In hottime, you should not forget the heads of heads. If you laziness will walk to the cave, or will want to make a variety during this journey, then to the cave itself they can be delivered to the riding on the donkeys, which will cost about fifteen euros. I want to warn you that you will not be allowed inside using the photo flash, as it adversely affects the integrity of the natural material. Although some are still photographed, for which comments from a guide or caretaker receive comments.

Very near Panormo, near the village of Melidoni, there is another amazing cave, which is called Melidoni. In the Minoan Epoch, she was also a place of cult, where Hermes worshiped, 3Evs and Talos.

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It was Talos who was considered a patron and defender of the island from external enemies. The objects found by archaeologists in this cave are now stored in the Museum of the city of Rethymnon. But not only this is famous for this cave.

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Panormo? 16024_5

During the Ottoman Iea, this cave has become a shelter for local residents, among which was about four hundred people. Having learned about this, the Turks offered the critical to surrender, but they refused and after the three-month siege of the Turk, without achieving the desired, set fire to the cave. It happened in January 1824. Now in the central hall, which is somewhat in the cave, there is a crypt with the bones of heroes, and he himself is called "3l heroes."

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Panormo? 16024_6

An eco-tourism amateur, for sure, will want to visit one, and maybe not in one, from the gorges that Crete is so rich. Among them can be called such as Kurtalioti,

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Panormo? 16024_7

Kotsif, Imbros and others. Each of them is unique and unique, having its secrets and extraordinary beauty.

This I only called some interesting places in Crete, and that of those that are in the immediate vicinity of Panormo. But in general, in Crete, there are more interesting places that any schoolboy who read myths about ancient Greece knows about whom. Who for example did not hear about the Minotaur Maze or the Palace's Palace.

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Panormo? 16024_8

About the island of Spopalong, too, I also think many of heard, and all this is in Crete.

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Panormo? 16024_9

If you calculate all the interesting places, both from the historical point and entertaining, it will be, probably, no less than mines such objects. Naturally, in one visit, it will not be possible to visit everything, but you can pre-make a plan or route for the attractions of Crete, who may interest you. I assure that you will find a lot of interesting things. It remains only to wish you a pleasant stay and interesting travel.

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