What time is it better to rest in Cuba?


Many tourists, going to Cuba in the winter, mistakenly suggest that they go to summer. This is not true. The fact is that Cuba is in the same hemisphere as Russia, which means that in the winter there is winter there. No, of course, snow on the island of freedom does not happen, but the probability of encountering the cold front is very large.

Winter (December, January, February)

In winter, a person who loving heat may not seem very comfortable in the Cuba. In the afternoon, the sun shines mercilessly and can be burned without problems, but evenings will be quite cool.

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One of the winter problems of Cuba is the wind. He takes the hotel pools, making them literally ice. Keep this in mind, especially if you go on vacation with kids. The average temperature keeps about + 26 degrees, but the differences are large. But everywhere there are posses - excursions, and they are very saturated in Cuba, it is better to visit it at this time of year. If your vacation falls precisely for the winter months and want to be bought on the beach in the pose of seal all the days, I advise you to go to the Caribbean coast of the country, there is weather even in winter more and more domestic.

Spring (March, April, May)

Spring is almost perfect months to visit the island of freedom. And if in March you can still catch the races of temperatures, then April, May and beginning of June will delight you with the weather.

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The air temperature lasts about 29 degrees, and the water warms up to 26. But do not forget to use sunscreen. Babies are better to swim in T-shirts, because the gentle skin of a child along the scorching sun burns instantly.

Summer (June, July, August)

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This time of year in Cuba, everything literally melts from a high temperature, which is not very comfortable for some travelers to couple with high humidity. But tourists at this time there are quite a lot. This is due to the large number of different carnivals, festivals and other entertainment activities that are held at this time of the year.

Autumn (September, October, November)

Those who had an unenviable fate to get into the tropical hurricane in Cuba in the summer, it is unlikely to ever forget that even pleasure. And let the destruction of hurricanes, the year for a year is not necessary, but at least a couple visits the island for the season for sure. Storm rains with thunderstorms are collapsed into Cuba and even though the water temperature does not fall too much, to swim due to a constant storm and muddy water will be problematic, but rather, it is impossible.

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But prices for accommodation at this time of the year the most attractive, very little tourists.

By going to relax in Cuba, it must be remembered that the climate of the Atlantic and the Caribbean is different from each other. Yes, and terrain relief imposes its imprint on climate formation in different parts of the country. In winter, we definitely recommend to go to the Caribbean coast of Cuba, there will definitely be much warmer than on the ocean.

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