Independent holiday in Montenegro. Tips and recommendations.


I have a list of countries (small), where you can and need to ride only with the help of tour operators. So, Montenegro is not included in it. In what cases do we buy vouchers? When we want to make your stay more comfortable, safe and cheap or not we want to get a visa on our own (the latter more applies to small cities where there are no consulates and visa centers). No wonder we buy batch tours first of all in Arab countries, where else mentality, unlike the language, and the hotel's booking would independently cost us more expensive.

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With Montenegro, the situation is completely different. First, tourists who arrive for up to 30 days visa will not need. Secondly, the situation with rental housing in resort cities is very similar to our native Krasnodar region. In addition to standard hotels, there are small villas, and there is a private sector that comes out the rooms with partial amenities. Any option can be booked on the Internet, and you can find accommodation in place. But the last option is advised only if you are not going to the peak of the season and not in a small village. It is best to search for accommodation in Budva, worse than all - in the north of Montenegro in the Herceg Novi area and Igalo (because the sanatoriums are mostly located here.

I also want to talk a little about buying tickets to Montenegro. I liked to fly to Serbian Belgrade on Aeroflot and only from there in Montenegro. First, the stop in a very pleasant and inexpensive country, secondly, cute my heart bonus miles. The same who does not want to linger on the way, the best option offers Air Serbia again through Belgrade. In the season, you can try to buy a charter flight ticket to one of the travels. In general, the lack of regular flights from Russia to Montenegro - Probably the main minus in organizing an independent trip to this country.

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But what there will be no problems, so it is with a language and mutual understanding with Montenegrins. Absolutely cute, pleasant and smiling people who will definitely help and prompt. I remember, I had to sit in the bus station on a certain bus, I was a little confused and asked for help. So I was spent and put on my bus. In general, Montenegrins more Croats and Slovenians remind me of Serbs: the same in-friendly and hospitable, only lazy. Our languages ​​are very similar, so it will not arise to explain difficulties. The older generation still remembers the Russian learned in school, the youngest prefers English. But waiters, taxi drivers and other employees know a little Russian. But all this in the tourist cities. For example, in Cetina and in the bar more English even in the cafe and in restaurants. Although in Cetina we were caught a very nice elderly Montenegrin, who perfectly speaking in Russian and told us a lot of interesting stories about this city. Generally, as for excursions, they can be bought without any problems in the kiosks on the embankment on any Chernogorsk resort. There will be naturally in Russian.

In general, I advise it in Montenegro, very pleasant and hospitable, ride on your own. You will not save money on this (especially if you consider that in the country in the course of the euro, which puts it at one level prices with Italy and France), but this trip will allow us to get acquainted with local realities and mentality.

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