When is it worth going to rest in Costa Rica?


Costa Rica is not too popular in the tourist market, so those who want to visit it will arise the main question. And when to fly on vacation?! In fact, summer on Costa Rica all year round. Of course there is my own characteristics about which I will tell you now.

When is it worth going to rest in Costa Rica? 15999_1

Costa Rica Map

It is worth knowing that Costa Rica is divided into two coasts: Pacific and Caribbean (On the map it is excellent visible). For those who prefer a dry climate, it is worth going to relax on the Pacific coast to the northern part of it, all other places are higher humidity, often happens. But what is interesting, in the central part, in the capital San Jose - in the morning and in the evening it can be cool. Strong such contrast.

The best months for a comfortable beach holiday are considered from December to the end of May . But for those who do not fall on this period of time, should not be upset and leave Costa Rica as an unsinkable dream. The greatest influx of tourists falls on the winter months, so it can be better not to follow the weather standards in order not to push on the beach. Moreover, it is possible to rest here at any time of the year.

Winter on Costa Rica.

The season, the daily air temperature ranges in the area +26 ... + 28 degrees, at night about +22 degrees. The precipitation during this period is unlikely. The temperature of the water on both coasts is comfortable +25 degrees. The big plus of this time is moderate humidity, breathing easily and comfortable. No sensation of suffocation. During this period, prices for tours and hotels grow greatly, which is logical.

Spring on Costa Rica.

The beginning of the spring is still comfortable, the day of the column usually rises to +29 degrees, at night about +22 degrees. But closer to May the weather begins to change, the rainy season comes. Especially hot and wet becomes from the side of the Caribbean coast. Water in the ocean begins to become warmer and to May is heated to the state of "pair milk" about +27 degrees.

Summer on Costa Rica.

Those who poorly transfer heat and the high humidity can not go here. There is no longer a strong difference between the Pacific coast and Caribbean. The daily air temperature is +30 ... + 32 degrees, at night somewhat lowered to +25 degrees. The rainy season continues, but their character is short-term, but strong. Start unexpectedly, the same end. The umbrella should be constantly. Water in the ocean is warm about +27. During this period, tourists resting here less, but do not worry, you will not be on the beach.

Autumn on Costa Rica.

This is the period when you can spend your whole vacation at the hotel. The rainy season is in full swing, it can be pouring for several days without stopping. But the prices for trips are the lowest. You can of course go, but it will be like in the lottery: lucky or not lucky. It is not necessary to rest at the Caribbean coast, but in the north of the Pacific coast, the rains most often begin in the afternoon. Daytime temperatures will be about +28 degrees, at night + 23. Water for swimming at the beginning of autumn +26, but in November it becomes comfortable and lowered up to +24 degrees.

When is it worth going to rest in Costa Rica? 15999_2

Sky on Costa Rica in the rainy season

As you can see, this is the country of perpetual summer, you can have to fly here anyway, it is only worth navigating the rainy season and on how steady you are able to endure heat with high humidity. Have a nice rest!

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