The most interesting places in Yangon.


Myanmar, she was Burma (old name) for a long time was one of the most closed countries of Southeast Asia due to its political device, and only recently it became open to numerous tourists. Perhaps that is why the capital of Yangon's country has its own unique flavor based on the mixing of Burmese, British, Indian and Chinese cultures. Especially brightly in Yangon expressed the traditions of the colonial culture of Britain of the 19th century. Yangon is perhaps the only place in the world, where these traditions are stored as a primary form as possible.

The most striking architectural attractions of the British colonial style in Rangne, namely, the capital of Burma in those days are the secretariat building (the government is now sitting), the English Gymnasium of St. Paul and the Supreme Court located on the main square of the city. All three buildings are lined up with one-style orange-red brick with a large number of veranda, entrances and with pointed roofs. It is worth noting that all architectural monuments to this day are valid and moreover, the demand for real estate the colonization era is very high, even though the conditions in them are less perfect than there are more modern buildings.

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The main monuments in Yangune is a world famous Swedagon Pagoda , which, according to the legend (confirmed by some historians), was built while the Buddha Shakyamundi Buddha, which gives the right to talk about it, as the most ancient Buddha Stape of all that is currently in the world. A huge patch (about 100 meters) standing on a singuit's hill (the height of more than 50 meters) can be seen from almost any point of the capital of Myanmar. And believe me, it is impressive not only in size and scope, but also beauty and greatness. According to the legend of gold, which covered the entire stupa, was collected by the whole world and there was not a single person who lived during her construction, which did not donate at least a little. A symbolic umbrella is crowned, which is called Htt, decorated with thousands of precious stones, and at the most imperts, there is a giant diamond weighing 76 carats.

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The main shrines of the Pagoda are relics belonging to four Buddhas, this is a piece of cassava clothing, 8 hairs from Gautama's head, staff Kakusadhi and a container to filter the water of Coyagama.

The territory of Pagoda is divided into 8 parts, one for every day of the week. Yes Yes! You have read everything correctly! It is eight days, because in the Burmese calendar the environment is divided for two days. Each of the parts is filled with a large number of surprisingly interesting objects, somehow: the colorful sculptures of the deities and famous characters, small stups and bells, the trees of Bodhi and the sanctoes of NATOs (perfumes), each of which has its own beast of the patron. Locals visiting the Swedagon, go to worship the spirits on that part of the territory of the Pagoda, which corresponds to the day of the week of their birth.

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On the way to Podgoda, local merchants are bored with tourists (it is necessary to pay tribute to unobtrusively), offering memorable souvenirs, in the mass of their own elements of the Buddhist cult.

But not only the most ancient pagoda in the world can boast Yangon. It is here, quite near the Swedagon is located Temple Chauthazhzhi With the world's largest statue of the lying Buddha (72 meters). The statue is relatively new, because it was originally built at the beginning of the 20th century, then due to weather conditions was actually destroyed, and only in the second half of the 20th century it was recreated by new. Of particular interest is the mosaic laid out on the feet of Buddha depicting his attitude to life and faith, only 108 features.

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The temple is valid and almost always filled with believers, but near the temple you will probably become interested in local chiromants, astrologers and fortune-tales, who are spent by both locals and tourists to offer them their services.

Literally opposite the Chathazhzhi is located Temple Nga Tha Ji . No less interesting religious construction. And let him in him, nor about him there is nothing bigger in the world, nevertheless look at the wooden throne of the Buddha decorated with skilled thread, it is worth it. Just like the thirty-meter statue of the Buddha, presented to the temple in the 16th Son of the local ruler. The statue is interesting because it is performed in a very original style and consists of five levels (NGA Tha Ji in translation, and means a five-level Buddha).

In the very center of the city, not far from the above-mentioned architectural monuments of colonization times, is Pagoda Sulu which is also called the "oasis of calm". Pagoda has already been more than two thousand years old, and the main sacred treasure is Buddha's hair. According to the legend, he was donated to two merchants, who then became the founders of Schwdagon and a Yangon rushes around him. Very interesting, eight-marched form of pagodas at its entire height. The one who has seen a lot of Buddhist temples will surely be surprised by such an unusual architectural solution.

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But not only the religious buildings are interested in Yangon. There are many parks and interesting places in the city, there are several museums, the most interesting of which, in my opinion, is "Slava Myanmar" Or speaking easier - the National Museum. The museum presents a large collection of art objects, royal regalia, as well as weapons of various stages of the development of Myanmar as a state. It is especially interesting to look at the so-called "lion throne" belonging to the last Burmese king Tibo from the dynasty of the Baban.

Alas, but describe in one article all the sights of Yangon are simply unrealistic, and I only tried to describe the brightest and significant of them. In general, Yangon, and in general, Myanmar is worth a visit. You will not regret exactly.

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