Features of recreation in Prague


Prague is a small and very cozy European capital of the Czech Republic. It seems to me that Russian tourists are the most frequent guests. It is enough to get into the expanses of the Internet, as from about everywhere enthusiastic reviews, bright photos and loud phrases: "Let's return here!".

Of course, to understand what Prague is, there are few opinions by visiting, it is necessary to plunge into the magic of this city. Moreover, she has tremendous opportunities for tourist holidays.

Those who love the passive type of rest, consider other countries, such as Maldives. According to Prague, it is necessary to walk, a lot, constantly photographing: houses, sculptures, streets, attractions, from what by the end of the evening you will be hurting the index finger on hand. But you will not be upset about this.

The greatest friendship is a very short flight. Two hours with a little and the plane already enters the landing. Two oldest airlines fly there: Aeroflot and Czech Airlines. For me, I would choose between them two, stopped on our Aeroflote, in something he is still better. In service, in the novelty of aircraft. Or I got so lucky.

As for, where to stay in Prague, you will not have problems with the choice. Hotels here for every taste and wallet. There are quite luxurious: Palace Praha, Savoy, Kings Court and others, there are a lot of them in the city. What is nice, and budget tourists will be able to accommodate very comfortable. From my own experience, I would notice such hotels like: Congress and Sport Hotel Olsanka (former Olsanka), Prague Center Plaza, Hotel Amadeus (the most budget).

In any case, whatever the hotel you do not take, you will not sit in it. In fact, only to spend the night, but take a shower. Therefore, I would advise you to take a more fiscal option, but with a good location, it is desirable closer to the center. Otherwise you will have much time to move. And the same excursions begin in the center of the city, there is usually waiting for their tourists a guide with a sign. Therefore, those who in the center will have the opportunity to sleep, and guests from hotels on the outskirts will have to make alarm clock. But we are with you on vacation, what alarm clock!

So, in Prague, it will still be thrown into your eyes, this is the hospitality of local residents. It happened by chance by chance to push someone, I would not have time to bring my apologies, as I already say: "Sorry" and smile wide. People are very open, ready to help all that in their power. Of course, it is very bibing and has confidence in them. Many, by the way, speak Russian perfectly. But basically these are residents of older age, not young people. Something, as it seemed to me, our languages ​​are similar. So, Czech language to learn Russian will not be difficult.

Prague is a safe city, even a young girl can ride here, without escort. Theft on the streets, in hotels is extremely rare and most often such offenses come from tourists themselves. The Czechs themselves are very decent. Here is an example: there are no turnstiles in the underground metro in Prague. Everything keeps on the decency of citizens. There are controllers in trains, but they are extremely rare.

Prague is a city, a solid attraction. The most impressive is the Cathedral of St. Vita. His power he shocks and fascinates. It is even a joke among tourists. What because of its colossal sizes, the cathedral does not fit completely in one lens. The Cathedral of St. Vita is considered the most important in Prague, it was within him all the coronations of kings took place. The whole dynasty of the kings is resting on its territory. Inside the cathedral is the same stunning and impressive. Something hills horror. In that time it was done specifically to manage people with their own faith.

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St. Vitus Cathedral

For hiking walks, go through the Old Town Square. In the daytime she is very beautiful. Old houses like pictures, everywhere lanterns, street musicians are playing well-known compositions. Just worth it to wear comfortable shoes, it will be hard to walk on the heel parsing.

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Street musicians

In Prague, in addition to classic attractions from guidebooks, there are mysterious and mystical places. About them guides usually do not speak. For example, Zlata street, legends go about her, what exactly here were alchemists who knew how to turn simple metals in gold. It is rumored that now this happens in those tiny houses that are located there. For lovers to rinse their nerves, near the historic watches, a man comes every night, disguised into a skeletal costume and conducts a tour of the mysterious places of Prague.

And of course, what the Prague is famous for most - with his black beer. It is really high-quality, tasty. Each restaurant has its small brewery. And in Czech culture is considered the norm to pour beer even to children. But they are really different with them, not as they sell in Russia.

At the end, it will be praised that in Prague you can make a good shopping. Be sure to bring beers. And the branded attribute will be puppets. Each family in the Czech Republic has its own small home theater, and tells the children a fairy tale not from books, but with the help of these "living" dolls. For the Czech Republic, this is real art. True, they are expensive. From 50 euros and above.

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The Charles Bridge

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