When is it better to rest in Sozopol?


Sozopol is a small town on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, which is located near Burgas. It is harmoniously located on a small cape and surrounded by picturesque bays with beautiful beaches.

When is it better to rest in Sozopol? 15891_1

But it is not about this now, but about the peculiarities of the weather of this resort and the choice of best time, or more correctly say the period for rest.

We will not consider the winter period, although some love to come at this time of the year. Someone for the state of health, for which the Active Sun is contraindicated, someone just loves to relax in the winter, because it is not very interested in bathing in the sea and the beach. In general, all the tastes are different. As for the present, the beach season, so it begins with the onset of summer, it is in June. The air temperature at this time already fully allows you to take sunbathing, which, of course, cannot be said about the sea, since the temperature of the water in the sea in the first half of June is quite low, and barely reaches twenty degrees.

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This fact can not be taken into account by going to rest, especially with children. It will be quite difficult to keep them from swimming and in this case only the hotel pool can be output, and even then only if the water in it is heated. Therefore, when family holiday, I would not recommend come at this time. A plus of this period you can call a relatively small number of tourists, both at the hotel and on the beach. I must say that June can sometimes disappear with precipitation, as the weather has not yet fully recovered.

When is it better to rest in Sozopol? 15891_3

More suitable for swimming water becomes only in the second half of the month, I mean the temperature of the sea in the area plus twenty-three degrees. Who does not like high temperatures of air and someone satisfied with such a sea, without problems can come in between mid-June, in mid-July. This comfortable period is not only for recreation, but also for sightseeing, both the resort itself and in Bulgaria, which is offered by travel agencies.

When is it better to rest in Sozopol? 15891_4

Usually until mid-July, the air does not rise above thirty degrees, and the sea comes to twenty-five, with a plus sign.

Starting from the second half of July, it is actually from the middle of the summer, it increases the influx of tourists and it is well noticeable both in hotels and on the beach.

When is it better to rest in Sozopol? 15891_5

For the summer season, the period of high temperatures begins. Well, this is rather the concept of high temperatures, because it is usually the air no more than thirty degrees, and the sea will be a maximum plus twenty-seven. There are true days when the air can reach up to thirty-five degrees of heat, but this is not so often. Therefore, to compare these and Mediterranean temperatures when plus forty five is not uncommon, it is not worth it. High temperatures in Bulgarians are pretty easy. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to neglect the heat of protection from the Sun, because to burn or get a sunny blow, it is quite easy. This is especially true of parents who should closely monitor their children during this period. Why I advise parents with schoolchildren to choose to rest on July.

When is it better to rest in Sozopol? 15891_6

With the onset of September, the number of tourists begins to slowly decrease. Weather Truth At this time, quite decent, in temperature indicators, about the period from June - in mid-July, then-there are twenty-eight air and twenty-four water in the sea. At this time, it is good to come with young children and in love, because it becomes calmer and quieter, in view of the fact that schoolchildren are not enough, namely they create increased activity at this resort. Newlyweds, it also concerns you, this is the period for your holiday, because it is a velvet season. But it is not worth tightening with the trip, because from the second half of the month the temperature is slowly, but rightly begin to descend. By the end of September, many hotels are already closed and the summer season smoothly comes to an end. Some manage to relax in early October, but it all depends only on the weather, since it is impossible to guarantee heat at this time of year.

When is it better to rest in Sozopol? 15891_7

If we talk about the effect of one or another period on the cost of the tickets or residence, then you can probably hope for good prices only in May or late September, since the rest of the time the hotels are filled with tourists. Again I will say about the benefit of early booking, if you want to win in price.

So, as you can see, the main season is quite not long and is only three months, so you need to prepare for rest in advance. I can lush to wish you good weather and welcome to Sozopol.

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