How to get to Phuket?



From the Russian Federation to Phuket can be flying on a charter flight - they are made of many cities from this country. With an independent journey, the most reasonable option is to fly through Bangkok. Air travel lasts less than an hour. A charter flight from Moscow takes about nine hours. Phuket is located an international airport from which flights are carried out in almost any major city of the region, as well as to Europe, Russia and in some cities of the Arab Peninsula. A certain percentage of tourists constantly flies to the island through the capital of Thailand, so airplanes on Phuket are sent every day.

Taking advantage of, for example, airline services Airasia, With several flights a day, you pay for a flight to seventy dollars. Return tickets in this company will not work, you can only exchange them to another flight with a surcharge price difference. In addition, in Airasia there is no difference in the value of the "children's" and "adult" tickets and, like a leafoster, there is a surcharge for luggage. You can clarify information on the cost of the flight and flights schedule on the company's website:

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Another way to fly from the capital of Thailand with the air carrier Bangkok Airways. . The message is also regular, several flights go to the day. Tickets from Bangkok to Phuket are approximately 5.5 - 7.6 thousand rubles. In this airline, there are also problems with the return of the unused ticket, but it is absolutely easy to change the departure date. More detailed and current information is on the carrier's website:

Thai airline ticket - Thai Airways - It will cost a little more expensive, depending on the date and selected class. One "adult" ticket from Bangkok to Phuket will cost approximately 7.6 - 9.7 p. To learn more information about the schedule of departures, prices and availability, look at the carrier website: You can call the Thai Airways office in Bangkok by calling 02 628 2000.

There is still a local carrier Phuket Air. which also provides a daily aviation message between Bangkok and Phuket. He has charter flights. You can get more detailed information about the flight schedule and cost of the flight on the official website of this airline: Or call 02 6798999.

In addition to direct flights to Phuket, it is possible to use the flights of various carriers, while the journey will be with one or more transfers. Minus such options for the flight - in high costs and time costs, and the benefit is that you have the opportunity to make your flight to the most convenient time for you, please choose the flights that best place in the overall travel schedule. You can book flight on site : There, the cost will decide already in rubles, and there is no website commission. In addition to this Internet service, from convenient Russian-speaking still have such as Agent.Ru,, other.

By bus

This method of traveling from Bangkok to Phuket is no less comfortable than in air transport, and cheaper. Climb buses that drive in this area differ in comfort and capacity - there are four types of such transport.

You can take a bus going on to Phuket on the South Terminal. The cost of travel is different - depending on the carrier company, which are here many. The fare also depends on the time of day.

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Cheaper to use the bus Third-class . This is usually designed for fifty passengers, the Condishn and the toilet in transport is absent. Along the way, the bus stops three times so that you can eat, go to the toilet and so on. In general, if you sit on such a bus, then you will spend more than thirteen hours on the way. In the conditions of local heat and humidity, this, of course, is not the most pleasant option. The cost of travel, respectively, the quality of the service is low - approximately 250 to 270 ba ut. Buses depart every hour and a half, from six o'clock in the morning to seven in the evening.

Bus second class - More comfortable and speed, with soft seats, with a toilet, and also equipped with air conditioning. The fare is just above, the motion schedule is quite comfortable. Buses ride at a time interval; Most comfortable to travel from Bangkok at night. There are 40-47 passengers in the cabin, the fare is approximately 630 BATT. The road on such a bus takes about twelve and a half hours.

By bus First class You will get much faster. One-storey and two-storey transport works on the route, there are televisions in the salons, and there is a conditioner in such a bass. The first class bus allows passengers to travel with comfort, here you can nice normally. Thirty-four passengers are placed in the cabin, the ticket costs approximately 785 baht. By time, the passage takes about twelve hours.

Is there some more "VIPOV" buses - Spacious and comfortable. In such a twenty-four passengers can fit. There are comfortable folding chairs in the cabin, air conditioning works; You can have fun - watch a movie on TV or just wander through the cabin. The fare is 920 BATT. For this money you will not only take you to Phuket, but also tasty will feed on the road. Buses depart by this schedule: 07:30, 16:00, 18:00, 18:30, 19:00.

For more information on the cost of travel and the schedule of bus departure, search on the official websites of carrier companies:

Vision Transport, site:; Contact phone: 02-435-5605.

Phuket Travel Service, site:; or call by phone: 0-7622-2170.

Phuket Central Tour - Phone for reference: 0-7621-3615.

Railway and water transport

Oddly, the water types of transport to Phuket will not be reached: the local port takes only dry cargo services and large private yachts. The train directly from Bangkok will also do not reach - only to Surathathani, and there will have to go on a bus or take a taxi.

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