Rest with children in Lourdes: Is it worth going?


Not always a trip to France means a carefree fun and ease of impressions. And if in the plans - a trip to the old Europe, then medieval leisurely charm to couple with a magnificent resort rest - whether it is a skiing or diving with a golden beach - it is quite possible to dilute by adding the tolik of spirituality. There is such a place on the ancient French land where the motley world flux flows in search of peace and even physical recovery: Lourdes. In the correct proportions, it is very helpful and children if the family trip is.

Rest with children in Lourdes: Is it worth going? 15865_1

Due to the unusualness and even the uniqueness of this relatively small area of ​​the area, the influx of guests to the city is continuous and fairly "full-water", and therefore there are many temporary picers. Tourist slope in Lourdes almost definitely religious Thanks to the posthumous canonization of living here in the 19th century, the girl's poor health from the poor family is Bernadette Subit. It was she who as much as 18 times was so revered by all the believers of the Virgin Mary, and it was at the foot of the Pyrenees, where he now takes tens of thousands of pilgrims by the Church of Notre Dame de Lourdes. Although justice it is worth noting that here come and in order to go skiing - It is organized even special, very convenient, sending from the foot of the mountains: the morning bus to the ski station, and in the evening - back. Therefore, there is no shortage of shortage. Moreover, on the square about 37 sq. Cm with a local population, just over 15 thousand people there are over hundreds of hotels, among which the vast majority at the level of 2 and 3 stars. "Luxury" options are not so much - something about a dozen. In the year, Lourdes visits about five million pilgrims, tourists, volunteers. In a word - crowded. However, and the visitors with children among them are quite a few. What is interesting in the city for children? First of all, of course, what is associated with the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary: a whole temple complex - a sanctuary, which can be considered near and from the wall of the preserved old fortress. Then - the museum of wax figures, where all the exhibits are withstanding in one topic - Christianity. And finally, the place of birth of St. Bernadetta is her native house, a Czer, where she was kept, so to speak, until the clarification of visions, as well as school. It is worth noting that you won't call such excursions. The place where Virgo Maria first appeared to the poor girl, is located in one of the many wildlife caves, and the stone bridge leads to it - quite picturesque in his octorality and guides. In general, the story of a small and once imperceptible against the background of brilliant Paris and the aristocratic Nice Lourda is very and very rich, because the town leads its own countdown from ancient times. For example, in the former Count Castle (which was then visited and a royal prison) is now receiving the guests of the Pyrenean Ethnographic Museum. So even just a unhurried walk along the streets, squares and on the embankment will deliver true pleasure.

Rest with children in Lourdes: Is it worth going? 15865_2

Ride with children in Lourdes Mandatory requires pre-booking places in the hotel, since depending on the age of the child and other individual needs, it is necessary to choose a hotel. For example, two- and three-star do not have anything against family guests, but only one thing can be from specific amenities in their list - an extra bed. With increasing stars, the degree of comfort increases: four-star hotels are already included in their services to provide care for children. Such, say, Hotel Panorama and Hotel Astrid. Both are within walking distance of the temple complex, have family rooms in their license plate, including three and four-seater. The hotel restaurants are mainly fed by French dishes who managed to take a worthy place in the world cooking, but there is also a democratic buffet (and with the possibility of delivery to the room).

Rest with children in Lourdes: Is it worth going? 15865_3

The French climate is not very different from the Russian - in the middle and southern lane. In any case, strong frosts and blizzards in Lourdes do not stand even in the midst of winter. The smaller is +4 .. + 5 in January-February. Consequently, on trips for this period, children need to take warm things. As for the medical assistance, which cannot be forgotten, going abroad with the child: French doctors are not in vain are considered one of the most advanced. There are two types of "Emergencies" in the country - State SAMU (phone number: 15) and private SOS Medicins. The "ambulance" functions can be performed and firefighters - they have the necessary medical preparation for this.

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