Features of rest in Tsarevo


I want to immediately warn lovers of stormy and active life, or rather those who do not imagine rest without night parties, discos and entertainment programs that this resort they may not be considered, as Tsarevo is a rather calm and small town on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. These are not 3-shared sands or Sunny Beach, where life is boil and day and night. But for family leisure and recreation with children, Tsarevo will be the perfect option. Tourists here primarily attracts picturesque nature, which combines small mountains and sea coast with wonderful bays and lagoons.

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Yes, and Tsarevo himself is beautifully located on two peninsulas. The town is relatively small but, nevertheless, there is even his own marina or a different port where small yachts and boats moor. For tourists, this is an additional advantage, because individually can be agreed with one of the owners about marine walk or fishing.

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Some even have diving equipment, so and about dives can be agreed. But this is if you are not new to this case, because it is not worth risking and dive without an instructor, which will always be near and help, in which one.

But this resort attracts not only beauty and tranquility, but a fairly inexpensive and budgetary recreation. The choice of hotels and property for accommodation during the rest is quite varied both in terms of price and comfort. No, super expensive and fashionable hotels here are not, but good and worthy "fourths" are quite suitable and their comfort and service. After all, pleasure from rest can deliver not only chic and the glitter of the hotel, which is in principle and is the purpose of traveling or relaxing. Moreover, in the vicinity of Tsarevo there are quite picturesque and interesting places, both in terms of cultural and historical and natural. I mean the nearby reserve and the largest in Bulgaria National Park of Strandja. His visit will probably add color to rest and not one dozen beautiful photos.

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The nature of this National Park is really kind and unique.

I want to give diving lovers, because the water here is crystal clear, and the underwater world is pretty rich and diverse, which represents a considerable interest of underwater dives. If you believe the statement of divers, the places here are some of the best on the whole Bulgarian coast for this sport or hobbies, I do not know how it will be more correct to say, because personally for me, it is a passion.

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In Tsarevo, there are three picturesque beaches that are perfectly suitable for a beach holiday. Small sand and smooth approach to the sea will fit both adults and children. As in all resorts, there are water sports, so it will not be bored.

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In general, I can say that if you want to relax, without fuss and tension, you can safely come to Tsarevo, where you will probably like it.

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