How to save on visiting Paris Museums?


In the beautiful city of Paris, there are many interesting places that you should visit. Of course, having arrived in Paris, many tourists face several problems. First of all, it is worth viewing first, and secondly, as you can save in this expensive city. Therefore, I want to share my own experience in organizing his leisure in Paris. In two days I managed to visit the center of George Pompidu (namely in the Museum of Contemporary Art), in the center of science and technology (this place is difficult to name the museum, because there are even lessons on natural science, and thanks to the many interactive "exhibits", you yourself can become a researcher), in the d'orsh museum (this museum became my beloved, because it is there that there are best works of impressionists and postmingnessists, in particular K. Mone, O. Ruhara, E.Dega and, of course, Van Gogh), I visited In the Saint-Chapel chapel with beautiful stained glass, rose to the Arc Triumphal Arch area (from where, it should be noted, a stunning view of the city opens!). For all this, I paid 44 euros and significantly saved my time by buying a museum map of Paris for 2 days. At the prices of May 2014, without this map, I would have to pay at least 55 euros. Maybe this is not such a big amount, but you will agree, it is still nice. In addition, by purchasing a map, you do not have to stand in line for tickets, and this saves time. Map can be bought for two, four and six days in any of Paris museums. Your card, for example, I bought in the Museum d 'Olya. This card can be used in 59 museums and monuments of Paris. Detailed information about museums, time of their work, how can you get to a particular attraction, as well as museum phones you can find in a booklet inside the map in French and English.

I wish you a pleasant, useful and productive travel!

This is what the map looks like.

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