Why are Atami suitable for recreation with children?


One of the best childhood memories is joint family travel. It is difficult to overestimate their importance. And many adult lovers are trying to take advantage of their children as often as possible, despite much more labor-intensive fees and training. However, the main thing is to choose the ultimate goal - continent, the country, cities ... Alas - not all of them can approach the young tourist. Japan, perhaps, none of the States existing on our planet remains over the time of the mounted and mysterious. We are confident: the fact that each of us heard about her is only a small part of what is really. How do you want to apply that the most proverb that says, they say, it's better to see once ... and take your own with you to take it - let your own eyes see what the Japanese, Japanese nature, culture, kitchen, etc., is - amazing A country consisting of almost 7,000 islands, where Russians can only take the air, deserves money spent, time and nerves. And, despite the distance, take a child with him in such a journey is not just recommended, but strongly recommended. But how to choose among these thousands of islands the most suitable for family trip? Perhaps, It is worth navigating where the Japanese themselves love to ride on vacation . One of such places is popular with local residents since ancient times - a town with affectionate name at Atami.

Why are Atami suitable for recreation with children? 15760_1

The wealth of impressions, an excellent health effect, a subtle aroma of Japanese culture - this is the spiritual food that your baby gets if you take it with you. It remains only to the diva to be given - how much truly beautiful, elegant, truly intelligent accompanied the city in an area of ​​some 61 sq. Cm and with a population of just over 45 thousand people. Already the fact that Atami lives and hesitate in Zherel Volcano (extinct, of course) will cause live interest from any child. But the main thing, of course, remains a symbol of this region of the country: hot springs. One - the real - meets the city guests right at the station. Usually, in any new point of travel, the question arises: what excruitment go to the child is not bored, so that you can split the impressions with the whole family? Actu Museums, and almost all are democratic in this regard. Who does not like the variety of glass products and his story? Or a perfume "chronicle", besides - the ability to "cook perfume" yourself ... And for sure everything will be interested in the museum of dolls without exception. But the local art museum remains the most visited, in which the most valuable samples of national art are collected: paintings, lacquered wood items, engraving, pottery dishes and much more. To visit Atami and not visit the "Atami Palace" - an unforgivable omission. Not only the structure of more than 150 meters high with a huge sightseeing terrace at the very top, but also the Museum of the Samurai Lifestyle, which is inside. No less attractive for family viewing, so to speak, and "live" sights: crocodiles park; hundreds and hundreds of cacti collected from all over the world in one place; Zhero Volcano, to which you climb on the funicular, etc. All this is suitable for excursions and reviews at any time of the year. But if the question arises about a certain moment of visiting ati, you can coincide with the trip to some seasons, months. So, for example, flowering of plum trees in the famous Grand Garden begins on the eve of the New Year holidays, and they reach full bloom in February. No less adorable spectacle of the magnificent blooming cherries and azaleas, which are famous for the Park Himeosava, especially since all this bright rustling of plants perfectly shade artificial waterfalls. In the early days of July, the city is filled with sparkling of colored fire - this is the traditional holiday of Fairverkov, one of the most beloved fun and adults, and children..

Why are Atami suitable for recreation with children? 15760_2

In a word, visit and see in Atami with children there is something. Moreover, in the winter, and in the summer holidays. As for the amendment or maintenance of health, the therapeutic effect of thermal sources is maintained throughout the year. Actually, the entire hotel chain of the city is built on it, and they arose for all the same hot geysers. And, which finally speaks in favor of family visits, - Atami is actually standing on the land of Fuji Honez-Idza. The climate is comfortable here - short and not a frosty winter, long and hot summer, the mountain slopes perfectly perform a protective function, and in the Gulf - warm sea water due to all the same thermal sources flowing there. Therefore, it is not surprising that Atami - Despite anything - tight keeps his place in the top three of the best Japanese resorts . However, hence such a nuance, as the inability to just come and merge - all hotels are booked ahead of both foreign guests and inhabitants from all of Japan. Moreover, family type. Starting from one of the oldest - Furuya Ryokan (1806 g) and ending with the newest high-rise hotels, everyone is trying to provide convenient accommodation in tourists with children of many different ages. Children can be placed on "adults" beds either there is a service - to order a cot in advance. The kitchen in restaurants is mainly excellent, very high-quality local - Japanese, and many hotels are asked to warn about existing allergies to products, offer a dietary table, etc.

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As for medical services (the moment that must be borne in mind, if you go to rest in someone else's country with a child), it is necessary to recall: it is the Japanese health system that entered the best of the best standards. In addition, traditional Eastern medicine remains here. If necessary, such a Russian "ambulance" is working for emergency cases.

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