Useful information about the holiday in Punta Kane.


How to call from / to Punta Cana

In the United States of America and the Dominican Republic there is a unified system of telephone codes. Mainly use the code "809", but sometimes use numbers that begin with another prefix - "829". The cities of this country do not have their own codes, so calls to the Dominican Republic are produced on a common telephone code for the entire state. When you report a number consisting of seven digits, it will probably mean that it needs to be dial with the prefix "809". In Punta Kane, you can use roaming from the Russian "MegaFon" and "Bilan".

If you want to call from the territory of the Russian Federation from the home phone, type "8", wait for the beep, then type "10-1809", and then - the subscriber number. If you call from a mobile phone, then - just "1809", and then dial the number of the called subscriber.

Payphone in Punta Kane is almost impossible to find. But if you decide to call directly from the number of your hotel, the telephone service will hurt the phone. Here, people communicate in mobile phones: the device with a local SIM card costs about forty bucks. The lowest tariffs among local operators are "Orange". There are also more firms such as "Trick", Klatoel and Viva.

About Internet communication in Dominican Republic

Alternatively - you can connect to one of the local operators and configure GPRS. Still in Punta Kane there is an Internet cafe; An hour of accessing the network in them costs about ten dollars. There are special connectors in the hotel rooms, through which you can confirm from your laptop or from another device.

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About useful phones

Here are useful rooms for unforeseen situations: Telephone emergency - "911", Police: "809 455 1097", medical center in Punta-Cana: "809 552 1506", hospital: "809 686 1414".

About security in the resort

It is unlikely that something happen to happen in Punta Kane, however, remember some of the required "paragraphs" during their stay in this paradise.

On excursion trips, it is worth it to take such a number of funds that you have in the plans to spend, the rest let him expect an hour in the personal safe at the hotel. Or generally use plastic cards.

Particularly vigilant need to be at night. During this period, it is possible to pursue some dangerous history with local illegal citizens. The Dominican Republic is far from the richest country, and cases of crimes committed by these vessels, there are not so often. Therefore, you should not walk around the city at night alone or in deserted beaches. Women-tourists, you get to raise alone by deserted places of Punta kana, the more not recommended.

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The most secure for tourists in city vehicles are tourist bass and taxis. You can ride on ordinary buses, so you can get closer to contact the life of local residents and chat with them, but such a movement may not always be safe.

In Dominican Republic, Local love to offer their services to foreigners, they say: "We will show you our remarks." However, do not be bidding about them - these guys are not just so good, they also think that you will pay them for these efforts, you and you are rich white. If you have received a similar offer from Aboriginal (to work as a guide for you), immediately refuse - politely and neatly, but at the same time firmly, so that you have no longer yet.

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One of the main troubles, due to which you can have health problems at this resort - it is bad water. Do not use plumbing. Old, but very relevant for the Dominican Tip - Drink only bottled water from the sealed container, and cook only on such water! Otherwise, you can spoil your holiday due to the stomach disorder or even serious poisoning. When wash in the shower, also try not to swallow local water, brushing your teeth with bottled water or using a special fluid.

Another problem in Punta-Kane can be one-sided obsessive "Communication" with local mosquitoes. To scare this infection, use repellents that have a strong smell that protects against insects. Buy this tool in advance and use because, unlike domestic, almost innocuous mosquitoes, who are only annoyed by their buzzing and small bite, local tropical winged creatures can cause serious diseases - such as fever or malaria.

If trouble happened to you, immediately contact Russian consulate in the Dominican Republic . It is located at: 31 LIBERTADOR, SAN CARLOS, SANTO DOMINGO, Tel.: (809) 685-45-45.

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