What time is it better to go to the holidays on a hechish?


Despite the fact that Goekcheada Isosa is washed by the Waters of the Aegean Sea, such as all the well-known resorts of Marmaris or Kusadas, the duration of the summer season is in short. It is possible from the fact that it is washed from all sides by the sea or blown by the winds, and maybe in view of what is north of these resorts. Nevertheless, four months a year here can be devoted to a beach holiday, namely from June and September. It is meant those months when it is comfortable not only to sunbathe, but also swim in the sea.

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Although it is worth warning fans of the warm sea that the water in Goekcheada is maximally warming up only in August and is no more plus twenty-six degrees, so rely on the temperature of pair milk, as it happens on the Mediterranean resorts of Turkey, it is not worth it. For this reason, it will be best to relax with children in August, especially since the air temperature rarely rises to the plus of thirty five, so it will not be very hot. But it is August that can be chosen not only for recreation in children, but and fans of water sports, such as surfing, parasoping, sailing and others for which the wind is needed.

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After all, from all months of the summer season, August is the most windy, that is, the warm sea and a good wind, this is exactly what is needed for lovers of such entertainment. In addition, it must be said that in October there is also a lot of athletes, since the wind is even stronger than in August, which is undoubtedly a priority in such sports, but the air in October is already pretty cool, and water in the sea is not more than twenty-one degrees. Although in the presence of a hydrocale, and many in them are, there are no problems with low temperatures. True and precipitation this month is not rare.

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If we talk about the temperature indicators by months, then how you already guessed, the very warm is August. In September, the air temperature may be within + 25 + 28 degrees. And the sea is about +23, plus minus degrees, which is quite normal for rest. In principle, this is the same indicator as in the first summer month of June. July is a bit warmer, the air in the area plus thirty, and the water in the sea is about twenty-five degrees with a plus sign.

Here is an exemplary pattern of temperatures in the summer season and what can be expected from the weather. Less windy southern part of the island, and for water sports, the northern side and beaches in the town of Town Eshchek are more suitable for water sports.

What time is it better to go to the holidays on a hechish? 15679_4

Divers more attracts the northwestern part of the island, in the area of ​​raw rocks or in Turkish Kaşkaval Burnu-Peynir Kayalıkları

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So now the choice of holiday time remains only for you. Yes, I forgot to clarify another small nuance. Going to rest in Goekcheada, do not forget about the availability of convenient sports shoes, because the terrain is here for the most part mountain and going on a tour or inspection of local attractions, you will definitely need such shoes, you will not leave the slag.

Have a nice trip!

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