The most interesting places in Vilnius.


I will add a few words about the best and most interesting places of Vilnius. But first I will say only one fact about Vilnius as a whole: it is the city of the famous modern Russian-speaking writer, writing under the pseudonym Max Fry. If you are familiar to Fryaevskaya style, you will learn it here in every corner. Fry is Vilnius, and now Vilnius is Fry.

And here about what corners of Vilnius I will tell. The first is ghetto, small and large, which are the heart of the old city. Narrow streets decorated with windows in the colors - all here is the same as in Prague, Stockholm or any other old city of Europe. With the exception of history. The story of ghetto is tragic, because almost none of his inhabitants, the Jews of the Former Vilnius, did not survive the second world war: if before her almost half of the residents of the capital were Jews, then after their share was declined to percent. If you want to visit the largest concentration camps of Eastern Europe, you need to start with peaceful quarters of Vilnius to fully experience the feelings of people whose peace was destroyed. In the center of Ghetto, there is an area where there was no longer the largest synagogue in the world. Since the authorities prohibited the innerians to build their religious structures above the Christian churches, the synagogue was an unusual design - very wide and squat. Unfortunately, she was destroyed.

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I will say in addition to a few words about the Gedimin Tower. The hill on which it is built is dominated over the old town, then makes the tower of an ideal observation platform and a popular place for a photo. You can climb the top of the hill for several litas on the funicular, you can - free walking along the screw. Entrance to the Tower itself, where a small museum is located with the main observation platform on the roof - paid, five litas. From here it opens the best overview to another symbol of the city - three crosses. According to the legend, the three preachers' monks came to Lithuanian tribes that did not want to leave paganism. Preachers told about the wonders, wonderful salvations of the saints, after which the inquisitive Lithuanians hung all three to see how they were saved or resurrected. Martyrs did not save and did not resurrect, but the pagan tribes eventually accepted baptism.

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Another attraction, located somewhat away from tourist routes - Church of St. Anne, a small masterpiece of late brick gothic. It can be seen on the panorama of the city between other, smaller and landed red brick cathedral of about the same era and a massive white temple. The unusual, the beauty of the Beauty of the Church of St. Anne gave rise to the legend about the teacher who envied his student - a young architect who created such a miracle, and dropped it from the scaffolding.

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And another highlight of the Old Town - these are role-players, which can often be seen here even on weekdays. Dressed knights, monks or medieval townspeople, they arrange ideas or just rush to their affairs, not paying attention to the photographing tourists.

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